Public key exponent attacks on multi-prime power modulus using continued fraction expansion method


This paper proposes three public key exponent attacks of breaking the security of the prime power modulus =22 where and are distinct prime numbers of the same bit size. The first approach shows that the RSA prime power modulus =22 for q<<2q using key equation −()=1 where ()= 22(−1)(−1) can be broken by recovering the secret keys  / from the convergents of the continued fraction expansion of e/−23/4 +1/2 . The paper also reports the second and third approaches of factoring multi-prime power moduli =2 2 simultaneously through exploiting generalized system of equations −()=1 and −()=1 respectively. This can be achieved in polynomial time through utilizing Lenstra Lenstra Lovasz (LLL) algorithm and simultaneous Diophantine approximations method for =1,2,…,

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