8 research outputs found

    Preservation of Digital Archives

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    Background of the study: Digital archives in institutions or organizations has increased which is marked by the number of institutions that have established archive units. In the process of preservation or preservation of digital archives, it has its own difficulties compared to other media. Preservation is the most strategic activity, because the availability of records is closely related to the acquisition results that are maintained properly so that they can be processed and accessed for users. The implementation of archive preservation is not easy, there are several obstacles that cause the preservation to be less than optimal. Purpose: This study aims to provide knowledge about the preservation of digital archives as an effort to save important information and data in archives, it requires preservation or preserving archives in digital format. So that further research is needed, so this research is to facilitate researchers in conducting further research. Method: This study uses a systematic literature review method by combining bibliometric analysis of the literature from the Scopus database for the period 2018 to 2022. Findings: The results of the study show that preservation is an effort to maintain and store archives, both content or media so that they are durable and longer. Conclusion: Research topics in the search results regarding the preservation of digital archives are still found that have not been widely studied, namely, data preservation, long-term preservation, digital archives, and web archives, which can provide opportunities for further researchers to examine digital archive preservatio

    Budi daya Rumput Laut dan Pengelolaannya di Pesisir Kabupaten Dompu, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Berdasarkan Analisa Kesesuaian Lahan dan Daya Dukung Lingkungan

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    Rumput laut (makro alga) merupakan salah satu komoditas sumber daya pesisir yang mermiliki potensi ekonomis, mudah dibudidayakan dengan biaya produksi yang rendah. Perairan Kabupaten Dompu Provinsi, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) merupakan kawasan memiliki beragam sumber daya hayati pesisir dan laut (SDHPL), diantaranya rumput laut jenis Eucheuma cottoni dan Kappaphycus alvarezii yang merupakan rumput laut dari 5 jenis yang dimanfaatkan dan dibudidayakan di Indonesia, namun data dan informasi yang menunjang usaha budidaya rumput laut di Kabupaten Dompu masih sangat minim. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kesesuaian perairan dan menduga daya dukung lingkungannya untuk budidaya rumput laut di Kabupaten Dompu. Metode spasial, yaitu metode untuk mendapatkan informasi pengamatan yang dipengaruhi efek ruang digunakan dalam kajian ini. Pengaruh efek ruang tersebut disajikan dalam bentuk pembobotan.  Parameter unsur hara, yaitu Nitrogen (N) dan Phosfat (P) digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menghitung daya dukung lingkungan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa luas area yang sesuai untuk budidaya rumput laut sekitar 72.515 ha atau 99,49 % dari luas total wilayah kawasan yang dikaji. Luas area budidaya rumput laut yang telah dimanfaatkan hingga saat ini adalah 500 ha atau 3,3 % dari total luasan daya dukung, sehingga luas area yang belum termanfaatkan adalah 14.719 Ha atau 66,7 % dari total luasan daya dukung. Skenario ideal pengembangan usaha budidaya rumput laut yaitu; melalui penambahan bibit unggul dan informasi musim tanam serta melaksanakan budidaya secara optimal sehingga potensi ekonomi pertahun dapat tercapai

    Protocol, rationale and design of PEOPLE (Post ExpOsure Prophylaxis for LEprosy in the Comoros and Madagascar): A cluster randomized trial on effectiveness of different modalities of implementation of post-exposure prophylaxis of leprosy contacts

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    Background: Leprosy is an ancient infectious disease with a global annual incidence that has plateaued above 200,000 new cases since over a decade. New strategies are required to overcome this stalemate. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) with a single dose of Rifampicin (SDR) has conditionally been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), based on a randomized-controlled-Trial in Bangladesh. More evidence is required. The Post ExpOsure Prophylaxis for Leprosy (PEOPLE) trial will assess effectiveness of different modalities of PEP on the Comoros and Madagascar. Methods: PEOPLE is a cluster-randomized trial with villages selected on previous leprosy-incidence and randomly allocated to four arms. Four annual door-To-door surveys will be performed in all arms. All consenting permanent residents will be screened for leprosy. Leprosy patients will be treated according to international guidelines and eligible contacts will be provided with SDR-PEP. Arm-1 is the comparator in which no PEP will be provided. In arms 2, 3 and 4, SDR-PEP will be provided at double the regular dose (20 mg/kg) to eligible contacts aged two years and above. In arm 2 all household-members of incident leprosy patients are eligible. In arm 3 not only household-members but also neighbourhood contacts living within 100-m of an incident case are eligible. In arm 4 such neighbourhood contacts are only eligible if they test positive to anti-PGL-I, a serological marker. Incidence rate ratios calculated between the comparator arm 1 and each of the intervention arms will constitute the primary outcome. Discussion: Different trials on PEP have yielded varying results. The pivotal COLEP trial in Bangladesh showed a 57% reduction in incidence over a two-year period post-intervention without any rebound in the following years. A study in a high-incidence setting in Indonesia showed no effect of PEP provided to close contacts but a major effect of PEP provided as a blanket measure to an entire island population. High background incidence could be the reason of the lack of effect of PEP provided to individual contacts. The PEOPLE trial will assess effectiveness of PEP in a high incidence setting and will compare three different approaches, to identify who benefits most from PEP. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.Gov. NCT03662022. Initial Protocol Version 1.2, 27-Aug-2018

    Exploring clustering of leprosy in the Comoros and Madagascar: A geospatial analysis

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    Objectives: To identify patterns of spatial clustering of leprosy. Design: We performed a baseline survey for a trial on post-exposure prophylaxis for leprosy in Comoros and Madagascar. We screened 64 villages, door-to-door, and recorded results of screening, demographic data and geographic coordinates. To identify clusters, we fitted a purely spatial Poisson model using Kulldorff’s spatial scan statistic. We used a regular Poisson model to assess the risk of contracting leprosy at the individual level as a function of distance to the nearest known leprosy patient. Results: We identified 455 leprosy patients; 200 (44.0%) belonged to 2735 households included in a cluster. Thirty-eight percent of leprosy patients versus 10% of the total population live ≤25 m from another leprosy patient. Risk ratios for being diagnosed with leprosy were 7.3, 2.4, 1.8, 1.4 and 1.7, for those at the same household, at 1–<25 m, 25–<50 m, 50–<75 m and 75–<100 m as/from a leprosy patient, respectively, compared to those living at ≥100 m. Conclusions: We documented significant clustering of leprosy beyond household level, although 56% of cases were not part of a cluster. Control measures need to be extended beyond the household, and social networks should be further explored

    Protocol, rationale and design of BE-PEOPLE (Bedaquiline enhanced exposure prophylaxis for LEprosy in the Comoros): a cluster randomized trial on effectiveness of rifampicin and bedaquiline as post-exposure prophylaxis of leprosy contacts

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    Abstract Background Leprosy is an ancient infectious disease with an annual global incidence of around 200,000 over the past decade. Since 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends single-dose rifampicin as post-exposure prophylaxis (SDR-PEP) for contacts of leprosy patients. The Post ExpOsure Prophylaxis for Leprosy (PEOPLE) trial evaluated PEP with a double dose of rifampicin in Comoros and Madagascar. Preliminary results of this trial show some reduction in leprosy incidence in intervention villages but a stronger regimen may be beneficial. The objective of the current Bedaquiline Enhanced ExpOsure Prophylaxis for LEprosy trial (BE-PEOPLE) is to explore effectiveness of a combination of bedaquiline and rifampicin as PEP. Methods BE-PEOPLE is a cluster-randomized trial in which 44 clusters in Comoros will be randomized to two study arms. Door-to-door screening will be conducted annually during four years, leprosy patients identified will be offered standard of care treatment. Based on study arm, contacts aged five years and above and living within a 100-meter radius of an index case will either receive bedaquiline (400-800 mg) and rifampicin (150-600 mg) or only rifampicin (150–600 mg). Contacts aged two to four years will receive rifampicin only. Household contacts randomized to the bedaquiline plus rifampicin arm will receive a second dose four weeks later. Incidence rate ratios of leprosy comparing contacts who received either of the PEP regimens will be the primary outcome. We will monitor resistance to rifampicin and/or bedaquiline through molecular surveillance in all incident tuberculosis and leprosy patients nationwide. At the end of the study, we will assess anti-M. leprae PGL-I IgM seropositivity as a proxy for the population burden of M. leprae infection in 8 villages (17,000 individuals) that were surveyed earlier as part of the PEOPLE trial. Discussion The COLEP trial on PEP in Bangladesh documented a reduction of 57% in incidence of leprosy among contacts treated with SDR-PEP after two years, which led to the WHO recommendation of SDR-PEP. Preliminary results of the PEOPLE trial show a lesser reduction in incidence. The BE-PEOPLE trial will explore whether reinforcing SDR-PEP with bedaquiline increases effectiveness and more rapidly reduces the incidence of leprosy, compared to SDR-PEP alone. Trial registration NCT05597280. Protocol version 5.0 on 28 October 2022