12 research outputs found


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    Recently, EFL teachers' ethical conflicts in the situated classroom context have got paramount importance. This paper presents findings from an empirical study of ethical conflicts Iranian EFL teachers encounter while engaged in classroom assessment. Critical incidents generated by 49 practicing teachers revealed that a majority of reported conflicts were related to Do No Harm principle. Most of the conflicts they encountered involved basic values as one of the conflicting elements while two new conflicting elements emerged in the specific context of this study. It was concluded that Iranian educational policy might need to be changed to mitigate some of these conflicts


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    This study attempted to investigate Iranian EFL teachers' and students' perceptions of plagiarism, the reasons for committing it, and the ways through which it can be resolved. To do so, a questionnaire was administered to a convenient sample of university teachers (N=9) and students (N=34). Results revealed that compared to their students, teachers reported greater amount of plagiarism in the writing samples given to them, which might imply that they were more strict in detecting plagiarism. In terms of the unfairness of plagiarism, both groups pointed out that plagiarists are primarily unfair to the original author because they take the credit that s/he really deserves. Regarding the reasons for doing plagiarism, too, both groups concurred that the most prominent reason is the students' inability to write scientifically. Finally, while students thought that this problem could be solved through open discussion and negotiation, teachers posited that open discussion as well as severe punishment methods could be used to solve the problem

    Examinando el efecto del género y el nivel educativo en las razones percibidas por los estudiantes graduados de Inglés como lengua extranjera iraníes para cometer plagio

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    As an unethical behavior, plagiarism refers to using other people’s words or ideas without appropriately acknowledging the source (Delvin & Gray, 2007). Numerous scholars from different parts of the world have attempted to get into the root of this problem by identifying the underlying factors which contribute to such academic misconduct. In a similar vein, the present study aimed at examining the role of gender and educational level of Iranian EFL graduate students in determining the main reasons for plagiarism commitment from their point of view. To this end, a convenient sample of 159 M.A. and Ph.D. students partook in the study. To gather the necessary data, a 32-item Likert-Type questionnaire was administered whose results were subjected to a two-way MANOVA. Results of the study indicated that neither the students’ gender or educational level nor the interaction effect of these two variables had any significant effect on the reasons for engaging in plagiarism. Descriptive statistics, however, showed that students’ personal and attitudinal characteristics took on paramount importance compared to other factors. This can signal the intentionality of plagiarism among Iranian EFL graduate students, thereby suggesting the need for making more informed decisions on how to deal with this problem.El presente studio tiene como propósito examinar el papel del género y nivel educativo de los estudiantes iraníes graduados de inglés como lengua extranjera para determinar las principales razones para cometer plagio desde su punto de vista. Para tal fin, se toma una muestra conveniente de 159 estudiantes de maestría y doctorado que participaron en el estudio. Para reunir los datos necesarios, un questionario tipo Likert con 32 preguntas fue administrado y los resultados fueron sujetos a un análisis multivariante de la varianza en dos vías. Los resultados indicaron que ni el género o el nivel educativo de los estudiantes ni el efecto de la interacción de estas dos variables tuvieron un efecto significativo sobre las razones para involucrarse en el plagio. La estadísitca descriptiva, sin embargo, mostró que las características personales y actitudinales de los estudiantes adquirieron una importancia primoridial comparado con otros factores. Esto puede ser señal de la intencionalidad del plagio entre los estudiantes iraníes de inglés como lengua extranjera, de este modo se sugiere la necesidad de tomar decisiones más informadas sobre como abordar este problema


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    Willingness to communicate (WTC) in English is specifically important because L2 (foreign/second language) communication is considered to be a key factor in L2 learning. When the opportunity to speak English arises, there are generally two options: speaking or avoiding it. Several factors might exert influence on the choice of either option by different individuals. In this vein, the current study investigated the underlying factors that lead to (un)willingness on the part of Iranian EFL (English as a Foreign Language) tertiary students. Through a purposive sampling procedure, this classroom-based case study recruited and examined 10 EFL learners in Iran over a period of three weeks. Data were collected employing semi-structured interviews, classroom observations and stimulated-recall interviews. Thematic analysis was performed to identify common themes from the participating students’ ideas. Results reveal that participants’ L2 WTC emerges as a result of the complex, dynamic and non-linear interaction between individual, contextual, and linguistic factors. These three factors interdependently exerted either facilitative or inhibitive impacts on an individual student’s WTC in class at any point in time. The current study, therefore, reinforces the need for teachers to be aware of the multiple factors which lead learners to be more or less willing to communicate in L2 classrooms

    Los efectos de la ansiedad de pronunciación y la motivación en la voluntad de comunicarse de los estudiantes de inglés

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    The present quantitative study intended to investigate the effect of Iranian EFL learners' pronunciation anxiety (PA) and pronunciation motivation (PM) on their L2 willingness to communicate (L2 WTC) in English classes. Additionally, it aimed at identifying which of these two independent variables (PA or PM) could better predict their L2 WTC. To these aims, a convenient sample of 134 upper-intermediate EFL learners were recruited from two private language institutes in one of the large cities of Iran. Their proficiency level had already been determined by the institutes using written and oral placement tests. To gather the necessary data, three questionnaires, namely, Baran-Lucarz's (2017) PA, and PM, and Simić’s (2014) WTC questionnaires were used. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized to answer the research question of the study. Findings indicated that both variables under study, PA and PM, had significant correlations with learners’ L2 WTC. However, although results suggested that both independent variables predicted the learners' L2 WTC, PA was found to be a stronger predictor. Implications of the study findings and suggestions for further research are also offered.El presente estudio cuantitativo pretende investigar el efecto de la ansiedad de pronunciación (PA) y la motivación de pronunciación (PM) de los estudiantes iraníes de EFL en su disposición a comunicarse en L2 (L2 WTC) en las clases de inglés. Además, tuvo como objetivo identificar cuál de estas dos variables independientes (PA o PM) podría predecir mejor su L2 WTC. Con estos objetivos, se reclutó una muestra de conveniencia de 134 estudiantes de EFL de nivel intermedio alto de dos institutos de idiomas privados en una de las grandes ciudades de Irán. Su nivel de competencia ya había sido determinado por los institutos utilizando pruebas de ubicación escritas y orales. Para recopilar los datos necesarios, se utilizaron tres cuestionarios, a saber, PA y PM de Baran-Lucarz (2017), y los cuestionarios WTC de Simić (2014). Se utilizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial para responder a la pregunta de investigación del estudio. Los hallazgos indicaron que ambas variables bajo estudio, PA y PM, tenían correlaciones significativas con el WTC L2 de los alumnos. Sin embargo, aunque los resultados sugirieron que ambas variables independientes predijeron el WTC L2 de los alumnos, se encontró que PA era un predictor más fuerte. También se ofrecen implicaciones de los hallazgos del estudio y sugerencias para futuras investigaciones.

    Examining the Possible Effects of (mis)matches between EFL Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of L2 Writing Assessment on Students’ Writing Achievement Scores

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    The present mixed-methods study intended to explore Iranian EFL teachers’ and students’ perceptions of assessment of students’ written performance and the effect of any possible (mis)matches on students' achievement. To these aims, a convenient sample of teachers (N=5) and students (N=30) from different classes and institutes in Iran was recruited to participate in the study. In the first phase of the study, all of the participants, both teachers and students, were interviewed to determine their perceptions of writing assessment. In the next phase, students were asked to write about a topic and in the last phase, the writings were assessed and scored by both teachers and students. During this phase, teachers and students were asked to think aloud while assessing the writings. Results indicated that a) based on teachers’ perceptions, language, punctuation, content, organization, and communicative achievement are important factors in assessing a piece of writing, respectively. Also, teachers believed composition writing is the best activity to assess students' writing and the teachers should stick to their own perceptions while assessing writing and not use available rubrics. Moreover, all of them believed that scoring writing is always inaccurate and subjective; b) based on students’ perceptions, grammar and spelling are important factors in the assessment of a piece of writing, respectively. They also mentioned that the ability to write can be assessed through composition writing and their teachers should utilize their own perceptions rather than utilizing a standard rubric. In addition, most of them considered scoring writing to be always inaccurate and subjective; c) students' perceptions of writing assessment affected their writing scores. That is, based on their own perceptions of criteria for writing assessment, the students expected to receive higher scores than the ones given by their teachers

    Iranian EFL Learners’ Motivation Construction: Integrative Motivation Revisited

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    Although Gardner and his associates’ work was most influential in the field of L2 motivation, from the early 1990s onwards, their work has been criticized for several reasons. Some researchers claimed that integrative and instrumental orientations were no longer able to convey the complexity of the L2 motivation construct. To examine this complexity, the present study attempted to investigate the discursive construction of four (two males and two females) Iranian EFL learners’ motivation at Shiraz University, Iran. Employing van Leeuwen’s (2008) legitimation construction framework, the study revealed that depending on their future selves, each participant employed certain discursive strategies unique to him/her to (de)legitimize his/her future self. Therefore, what was observed was the use of strategies which were idiosyncratic to that particular person, in that particular context, for a specific purpose, and for that particular moment. Additionally, given the unique political conditions of Iran in the world, it was found that integrative and instrumental orientations can be best replaced by ideal and ought-to selves in this context. The study has some implications. Motivation researchers need to broaden the unit of analysis beyond the individual learner to the interaction between the individual and the multitude of factors in diverse social settings

    Covalent modification of reduced graphene oxide with piperazine as a novel nanoadsorbent for removal of H2S gas

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    In the present research, piperazine grafted-reduced graphene oxide RGO-N-(piperazine) was synthesized through a three-step reaction and employed as a highly efficient nanoadsorbent for H2S gas removal. Temperature optimization within the range of 30–90 °C was set which significantly improved the adsorption capacity of the nanoadsorbent. The operational conditions including the initial concentration of H2S (60,000 ppm) with CH4 (15 vol%), H2O (10 vol%), O2 (3 vol%) and the rest by helium gas and gas hour space velocity (GHSV) 4000–6000 h−1 were examined on adsorption capacity. The results of the removal of H2S after 180 min by RGO-N-(piperazine), reduced graphene oxide (RGO), and graphene oxide (GO) were reported as 99.71, 99.18, and 99.38, respectively. Also, the output concentration of H2S after 180 min by RGO-N-(piperazine), RGO, and GO was found to be 170, 488, and 369 ppm, respectively. Both chemisorption and physisorption are suggested as mechanism in which the chemisorption is based on an acid–base reaction between H2S and amine, epoxy, hydroxyl functional groups on the surface of RGO-N-(piperazine), GO, and RGO. The piperazine augmentation of removal percentage can be attributed to the presence of amine functional groups in the case of RGO-N-(piperazine) versus RGO and GO. Finally, analyses of the equilibrium models used to describe the experimental data showed that the three-parameter isotherm equations Toth and Sips provided slightly better fits compared to the three-parameter isotherms

    Cultural Values Represented in First Certificate Masterclass Taught in Iran

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    Due to the crucial role textbooks play in any educational system, an urgent need is felt to examine, evaluate, and choose the most suitable ones available. This study is an attempt to critically examine and uncover the hidden curriculum in First Certificate Masterclass (FCM) that is taught at Navid institute in Iran. To this aim, FCM was deeply examined to identify any instances of Western cultural norms and preferences and their potential influences on Iranian EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners’ thoughts and ideologies. Peterson’s distinction between Big “C” culture and little “c” culture constituted the theoretical framework of the study. To collect the necessary data, all passages, texts, exercises, and even listening excerpts were closely studied and evaluated by the researcher. Results indicated that among the elements of little “c” culture introduced by Peterson, preferences or tastes, food, hobbies, popular music, and popular issues could mainly be observed in the book. Furthermore, the majority of the representations introduced and depicted in the book were incompatible with Iranian Muslim people’s ideologies and beliefs. Implications of these findings for Iranian material developers and textbook writers as well as English teachers are also discussed

    El efecto del uso de la lengua nativa como intervención pedagógica en la complejidad de las producciones orales en inglés de los estudiantes iraníes de inglés como lengua extranjera

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    The present study aims at investigating the effect of using the native language as a pedagogic intervention on the complexity of Iranian EFL learners’ English oral productions. A sample of 39 male and female adult English learners of B1 and B2 CEFR proficiency levels was recruited to participate in this study. They were placed into two intact classes (i.e., as already determined by the institution’s authorities) and each class was randomly chosen to serve as either the experimental (EG) or the control (CG) group. Improving the learners’ speaking ability was the focus of both groups while only the EG was asked to orally produce the equivalents of Persian sentences presented to them. In order to measure the lexical and grammatical complexity of oral productions of the learners, two parallel speaking tests of IELTS 10, in the form of two oral interviews, were used as pre- and post-test oral interviews. A MANCOVA test was run to compare the performance of the two groups in terms of their lexical and grammatical complexity after the treatment. Results indicated that the EG’s lexical and grammatical complexity improved as compared to the CG, and the improvement in both of these variables was statistically significant.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo investigar el efecto del uso de la lengua materna como intervención pedagógica en la complejidad de las producciones orales en inglés de los estudiantes iraníes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Para participar en este estudio se reclutó una muestra de 39 aprendices de inglés adultos masculinos y femeninos de nivel de competencia B1 y B2, según el MCERL. Se les distribuyó en dos clases intactas (es decir, según lo determinado por la institución) y los grupos fueron elegidos al azar para servir como grupo experimental (GE) o control (GC). La mejora de la capacidad de expresión de los estudiantes fue el foco principal en ambos grupos, mientras que solo se le pidió al GE que produjera oralmente los equivalentes de las oraciones persas que se les presentaron. Para medir la complejidad léxica y gramatical de las producciones orales, se utilizaron dos pruebas de habla paralela de IELTS 10, en forma de dos entrevistas orales, como entrevistas orales previas y posteriores a la prueba. Los resultados de una prueba MANCOVA indicaron que la complejidad léxica y gramatical del GE mejoró en comparación con el GC, y la mejora en ambas variables fue estadísticamente significativa