1,559 research outputs found

    The Impact of University Culture on Academic Performance: Knowledge Management as a Mediating Variable

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    This study aims to determine the extent of the impact of the university culture on academic performance. and to measure the impact of the mediator Knowledge management in the relationship between them. The hypothetical scheme was developed based on a set of literature that contributed to building the four research hypotheses, the research was applied at the Southern Technical University using the questionnaire tool that was randomly distributed to a group of teachers numbering (121) teachers, (SPSS. V.22, AMOS. V.22) for the purpose of analyzing data in a statistical way and reaching reliable results, after adequate analysis of the data, the results showed that there is a positive impact of the university culture on the development of academic performance. In addition, the study also found a significant impact of the intermediate variable knowledge management on the relationship between university culture and academic performance, and based on the results reached, a set of recommendations have developed

    Public key exponent attacks on multi-prime power modulus using continued fraction expansion method

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    This paper proposes three public key exponent attacks of breaking the security of the prime power modulus =22 where and are distinct prime numbers of the same bit size. The first approach shows that the RSA prime power modulus =22 for q<<2q using key equation −()=1 where ()= 22(−1)(−1) can be broken by recovering the secret keys  / from the convergents of the continued fraction expansion of e/−23/4 +1/2 . The paper also reports the second and third approaches of factoring multi-prime power moduli =2 2 simultaneously through exploiting generalized system of equations −()=1 and −()=1 respectively. This can be achieved in polynomial time through utilizing Lenstra Lenstra Lovasz (LLL) algorithm and simultaneous Diophantine approximations method for =1,2,…,

    Purification and characterization of L-asparaginase produced from Bacillus sp.

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    هدفت الدراسة الى عزل وتشخيص البكتيريا المنتجة للأسباراجينيز ، ثم تنقية الإنزيم وتوصيفه من أجل تحديد خصائصه في المستقبل. تم عزل 15 عزلة بكتيرية محلية من مواقع مختلفة في مدينة بغداد، وتم تشخيصها بوساطة الاختبارات المظهريه والكيميائية واختبارات الفيتيك، خضعت العزلات لعمليات الفحص الأولي لإنتاج الأسباراجينيز؛ حيث تم اختيار ثماني عزلات للفحص الثانوي ذات القابليه الاعلى في انتاج الهاله الصفراء في الوسط الصلب . بينت النتائج أن البكتريا العصويه من جنس Bacillus sp. لديها اعلى إنتاجية إنزيمية (7.5 وحدة / ملغم بروتين) بعد 24 ساعة من الحضانة ، حدتت إلى الظروف المثلى لإنتاج الانزيم بواسطة العزلة المختارة عن طريق التخمير المغمور ، حيث اختير الوسط (2) كأفضل وسيط للإنتاج وبوجود الفركتوز كأفضل مصدر للكربون عند درجة حموضة 6 ودرجه حرارة  40 درجة مئوية. تم تنقيه الانزيم بوساطه كروماتوغرافيا الترشيح الهلامي باستخدام جل السيفادكس –ج 150 ، حيث ازدادت عدد مرات التنقية النهائية بمقدار 2.5 مرة ، مما أدى إلى إنتاج إنزيم بنسبة 93.7٪. كما أظهر الانزيم المنقى أعلى فعاليه وثباتيه عند درجه حرارة 37 م ، و اعطى اعلى فعاليه عند الرقم الهيدروجيني 7.0 واعلى ثباتيه عند الرقم الهيدروجيني 8.0. و فقد الإنزيم نشاطه عند تعرضه لعدة أيونات معدنية بتركيزات 1 ، 5 ملي مولر.The objective of this study was to isolate and identify the asparaginase-producing bacteria, then purify and characterize the enzyme in order to investigate their properties in the future. Fifteen local bacterial isolates were isolated from various sites in the city of Baghdad, identified by conventional morphological and biochemical procedures, and confirmed using vitek 2 methods, and submitted to primary screening processes for asparaginase production. For secondary screening, eight isolates with the greatest yellow zone ability on a specific solid medium were chosen. Bacillus sp. was reported to have the highest enzyme production (7.5 U/mg proteins). After 24 hours of incubation, submerged fermentation yielded optimal conditions for the production of L-asparaginase (L-ASNase) by the chosen isolate, with medium (2) serving as the optimal medium for production and fructose serving as the optimal source of carbon. In pH 6 at 40°C, Sephadex G-150 gel filtration chromatography was used to purify the enzyme. The final purification folds were increased by 2.5 times, resulting in an enzyme yield of 93.7%. It also showed the highest purified enzyme activity and stability was at 37°C. Also it revealed the highest activity and stability at pH 7.0 and pH 8.0 respectively. Enzyme lost activity when exposed to several metallic ions at concentrations of 1, 5, and 10 mM

    Effective surface motion on a reactive cylinder of particles that perform intermittent bulk diffusion

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    In many biological and small scale technological applications particles may transiently bind to a cylindrical surface. In between two binding events the particles diffuse in the bulk, thus producing an effective translation on the cylinder surface. We here derive the effective motion on the surface, allowing for additional diffusion on the cylinder surface itself. We find explicit solutions for the number of adsorbed particles at one given instant, the effective surface displacement, as well as the surface propagator. In particular sub- and superdiffusive regimes are found, as well as an effective stalling of diffusion visible as a plateau in the mean squared displacement. We also investigate the corresponding first passage and first return problems.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    BrainFrame: A node-level heterogeneous accelerator platform for neuron simulations

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    Objective: The advent of High-Performance Computing (HPC) in recent years has led to its increasing use in brain study through computational models. The scale and complexity of such models are constantly increasing, leading to challenging computational requirements. Even though modern HPC platforms can often deal with such challenges, the vast diversity of the modeling field does not permit for a single acceleration (or homogeneous) platform to effectively address the complete array of modeling requirements. Approach: In this paper we propose and build BrainFrame, a heterogeneous acceleration platform, incorporating three distinct acceleration technologies, a Dataflow Engine, a Xeon Phi and a GP-GPU. The PyNN framework is also integrated into the platform. As a challenging proof of concept, we analyze the performance of BrainFrame on different instances of a state-of-the-art neuron model, modeling the Inferior- Olivary Nucleus using a biophysically-meaningful, extended Hodgkin-Huxley representation. The model instances take into account not only the neuronal- network dimensions but also different network-connectivity circumstances that can drastically change application workload characteristics. Main results: The synthetic approach of three HPC technologies demonstrated that BrainFrame is better able to cope with the modeling diversity encountered. Our performance analysis shows clearly that the model directly affect performance and all three technologies are required to cope with all the model use cases.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, 5 table

    Diagnosis and Surveillance of Aortic Root Dilation

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    Aortic root dilation (AoD) imparts increased risk of aortic complications such as dissection, rupture, and valvular regurgitation. Multiple etiologies of AoD exist, such as Marfan syndrome, bicuspid aortic valve, Ehler-Danlos syndrome, infections, and idiopathic conditions. Due to the variety of clinical conditions that can result in AoD, and the risks associated with worsening AoD, a thorough understanding of the pathophysiology of AoD, noninvasive imaging modalities, and pharmacologic therapies is critical. This chapter will review the various etiologies of AoD, pathophysiological basis of each disease entity, overview of the diagnosis of AoD, noninvasive imaging modalities employed for detection and surveillance, pharmacological therapies used in the prevention and management, and the factors that guide intervention such as surgical repair

    ALK-Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Associated With Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis

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    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) has been rarely reported as a complication of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), especially in the adult population. We herein present a case of a young woman who presented with multiorgan failure and disseminated intravascular hemolysis and was later found to have ALCL-associated HLH. We also review the current literature on ALCL-associated HLH in adult patients, with their respective treatments and outcomes. We discuss the challenges associated with the diagnosis of lymphoma in the setting of HLH and multiorgan failure. Further, given its high mortality rates, we highlight the importance of promptly identifying and treating the underlying etiology of HLH