15 research outputs found

    Syrian refugee or stateless refugee: The challenges of statelessness in exile

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    Rabia, a Syrian refugee in Lebanon, lives out of wedlock with a man who regularly beats and abuses her. After fleeing Syria, her husband disappeared and her neighbour threatened to hurt her son if she did not move in with him and do as he says. Rabia fell preganant with her abuser’s child and her daughter was born stateless

    Addressing statelessness in the MENA region: a new network for mobilisation

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    A new regional network on statelessness in the Middle East and North Africa region is raising awareness and providing a platform for mobilisation

    Hacia la eliminación de la discriminación de género en las leyes de nacionalidad

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    La contribución de la discriminación de género en la generación y perpetuación de la apatridia es considerable, y sigue siendo necesario abordar esta discriminación en las leyes sobre nacionalidad

    No Legal Bond, No Family Life

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    With increased efforts to address the problem of statelessness globally, there is still a fundamental deficiency in information regarding the substantial violations of right caused by statelessness and its consequences. What this article wishes to do is to shed light on one consequence of statelessness that is yet to be part of either national or international discourse or addressed in research or reports on the issue. This overlooked problem is the negative and alarming effects of statelessness on the enjoyment of family unity and ultimately on the preservation of family structure. This article wishes to discuss the impact of statelessness on family unity by analysing three significant violations of rights that occur due to this status, focusing on the right to marriage, family unification and the right to own property - and how they often cause rifts in starting developing or keeping family unity

    التعامل مع مشكلة انعدام الجنسية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا: شبكة جديدة لتعبئة المجتمعات: Addressing statelessness in the MENA region: a new network for mobilisation

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    شبكة إقليمية جديدة معنية بالتعامل مع مشكلة انعدام الجنسية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا تعمل على زيادة الوعي وتوفير منصّة لتعبئة المجتمعات. A new regional network on statelessness in the Middle East and North Africa region is raising awareness and providing a platform for mobilisation

    Lutte contre l'apatridie dans la région MENA : un nouveau réseau pour la mobilisation: Addressing statelessness in the MENA region: a new network for mobilisation

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    Un nouveau réseau régional sur l'apatridie dans la région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord sensibilise l'opinion publique et offre une plateforme de mobilisation. A new regional network on statelessness in the Middle East and North Africa region is raising awareness and providing a platform for mobilisation

    Abordar la apatridia en la región MENA: una nueva red de movilización

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    Una nueva red regional sobre la apatridia en la región de Oriente Medio y el norte de África está fomentando la concienciación y ofreciendo una plataforma de movilización

    Abordar la apatridia en la región MENA: una nueva red de movilización: Addressing statelessness in the MENA region: a new network for mobilisation

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    Una nueva red regional sobre la apatridia en la región de Oriente Medio y el norte de África está fomentando la concienciación y ofreciendo una plataforma de movilización. A new regional network on statelessness in the Middle East and North Africa region is raising awareness and providing a platform for mobilisation

    Regional report on citizenship : the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

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    This report introduces some of the most fundamental concepts, trends and challenges with regard to nationality in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). It identifies trends and patterns in the evolution of citizenship policies in this region.Research for the 2016/2017 GLOBALCIT Reports has been supported by the European University Institute's Global Governance Programme, the EUI Research Council, and the British Academy Research Project CITMODES (co-directed by the EUI and the University of Edinburgh)

    Report on citizenship law : Syria

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    This report discusses citizenship in Syria. It explores the history of citizenship in this country, modes of acquisition and loss, and current debates and reform plans regarding citizenship policy.Research for the 2020/2021 GLOBALCIT Reports has been supported by the European University Institute's Global Governance Programme and the British Academy Research Project CITMODES (co-directed by the EUI and the University of Edinburgh)