31 research outputs found

    Grazing Effects on Some Soil Characteristics in Lar Rangelands

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    Heavy grazing pressures jeopardise the sustainability of the ecosystem by reducing soil fertility (Dormaar et al., 1998). Different results have been reported of grazing intensities on soil chemical properties, which stem from climate, soil, vegetation, management and kind of animal (Dormaar et al., 1998; Javadi, 2003; Sanadgool, 2002)

    Vegetation community in relation to the soil characteristics of Rineh rangeland, Iran

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    The aim of this study was to investigate relationships between soil properties and plant species to determine the most effective factors separating vegetation communities in Rineh rangeland. Three stratifying variables were selected including slop, aspect and elevation. The study area was partitioned by combining these classes to generate homogenous units. 1m2 quadrates were located at sampling sites in each homogenous unit randomly. Vegetation cover data were recorded using ordinal scale of Daubenmire cover-abundance scores in each quadrate. Soil samples were collected based on area from 0-15, 15-30 cm depths in each sampling site. Total nitrogen, organic matter, pH, total phosphorus, water retention capacity, permanent wilting point, available water capacity, potassium, water holding capacity, CaCO3, saturation moisture, bulk density, real unit weight and percentage of fine earth fragments (sand, silt and clay) were measured. Both classification and ordination techniques were employed including TWINSPAN classification, DCA and CCA. The TWINSPAN classification of the sample sites have resulted in ten groups. According to the results of DCA, length of gradient represented by axis 1 was >5 SD, indicating that CCA was the appropriate ordination method. CCA axis 1 was correlated to phosphorus (-0.460) in the first layer and phosphorus (-0.493), sand (0.533) in the second layer while the CCA axis 2 was correlated to phosphorus (0.394), sand (0.533) in the second layer. The species-environment correlations are higher for the first three canonical axes, explaining 18% of the cumulative variances

    The comprehensive study of possibility ecological control Mnemiopsis leidyi in Caspian Sea activity: The study and recognization parasitic fauna and Bacterial flore in ctenophore (Mnemiopsis leidyi and Bereo ovata)

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    Bacterial flora and parasitic fauna of M. leidyi an exotic invader jelly fish to Caspian Sea ecosystem and B. ovata to Black sea an alternative biological control agent was studied. During summer 1382 to spring 1383, using routine Bacteriological work. 72 sample of sea water Caspian Sea obtained from depth 20 and 50 meters, 36 sample of M. leidyi from depth 20 meters, 10 sample of B. ovata and 3 sample of sea water (Black sea) were collected and according to Bacteriological was studied. 216 sample of M. leidyi from depth 10 to 50 meters of Caspian Sea and 47 sample of B. ovata from Black and Marmarreh Sea (Turkey) were collected and was studied. In this study no parasite from was identified in M. leidyi (Caspian sea) but 64 percentage and 73 percentage of B. ovata (Marmarreh and Black sea respectively) contaminated to Trichodina ctenophore at varians concentration B. ovata of Black sea (130 min 1050 max) and B. ovata Marmarre sea (420 min 2100 max). While B. ovata kept at high salinity of 21 ppt was more contaminated with this pretrichial protozoan (Trichodina) than in low salinity (12/5 ppt). in comparision of bacterial flore in two cetenophore (M. leidyi and B. ovata) was observed that some of bacteria such as micrococcus sp, Aeromonas sp. Bacillus coagulans in both ctenophore and some other bacteria such as Agromobacterium and chromobacterium only observed in B. ovata but other researcher have reported fram Caspin sea and some of bacteria to specific Shewanella , Vibrio harveiy and bacillus linens was observed in B. ovata . Of course specific bacteria cannot transfer to Caspian Sea (different of salinity black sea (2/1%) to Caspian Sea (1/25 %)). Therefore if B. ovata to introduce to south Caspian Sea for biological control population M. leidyi. it is necessary at first some of viral pathogen in aquatic animal (fish) such as VNN, IPN,IHN,VHS,SVC was studied and then with confidence 95% non-infestation B. ovata to viruses and pass from bath anti parasite and anti-bacterial must be introduce to south Caspian sea

    Survey on health status in aquaculture sturgeons centers (Mazandaran, Guilan And Golestan Provinces)

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    Study of survey health management and diseases in hatcheries and fish farms can help us to knowledge and application control methods such as: prevention, treatment and increase high levels of production in hatchery and farms, finally. This survey carried out from 2005 to 2008 for 4 years in sturgeon hatcheries and farms of Golestan province. Sturgeon fishes include Huso Huso, Ship sturgeon, Acipenser persicus collected and for virology, bacteriology, fungius and hematology examined. Also, physicochemical parameters measured and recorded in different stages of culture. Results of this study showed that all of samples in virology was negative and did not observe any doubetful causes. In bacteriology CFU was variation from 3/9 ×105 to 6/9×10. The most parasites that detected in this survey was Cocolanus espherolanus, Sceria binopsulus semiarmatus and Amphilina fuliacea that separates from Acipenser Percicus, especially. The results about hematology parameters some important hematological indices of ship sturgeon include: The total RBC for female and mail specimens measured as 5.3±1.5 ×10^5, 4.8±0.5×10^5 per mm^3 respectively. The amount of haematocrit and hemoglobin for female and mail determined: 34.3±2.8, 35±1.4 percent and 10.3±0.9, 8.9±0.8 gr/dl .The MCV: 216.3± 96.2, 736.5± 102.5, MCH: 720.2±309.5, 186±0.7 and MCHC: 30±0.8, 25.5±3.4 percent respectively.The total WBC were (female, male): 21320±1054, 20580±777 per mm^3 and neutrophil: 16.4±2.5, 17±1.4 percent and lymphocyte: 74.4±2.4, 73.5± 0.7 percent and eosinophil: 6±1.4, 6.4±0.5 percent, monocyte: 2.8±0.8, 3.5±0.7 percent. There was not any significant differences (p>0.05) between mentioned parameters in male and female (students t-test). Also evaluation of hematological parameters in bluga ( Huso huso) include: total RBC were (male , female) 5±0.3 ×105 , 4.9±0.6 ×105 per mm^3 ,respectively and hematocrit: 33.2±6.7 , 35.4±3.4 percent and hemoglobin: 11.2±1.5 , 12.2±1gr/dl and MCV: 669.9±172.2, 723.9±982.4 and MCH: 226.2±42.5, 249.5±35.4 and MCHC: 34.1±2.4, 34.6±3.6 percent respectively. The totals WBC were (male, female): 24800±707.1, 23042±1375.4 per mm^3 and neutrophil: 18.5±0.7, 21.4±1.1 percent and lymphocyte: 73.5±1.4, 68.4±1.1 percent and eosinophil: 5±2.8, 7±1.2 percent and monocyte: 3.5±3.5, 3.2±0.8 percent. According to statistically study the count of lymphocyte had significant difference between male and female fish and this count in male was higher than female. (p≥0.05)

    Study on viral nervouse necrosis (isolation, characterisation and pathogenesis) in golden grey mullet in the Caspian Sea and study of pathogenecity and possibility of transmission to the other fish species (Sturgeon fishes, Rutilus frisii kutum and reared Rainbow trout and Carp)

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    Study on Viral Nervouse necrosis (isolation, characterisation and pathogenesis) in Golden grey mullet in the Caspian Sea and study of pathogenecity and possibility of transmission to the other fish species (Sturgeon fishes, Rutilus frisii kutum and reared Rainbow trout and Carp) Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN) is a worldwide disease affecting several species of cultured marine fish. For the past two decades, betanodavirus infections that cause Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN) have emerged as major constraints on the culture and sea ranching of marine fish in almost all parts of the world. More than forty species mainly of marine origin have been so far affected and this number is likely to rise in future following the introduction of new species and the increase of aquaculture trade. Unknown acute mortality occurred in wild golden grey mullet Lisa auratus and Liza saliens in Iranian waters of Caspian Sea in recent years. In order to isolation and confirmation of causative agents of golden grey mullet mortality in the Caspian Sea, a complementary research investigation project was designed in 2005 and approved immediately in Iranian Fisheries Research Organization (IFRO). Many diagnostic aspects such as Virology (Cell culture and Elctereone Microscopy), Hemathology, Bacteriology, Histopathology, Molecular biology (NestedRT-PCR), Heavy metals measuerment and Serology (IFAT and IHC) were employed in mentioned multidiciplinary project. About 322 moribund fish samples which revealed skin darkening, erratic swimming behavior such as spiral and belly-up at rest and high distention of swimming bladder. Suspected samples were collected from coastal capture sites in iranian north proviences in 2006 till 2009. Targets tissue such as brain and eye were removed in strile condition and then kept in -80oC frezzer for cell culture and Nested-RT-PCR. Other tissue samples from liver, kidney, intestine, stomach, gill, skin and muscle, gall bladder and gonads were taken and fixed in 10% buffer formalin and same parts fixed in glutaraldehyde 3% for histopathology, IHC and EM respectively. Cytopathic effect (CPE) was observed in those cell cultures just six days after inoculation with the dilutions of the tested 312 homogenate supernatants. CPE in monolayers of cells cultured (SSN-1 cell line) was characterised by thin or rounded, refractile, granular cells with vacuoles. Nine samples were positive in virology assay. Nested- RT-PCR was done on suspected tissue samples and supernatant of CPE positive samples and 21 tissue samples and all CPE positive samples were positive. IFAT was selected as a confirmatory method for identifying viral strains replicating on cell cultures and carried out with rabbit anti-betanodavirus serum on suspected tissue samples and some smears of CPE positive samples. Some bright points approved betanodavirus antigen and confirmed cell culture and Nested-RT-PCR findings. In fixed tissue samples widespread and massive vacuolation were observed in brain, spinal cord, retina and optical nerve. In order to confirmation of diagnostic findings , IHC was done with monoclonal antibody antibetanodavirus and some red-brown points were observed. Theses findings revealed expected viral antigens and confirmed previous results. Moreover, virus particles with 25-30 nm in diameter were visualized in infected brain and retina using positive staining in TEM. Also pathogenicity test was employed to confirm the obtained results. So Guppy fish Poecilia reticulata and sturgeon fry were used instead of the experimental host due to ease of handling and susceptibility. After 15 days post infection, guppy bathed in VNN-infected tissue culture with 104 TCID50 showed clinical signs similar to naturally infected Golden grey mullet, and the mortality rate reached up to 100% in 75 dpi. When target organs were examined by cell culture isolation, serology, and histopathology, all revealed the presence of virus in the Guppy. Suspected supernatant injected to sturgeon fry through intravitreous injection and widespread vacuolation were observed in brain and spinal cord buy IHC and Real time PCR were negative. In conclusion, with attntion to obtained results in this investigation such as ecological factors, clinical signs, histopathological, virological and bacteriological results, molecular analysis, (IHC, IFAT, PCR), TEM demonstration, serological and hematological findings, it could be confirmed that VNNV was the main causative agent for disease outbreak in Golden grey mullet in Southern coastline of Caspian Sea

    A survey on health status of coldwater rearing and hatcheries fish farms in Iran (Mazandarn, Gilan, Ardebil, West Azerbaiejan, East Azerbaiejan and Kordestan provinces)

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    The national research plan with title of "Study on health status of Iran Coldwater hatchery and rearing farms" was done in order to identification and tracking of main causative agents of recent mortality in Iran Coldwater hatchery and rearing farms and recognize of infected zones and design of landscape distribution of Epizootic Coldwater fish diseases in the country. This plan was conducted parallel and in same time in some polar provinces of Coldwater fish production such as Mazandaran, Gilan, Ardebil, West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan and Kurdistan in three years from 2006-2008. In this regard, about 23,21 and 20 farms in Mazandaran province, 30 farms in West and East Azerbaijan and Kurdistan provinces and 19 farms in Gilan and Ardebil were selected as randomly and tracking were done yearly from 2006-2008. This research was conducted according to regular planning consists of farms visit that was done according to statistical plan and completion of Questionnaires and sampling. The findings in Mazandaran province revealed that fish infections background and infectious diseases were increased in period of 2006-2008. In fact, 56% of all fish farms in 2006, 71% in 2007 and 85% in 2008 were recorded as infected farms. In other side, average weight of fish final products was more 500gr in consume market. So, regarding to long period of fish culture in mentioned fish occurrence of more morbidity could be expected. The streptococcus infections were most important fish bacterial diseases that have more incidence and pathogenicity in collected questionnaires. Also it revealed more occurrences in summer season in above 15oC temperature in affected fish farms. Also, Enteric Redmouth Disease (ERM) and Saprolegniasis were reported as second and third degree in examined farms. Meanwhile, findings of control, prevention and treatment of our survey revealed that using of antibiotics and detergent materials were increased in mentioned province. Indeed, 34.7% of all fish farms in 2006, 71.4% in 2007 and 75% in 2008 have applied treatment operation and using of detergent materials in affected farms. In other side, frequent using of Erythromycin antibiotic was reported several times in 2008 so fish farmer faced to Bacterial resistance and should be using from Florfenicol as alternative antibacterial. Also, in feed sampling from all fish farms about 3 fish farms in 2006 and 5 fish farms in 2008 were faced with food poisoning that originated from high TVN and peroxidase in fish food consumed. These farms revealed mass mortality that stopped after change feeding regime. In conclusion absence of fish health management could be considered as main agent of mentioned mortality in Mazandaran province. The findings of our survey in West and East Azerbaijan and Kurdistan revealed that absence of sufficient experiences in fish farmers and their neglect from water quality concepts, farm cleanness, using of suitable detergent materials for fish ponds and instruments and disability in continuous monitoring of physic-chemical factors of consumed water could be considered as most important problems. So, fish morbidity and mortality, growth decrement and low production rate were expected. Unfortunately, despite the occurrence of infectious and non- infectious diseases in examined fish farms, there were no documents and information about diseases history, clinical signs in dead fish, feeding regime, fish mortality (rate of daily mortality, age and weight of moribund fish), treatment operation, drugs usage, growth rate, physico-chemical factors and fish density. So planning for control and prevention of mentioned diseases were unsuccessful in affected fish farms. Also, occurrence of some epizootic fish viral diseases such as VHS, IPN and IHN were observed frequently with mass mortality about 40100% in some examined fish farms that produced some tragic economic lost in the mentioned provinces. Similarly, some bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases were observed repeatedly in some inspected farms such as Flavobacterium, streptococcus infections. Also, some unknown causative agents in parasitic diseases were observed several times such as Dactylogyrus, Gyrodactylus, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Trichodina, Chilodonella, Diplostomum and fungal diseases such as Saprolegniasis. In conclusion it seems that absence of fish health management, inadequate rate of hygienic technical services, absence of quarantine programs for transfer of new eyed-eggs, juvenile and live broodstocks packages without health certificates from authorized organizations, uncontrolled entry of foreign eyed-eggs (France, Denmark, Australia and Armenia) and neglect in using of suitable detergent materials for fish ponds, instruments, consumed water and infected eggs, not screening of broodstocks in hatcheries could be considered as most important causative agents in occurrence of infectious diseases and main problems in affected farms in mentioned provinces. Similarly, our findings in Gilan and Ardebil provinces revealed that their problems were similar to other provinces. In fact, neglect in establish of necessary Infrastructures in fish farms and dereliction in health management concepts could be considered as main reasons of occurrence of fish infectious and non-infectious diseases in studied fish farms in mentioned provinces. In fact, often fish farms visited hadn't suitable structures without control and prevention approach. There were not observed detergent using, quarantine programs and prevention methods. Entrance of unknown persons, birds and wild animals were ordinary in mentioned farms. Unfortunately level of farmer’s knowledge was low and no training courses and extension programs were planned by authorized organizations. Meanwhile, food storages were unsuitable and food packages were stored in inappropriate situation so poisoning conditions were increased in examined farms. In conclusion it could be finalized that Coldwater fish farms in Gilan and Ardebil provinces situated in insufficient position and correction of current situation are needed urgently. In final elicitation, it would be mentioned that lack of basic infrastructures could be introduced as most important reasonfor spread of diseases, mortality and related economic losses in studied provinces. Therefore, attention to environmental affairs and access to Sustainable Development are recommended. Also consideration of biosecurity regulations and health management concepts would be important requirements for modification and reformation of Coldwater fish farms in examined provinces towards A Better Tomorrow