83 research outputs found

    Femtosecond laser plasma: review of investigation and calculational model

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    Review of experimental and theoretical investigation of physical processes in femtosecond laser plasma is presented. Such effects, as X-ray and electric-magnetic wave emission, high energy electron and ion beams are described. It isshown that ultrashort laser pulse with duration comparable to period of wave oscillation (lessthan a few femtoseconds) is absorbing by inner electronsin contrast to absorption of more lasting laser pulses by outer electrons. The problem of mathematical modelling of these processes and corresponding computer code development is observed. Technological applications, such as production of high power X-ray and particles plasmassources, laser precision shaping and machining of different materials are discussed.Представлено огляд експериментальних і теоретичних досліджень фізичних процесів, що відбуваються у фемтосекундній лазерній плазмі. Описано такі ефекти, як рентгенівське й електромагнітне випромінювання, високоенергетичні електронні й іонні пучки. Показано, що ультракороткий лазерний імпульс тривалістю, порівнянною з періодом коливання хвилі (меншою ніж декілька фемтосекунд), поглинається внутрішніми електронами, на відміну від більш тривалих імпульсів, що поглинаються зовнішніми електронами. Розглянуто задачу математичного моделювання цих процесів і створення відповідного комп'ютерного коду. Обговорено технологічні аспекти, такі, як створення могутніх джерел рентгенівського випромінювання і плазми, формування лазерного пучка й обробка різних матеріалів.Представлен обзор экспериментальных и теоретических исследований физических процессов, происходящих в фемтосекундной лазерной плазме. Описаны такие эффекты, как рентгеновское и электромагнитное излучение, высокоэнергетичные электронные и ионные пучки. Показано, что ультракороткий лазерный импульс длительностью, сравнимой с периодом колебания волны (меньшей, чем несколько фемтосекунд), поглощается внутренними электронами, в отличие от более продолжительных импульсов, которые поглощаются внешними электронами. Рассмотрена задача математического моделирования этих процессов и создания соответствующего компьютерного кода. Обсуждены технологические аспекты, такие, как создание мощных источников рентгеновского излучения и плазмы, формирование лазерного пучка и обработка различных материалов

    The efficacy of combination therapy with mexidol and cerebrolysin in chronic cerebral ischemia

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    © 2016, Media Sphera. All rights reserved.Objective. To study the impact of combination therapy with mexidol and cerebrolysin on the clinical status of patients with chronic cerebral ischemia (CCI), II stage, in ambulatory conditions. Material and methods. The study included 36 patients with CCI, II stage. In addition to basic therapy, patients received two courses of the mexidol/cerebrolysin combination during 6 weeks with 3 month-interval between the courses. The dynamics of subjective complaints of the patients and objective clinical signs was assessed after each course. The content of 13 chemical elements in the hair was determined by atomic-emission method after the treatment. Results and ?onclusion/ Based on the results of clinical and neurological study, the efficacy of combination therapy with mexidol and cerebrolysin as long-term neuroprotection drugs was shown which manifested a significant reduction in the severity of all major symptoms under the influence of the therapy

    Properties Of EP302M-W Steel Bars After Experimental Rolling

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    В настоящей работе произведена экспериментальная вальцовка прутков из стали марки ЭП302М-Ш для оценки влияния холодной пластической деформации на механические свойства материала. В дальнейшем полученные результаты могут будут применены для разработки изготовления теплообменных труб из стали ЭП302М-Ш.Experimental rolling of bars made of EP302M-Sh steel to assess the cold plastic deformation effect on the material mechanical propertiesis carried out in this work. In the future, the results obtained can be applied to the development of the pipes heat exchange manufacture made of EP302M-Sh steel

    Amputation of extremity in patients with atherosclerotic gangrene

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    Aim of investigation — to analyze the results of treatment of patients with atherosclerotic gangrene of a limb, to identify the causes of adverse outcomes amputation. Materials and methods: We analyzed the results of examination and treatment of 218 patients with atherosclerotic gangrene of the limb. Good outcome of amputation was considered the primary surgical wound healing of the stump. Suppuration, secondary healing, re-amputation and death we attributed to the adverse results of amputation. Results: The adverse outcomes of amputation due to technical errors in surgery, properly chosen level, inadequate drainage of the wound stump, an unsuccessful operation on the arteries of a limb, inadequate empirical antibiotic therapy, patient's age, functional capabilities of myocardium, the duration of critical ischemia, as well as the lack of psychological adaptation of patients before amputation. Conclusion: To decide the need for amputation in patients with atherosclerotic gangrene follows the assessment of possible vascular reconstructive surgery. In determining the level of amputation is necessary to objectively assess the degree of disruption of regional blood flow using multilevel manometry and laser Dopplerflowmetry. In preparation for amputation should be paid special attention to the correction of rheological and coagulation properties of blood, normalization of the functional state of the myocardium, as well as specialized psychotherapeutic training for timely and adequate psychological adaptation of the patien

    Algorithm for individual learning content formation in automated machine learning system

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    The study describes the algorithms used in the formation of individual learning content which can be used in machine learning. The algorithm for generating educational content based on the input test procedure, thereby reducing the number of elementary units of knowledge in the educational conten

    Dynamics of risk degree of innovation-driven growth at higher education institutions

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    In this article, the analysis of dynamics of risk degree of innovation-driven growth at higher education institutions is discussed. The survey has been employed in this paper and the data analyzed by SPSS software. Results revealed that the resulting risks are regularly encountered in a modern Russian higher educational institution: inability to provide necessary financial support for educational activities; inability to provide required modern material and technical basis; challenges and failures in collaboration with enterprises for organizing practical training for students and the absence of practical training programs at the university. It is also indicated that the risk event might lead to different results: negative, positive, or nul

    Dressing with Control: using integrability to generate desired solutions to Einstein's equations

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    21 pages, no figures21 pages, no figures21 pages, no figures21 pages, no figuresMotivated by integrability of the sine-Gordon equation, we investigate a technique for constructing desired solutions to Einstein's equations by combining a dressing technique with a control-theory approach. After reviewing classical integrability, we recall two well-known Killing field reductions of Einstein's equations, unify them using a harmonic map formulation, and state two results on the integrability of the equations and solvability of the dressing system. The resulting algorithm is then combined with an asymptotic analysis to produce constraints on the degrees of freedom arising in the solution-generation mechanism. The approach is carried out explicitly for the Einstein vacuum equations. Applications of the technique to other geometric field theories are also discussed

    Characterization of Ni-Cd Nanostructured System Obtained by Chemical Reduction of Salts

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    The process of obtaining of highly dispersed metal powders of Ni-Cd system by reduction of their salts by hydrazine in aqueous medium at high alkalinity was investigated. The possibility of production metal powders containing up to 50 mol% of cadmium is established and conditions for their synthesis are optimized. Phase composition, structural parameters, dispersity of solid products during the reduction process were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and SAXS. The formation of metal solid solutions with FCC lattice contradicts to the known phase diagram for Ni-Cd and may be explained by increasing the energy of the particles in the nanostate. The formation of intermetallide NiCd5 in the studied compositions area is caused by sequential character of reduction process; as a result the metal product on the initial stage of reduction is significantly enriched with cadmium

    Kinetics of exciton photoluminescence in type-II semiconductor superlattices

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    The exciton decay rate at a rough interface in type-II semiconductor superlattices is investigated. It is shown that the possibility of recombination of indirect excitons at a plane interface essentially affects kinetics of the exciton photoluminescence at a rough interface. This happens because of strong correlation between the exciton recombination at the plane interface and at the roughness. Expressions that relate the parameters of the luminescence kinetics with statistical characteristics of the rough interface are obtained. The mean height and length of roughnesses in GaAs/AlAs superlattices are estimated from the experimental data.Comment: 3 PostScript figure