2,154 research outputs found

    Efficacy of pre-operative computed tomography scans on clinical management and temporal bone surgery in cases of chronic otitis media

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the past and recent literature in order to determine the role of pre-operative CT scans in chronic otitis media. We aim to find consensus on the diagnostic ability of CT imaging in various anatomical parts of the middle ear and mastoid, and how this knowledge can affect clinical and surgical management. In context of all literature, there has been mixed results when looking at the sensitivity and specificity of middle ear structures. There was favorable consensus for CT's diagnosis of erosion of the malleus-incus complex, lateral semicircular canal, the facial nerve canal, and presence of soft tissue in the middle ear cavity. There were mixed results with respect to the erosion of tegmen tympani, and sigmoid sinus. Lastly, there was an unfavorable consensus when looking at the erosion of the stapes, oval window, and round window. Various studies conclude that the information gained from CT regarding the condition of the mastoid and middle ear can influence both the type of surgical method used and the success rate by reducing the risk of complications and recurrence of disease. In many studies, the methodology and interpretation of the CT scans are not very well presented. This unfortunately disallows meta-analysis between studies as the number of uncontrolled variables is too large. In the future, we hope that more information is provided as to the method of interpretation as well as the type of CT scanner and dosage. This will allow for a more meaningful result when comparing sensitivities and specificities towards middle ear pathologies, and it will allow for better examination of image quality and usefulness in context of the risk of radiation. Many otologists make routine use pre-operative CT scans in cases of chronic otitis media while others are more selective. In order to reach a consensus, however, more research focused on specific the decision-making process of physicians

    Study and evaluation of distributed power electronic converters in photovoltaic generation applications

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    This research project has proposed a new modulation technique called “Local Carrier Pulse Width Modulation” (LC-PWM) for MMCs with different cell voltages, taking into account the measured cell voltages to generate switching sequences with more accurate timing. It also adapts the modulator sampling period to improve the transitions from level to level, an important issue to reduce noise at the internal circulating currents. As a result, the new modulation LC-PWM technique reduces the output distortion in a wider range of voltage situations. Furthermore, it effectively eliminates unnecessary AC components of circulating currents, resulting in lower power losses and higher MMC efficiency.Departamento de Tecnología ElectrónicaDoctorado en Ingeniería Industria

    Design of Automatic Archivery Software to Easy Work System in Social Services

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    In the era of globalization, computer technology has an important role in assisting the process of work activities in agencies and offices, both from government and private institutions. The use of computer equipment as a supporting device for data management and processing is very appropriate with the consideration of computer equipment in any information that is needed in management or office activities. The purpose of this program is to facilitate data management of incoming and outgoing letters at the social service office still using manual methods in data input, in the office world the existence of information technology is also very useful for agencies to facilitate performance in daily activities, especially in managing mail data. incoming and outgoing letters. using qualitative research methods with literature study stage, software design stage using a programming language with flutter framework. The results of the software design that has been successfully created can be carried out in the testing phase or the implementation of the program application to see whether the program created can run according to the desired goal or not. The concept of this program is to change the manual system in filing letters to an automated system. The impact of this program is that it is hoped that the archiving of incoming and outgoing mail will be more effective and more structured. At the end of this program, it is hoped that outgoing and incoming letters will not be mixed and when looking for the required letters or documents it does not take a long time with the existence of this incoming and outgoing mail archiving software, making archiving more effective and more structured. With this software, it is easier for social service employees to process incoming and outgoing mail document

    Tele-Oral Oncology: Reinvigorating Telemedicine in Oral Cancer Care

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    Introduction: In recent years, we have witnessed significant growth in the employment of technological advancements in health-care practices. These advancements have increased the practicality and utility oftelemedicine applications. The aim of this focused review is to provide in-depth insights into the current state of telemedicine in oral oncology. Observations: Tele-oral oncology (TOO) is a rapidly emerging field andhas provided new opportunities to transform oral cancer care into the 22nd century. This review will explore topics related to TOO as they pertain to consultation, oral cancer management in underserved areas, patienteducation and e-learning applications. Conclusion and Relevance: The utilisation of TOO is hindered by many challenges and this review addresses the potential limitations that prevent the integration of TOO in routine oral cancer care. A working model that circumvents the potential shortcomings of TOO is also proposed

    Purification and characterization of L-asparaginase produced from Bacillus sp.

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    هدفت الدراسة الى عزل وتشخيص البكتيريا المنتجة للأسباراجينيز ، ثم تنقية الإنزيم وتوصيفه من أجل تحديد خصائصه في المستقبل. تم عزل 15 عزلة بكتيرية محلية من مواقع مختلفة في مدينة بغداد، وتم تشخيصها بوساطة الاختبارات المظهريه والكيميائية واختبارات الفيتيك، خضعت العزلات لعمليات الفحص الأولي لإنتاج الأسباراجينيز؛ حيث تم اختيار ثماني عزلات للفحص الثانوي ذات القابليه الاعلى في انتاج الهاله الصفراء في الوسط الصلب . بينت النتائج أن البكتريا العصويه من جنس Bacillus sp. لديها اعلى إنتاجية إنزيمية (7.5 وحدة / ملغم بروتين) بعد 24 ساعة من الحضانة ، حدتت إلى الظروف المثلى لإنتاج الانزيم بواسطة العزلة المختارة عن طريق التخمير المغمور ، حيث اختير الوسط (2) كأفضل وسيط للإنتاج وبوجود الفركتوز كأفضل مصدر للكربون عند درجة حموضة 6 ودرجه حرارة  40 درجة مئوية. تم تنقيه الانزيم بوساطه كروماتوغرافيا الترشيح الهلامي باستخدام جل السيفادكس –ج 150 ، حيث ازدادت عدد مرات التنقية النهائية بمقدار 2.5 مرة ، مما أدى إلى إنتاج إنزيم بنسبة 93.7٪. كما أظهر الانزيم المنقى أعلى فعاليه وثباتيه عند درجه حرارة 37 م ، و اعطى اعلى فعاليه عند الرقم الهيدروجيني 7.0 واعلى ثباتيه عند الرقم الهيدروجيني 8.0. و فقد الإنزيم نشاطه عند تعرضه لعدة أيونات معدنية بتركيزات 1 ، 5 ملي مولر.The objective of this study was to isolate and identify the asparaginase-producing bacteria, then purify and characterize the enzyme in order to investigate their properties in the future. Fifteen local bacterial isolates were isolated from various sites in the city of Baghdad, identified by conventional morphological and biochemical procedures, and confirmed using vitek 2 methods, and submitted to primary screening processes for asparaginase production. For secondary screening, eight isolates with the greatest yellow zone ability on a specific solid medium were chosen. Bacillus sp. was reported to have the highest enzyme production (7.5 U/mg proteins). After 24 hours of incubation, submerged fermentation yielded optimal conditions for the production of L-asparaginase (L-ASNase) by the chosen isolate, with medium (2) serving as the optimal medium for production and fructose serving as the optimal source of carbon. In pH 6 at 40°C, Sephadex G-150 gel filtration chromatography was used to purify the enzyme. The final purification folds were increased by 2.5 times, resulting in an enzyme yield of 93.7%. It also showed the highest purified enzyme activity and stability was at 37°C. Also it revealed the highest activity and stability at pH 7.0 and pH 8.0 respectively. Enzyme lost activity when exposed to several metallic ions at concentrations of 1, 5, and 10 mM

    Characterization and structural properties of bamboo fibre solid foams

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    In this work, cellulose fibres extracted from bamboo culms were used to fabricate two types of cellular materials: rigid foams and fibrous networks. A relatively simple and low-technology fabrication method is presented, using natural binders and blowing agents to manufacture rigid foams, and fibrillation by partial hydrolysis in H2SO4 to manufacture fibrous networks. The compressive response is related to the internal microstructure and processing parameters. In the case of fibrous networks, the achievable relative density range is determined by the length of initial fibres and extent of external fibrillation. The compressive properties are dictated both by the density of the network and strength of the fibrous bridges, showing a linear stiffness-density relationship due to the length of fibres, and an inverse relationship at increased external fibrillation. The rigid foams showed an orthotropic internal microstructure but nearly isotropic compressive response, due to the influence of the interpenetrating void structure on the deformation and fracture mechanisms. The results show the potential of bamboo-fibre porous materials as low cost, lightweight structural materials