1,976 research outputs found

    Thermoelectric transport in strained Si and Si/Ge heterostructures

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    The anisotropic thermoelectric transport properties of bulk silicon strained in [111]-direction were studied by detailed first-principles calculations focussing on a possible enhancement of the power factor. Electron as well as hole doping were examined in a broad doping and temperature range. At low temperature and low doping an enhancement of the power factor was obtained for compressive and tensile strain in the electron-doped case and for compressive strain in the hole-doped case. For the thermoelectrically more important high temperature and high doping regime a slight enhancement of the power factor was only found under small compressive strain with the power factor overall being robust against applied strain. To extend our findings the anisotropic thermoelectric transport of an [111]-oriented Si/Ge superlattice was investigated. Here, the cross-plane power factor under hole-doping was drastically suppressed due to quantum-well effects, while under electron-doping an enhanced power factor was found. With that, we state a figure of merit of ZT=0.2=0.2 and ZT=1.4=1.4 at T=\unit[300]{K} and T=\unit[900]{K} for the electron-doped [111]-oriented Si/Ge superlattice. All results are discussed in terms of band structure features

    Strong influence of the complex bandstructure on the tunneling electroresistance: A combined model and ab-initio study

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    The tunneling electroresistance (TER) for ferroelectric tunnel junctions (FTJs) with BaTiO_{3} (BTO) and PbTiO}_{3} (PTO) barriers is calculated by combining the microscopic electronic structure of the barrier material with a macroscopic model for the electrostatic potential which is caused by the ferroelectric polarization. The TER ratio is investigated in dependence on the intrinsic polarization, the chemical potential, and the screening properties of the electrodes. A change of sign in the TER ratio is obtained for both barrier materials in dependence on the chemical potential. The inverse imaginary Fermi velocity describes the microscopic origin of this effect; it qualitatively reflects the variation and the sign reversal of the TER. The quantity of the imaginary Fermi velocity allows to obtain detailed information on the transport properties of FTJs by analyzing the complex bandstructure of the barrier material.Comment: quality of figures reduce

    On calculating the Berry curvature of Bloch electrons using the KKR method

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    We propose and implement a particularly effective method for calculating the Berry curvature arising from adiabatic evolution of Bloch states in wave vector k space. The method exploits a unique feature of the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) approach to solve the Schr\"odinger or Dirac equations. Namely, it is based on the observation that in the KKR method k enters the calculation via the structure constants which depend only on the geometry of the lattice but not the crystal potential. For both the Abelian and non-Abelian Berry curvature we derive an analytic formula whose evaluation does not require any numerical differentiation with respect to k. We present explicit calculations for Al, Cu, Au, and Pt bulk crystals.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Influence of strain on anisotropic thermoelectric transport of Bi2_2Te3_3 and Sb2_2Te3_3

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    On the basis of detailed first-principles calculations and semi-classical Boltzmann transport, the anisotropic thermoelectric transport properties of Bi2_2Te3_3 and Sb2_2Te3_3 under strain were investigated. It was found that due to compensation effects of the strain dependent thermopower and electrical conductivity, the related powerfactor will decrease under applied in-plane strain for Bi2_2Te3,whilebeingstableforSb_3, while being stable for Sb_2TeTe_3.Aclearpreferenceforthermoelectrictransportunderholedoping,aswellasfortheinplanetransportdirectionwasfoundforbothtellurides.Incontrasttotheelectricalconductivityanisotropy,theanisotropyofthethermopowerwasalmostrobustunderappliedstrain.TheassumptionofananisotropicrelaxationtimeforBi. A clear preference for thermoelectric transport under hole-doping, as well as for the in-plane transport direction was found for both tellurides. In contrast to the electrical conductivity anisotropy, the anisotropy of the thermopower was almost robust under applied strain. The assumption of an anisotropic relaxation time for Bi_2TeTe_3$ suggests, that already in the single crystalline system strong anisotropic scattering effects should play a role

    On the Correlation between the Magnetic Activity Levels, the Metallicities and the Radii of Low-Mass Stars

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    The recent burst in the number of radii measurements of very low-mass stars from eclipsing binaries and interferometry of single stars has opened more questions about what can be causing the discrepancy between the observed radii and the ones predicted by the models. The two main explanations being proposed are a correlation between the radius of the stars and their activity levels or their metallicities. This paper presents a study of such correlations using all the data published to date. The study also investigates correlations between the radii deviation from the models and the masses of the stars. There is no clear correlation between activity level and radii for the single stars in the sample. Those single stars are slow rotators with typical velocities v_rot sini < 3.0 km s^-1. A clear correlation however exists in the case of the faster rotating members of binaries. This result is based on the of X-ray emission levels of the stars. There also appears to be an increase in the deviation of the radii of single stars from the models as a function of metallicity, as previously indicated by Berger et al. (2006). The stars in binaries do not seem to follow the same trend. Finally, the Baraffe et al. (1998) models reproduce well the radius observations below 0.30-0.35Msun, where the stars become fully convective, although this result is preliminary since almost all the sample stars in that mass range are slow rotators and metallicities have not been measured for most of them. The results in this paper indicate that stellar activity and metallicity play an important role on the determination of the radius of very low-mass stars, at least above 0.35Msun.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication on Ap

    Simulations of core convection in rotating A-type stars: Differential rotation and overshooting

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    We present the results of 3--D simulations of core convection within A-type stars of 2 solar masses, at a range of rotation rates. We consider the inner 30% by radius of such stars, thereby encompassing the convective core and some of the surrounding radiative envelope. We utilize our anelastic spherical harmonic (ASH) code, which solves the compressible Navier-Stokes equations in the anelastic approximation, to examine highly nonlinear flows that can span multiple scale heights. The cores of these stars are found to rotate differentially, with central cylindrical regions of strikingly slow rotation achieved in our simulations of stars whose convective Rossby number (R_{oc}) is less than unity. Such differential rotation results from the redistribution of angular momentum by the nonlinear convection that strongly senses the overall rotation of the star. Penetrative convective motions extend into the overlying radiative zone, yielding a prolate shape (aligned with the rotation axis) to the central region in which nearly adiabatic stratification is achieved. This is further surrounded by a region of overshooting motions, the extent of which is greater at the equator than at the poles, yielding an overall spherical shape to the domain experiencing at least some convective mixing. We assess the overshooting achieved as the stability of the radiative exterior is varied, and the weak circulations that result in that exterior. The convective plumes serve to excite gravity waves in the radiative envelope, ranging from localized ripples of many scales to some remarkable global resonances.Comment: 48 pages, 16 figures, some color. Accepted to Astrophys. J. Color figures compressed with appreciable loss of quality; a PDF of the paper with better figures is available at http://lcd-www.colorado.edu/~brownim/core_convectsep24.pd

    On internal wave breaking and tidal dissipation near the centre of a solar-type star

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    We study the fate of internal gravity waves, which are excited by tidal forcing by a short-period planet at the interface of convection and radiation zones, approaching the centre of a solar-type star. We study at what amplitude these wave are subject to instabilities. These instabilities lead to wave breaking whenever the amplitude exceeds a critical value. Below this value, the wave reflects perfectly from the centre of the star. Wave breaking results in spinning up the central regions of the star, and the formation of a critical layer, which acts as an absorbing barrier for ingoing waves. As these waves are absorbed, the star is spun up from the inside out. This results in an important amplitude dependence of the tidal quality factor Q'. If the tidal forcing amplitude exceeds the value required for wave breaking, efficient dissipation results over a continuous range of tidal frequencies, leading to Q' \approx 10^5 (P/1day)^(8/3), for the current Sun. This varies by less than a factor of 5 throughout the range of G and K type main sequence stars, for a given orbit. We predict fewer giant planets with orbital periods of less than about 2 days around such stars, if they cause breaking at the centre, due to the efficiency of this process. This mechanism would, however, be ineffective in stars with a convective core, such as WASP-18, WASP-12 and OGLE-TR-56, perhaps partly explaining the survival of their close planetary companions.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, accepted in MNRAS, abstract shortened (!

    Electrostrictive counter-force on fluid microdroplet in short laser pulse

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    When a micrometer-sized fluid droplet is illuminated by a laser pulse, there is a fundamental distinction between two cases. If the pulse is short in comparison with the transit time for sound across the droplet, the disruptive optical Abraham-Minkowski radiation force is countered by electrostriction and the net stress is compressive. In contrast, if the pulse is long on this scale, electrostriction is cancelled by elastic pressure and the surviving term of the electromagnetic force, the Abraham-Minkowski force, is disruptive and deforms the droplet. Ultrashort laser pulses are routinely used in modern experiments, and impressive progress has moreover been made on laser manipulation of liquid surfaces in recent times, making a theory for combining the two pertinent. We analyze the electrostrictive contribution analytically and numerically for a spherical droplet.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Optics Letter