19 research outputs found

    The electronic learning system as a means of forming professional competencies among university students

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    © 2015 by the author(s). The purpose of this article is aimed at the development of pedagogical tools and methods of forming students' competencies in the course of higher education. The submitted paper presents the potential of information technology in forming professional competencies of the university students providing the students' classroom and individual organization. The grounds for the presented paper have become the ideas of competence-based approach, the system of modern didactic principles that intensify the students' learning and cognitive activities. The article describes the structure of modern e-learning system that satisfies the federal state educational standards and contributes to the students' professional competencies. This article is intended for the educators, researchers, heads of educational institutions engaged in the development of academic syllabi and pedagogical tools to provide university students with professional competencies

    Clinic features perinatal damages central nervous system by undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia of children

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    The purpose of work: revealing of clinico-neurologic features of current perinatal damages central nervous system at full-term newborns and children of the first year of a life with a undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (UCTD) after the lead analysis ante-intranatal the periods of development, an estimation on L.N.Fominoj's scale, definition of indexes of an arachnodactyly, definition of a hyaluronic acid, products of degradation of a collagen and antinuclear antibodies. 90 full-term children in the period newborn and in the age of 1 ,3 ,6 ,9 and 12 months are surveyed. The clinical condition and the neurologic status of the child, the genealogical anamnesis, a state of health of mother, feature of current of pregnancy was estimated. For revealing fenotipic attributes UCTD L.N.Fominoj’s scale (2000.) was used . Except for the standard laboratory methods (the general analysis of a blood, the general analysis wet, coprogramm, a level of saccharum of a blood, AST, ALT, the general fiber, a calcium and phosphorus of a blood) in Serum of a blood determined the contents of a hyaluronic acid, antinuclear antibodies and products of degradation of a collagen. In the age of 6 and 12 months it was spent US of internal organs and the ECHO-KG, ultrasonic research of a brain. Conclusions. At children with СТД in 1,5 times had the complicated character in comparison with children without attributes those. At estimation UCTD on scale L.N.Fominoj's at children of the basic group parameters exceeded control value (less than 12 points). Clinically children with UCTD were characterized by a delay of a becoming of static functions and vegetative-vascular disturbances. Ultrasonic research has taped at children of the basic group attributes CTD of heart in 100 % and in 36 % of microanomaly of development of internal organs.Цель работы: выявление клинико-неврологических особенностей течения перинатальных повреждений ЦНС у доношенных новорожденных и детей первого года жизни с недифференцированной соединительнотканной дисплазией после проведенного анализа антеинтранатального периодов развития, оценки по шкале Л. Н. Фоминой, определению индексов долихостеномелии, определения гиалуроновой кислоты, продуктов деградации коллагена и антиядерных антител. Обследовано 90 доношенных детей в периоде новорожденности и в возрасте 1, 3, 6, 9 и 12 месяцев. Оценивалось клиническое состояние и неврологический статус ребенка, генеалогический анамнез, состояние здоровья матери, особенности течения беременности. Для выявления фенотипических признаков НСТД использовалась шкала Л. Н. Фоминой (2000 г.). Кроме общепринятых лабораторных методов (общий анализ крови, общий анализ мочи, копрограмма, уровень сахара крови, ACT, АЛТ, общий белок, кальций и фосфор крови) в сыворотке крови определяли содержание гиалуроновой кислоты, антиядерные антитела и продукты деградации коллагена. В возрасте 6 и 12 месяцев проводилось УЗИ внутренних органов и ЭХ0-КГ, НСГ. Выводы. У детей с СТД в 1,5 раза имело осложненный характер по сравнению с детьми без признаков таковой. При оценке НСТД по шкале Фоминой у детей основной группы показатели превышали контрольное значение (менее 12 баллов). Клинически дети с НСТД характеризовались задержкой становления статических функций и вегето-сосудистыми нарушениями. УЗ-исследование выявило у детей основной группы признаки СТД сердца в 100% и в 36% микроаномалии развития внутренних органов

    Numerical Research of the Barenblatt - Zheltov - Kochina Stochastic Model

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    At present, investigations of Sobolev-type models are actively developing. In the solution of applied problems the results allowing to get their numerical solutions are very significant. In the article the algorithm for numerical solving of the initial boundary value problem is developed. The problem describes the pressure distribution of the homogeneous fluid in the horizontal layer in the circle. The layer is opened by a vertical well of a small radius. In our research we suppose that random disturbing loads have an influence on the fluid. The problem was solved under two assumptions. Firstly, we suppose that an unstable fluid flow is axially symmetric, and secondly, that in initial moment the pressure in the layer is constant. After the process of the discretization we modify the original model to the Cauchy problem for the system of ordinary differential equations. For the numerical solution we use algorithms based on explicit one-step formulas of the Runge - Kutta type with the seventh-order accuracy and with the selection of the integration step. We also use the scheme of the eighth-order accuracy to evaluate the calculation accuracy on each steps of time. According to the results of this control, we choose the time-step. A lot of numerical experiments have shown high numerical efficiency of the algorithm that we use to solve the investigated initial-boundary problem.В настоящее время активно развиваются исследования математических моделей соболевского типа. В решении прикладных задач значимыми являются результаты, позволяющие получать их численное решение. В работе разработан алгоритм численного решения начально-краевой задачи описывающей распределение давления однородной жидкости в горизонтальном пласте, который вскрыт вертикальной скважиной малого размера. Предполагается, что на жидкость действуют возмущающие случайные нагрузки, а область исследования представляет собой круг с центром на оси скважины. Задача решалась в предположение, что неустановившееся течение жидкости осесимметричное, а в начальный момент времени давление в пласте постоянное. Проводя дискретизацию, исходная задача для дифференциального уравнения в частных производных, преобразована к задаче Коши для системы обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений. Для численного решения задачи Коши использовались алгоритмы, основанные на явных одношаговых формулах типа Рунге - Кутты седьмого порядка точности с выбором шага интегрирования. Для оценки контроля точности вычислений на каждом временном шаге использовалась схема восьмого порядка точности. Исходя из результатов этого контроля, выбирался временной шаг. Многочисленные вычислительные эксперименты показали высокую вычислительную эффективности алгоритма решения исследуемой начально-краевой задачи

    The electronic learning system as a means of forming professional competencies among university students

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    © 2015 by the author(s). The purpose of this article is aimed at the development of pedagogical tools and methods of forming students' competencies in the course of higher education. The submitted paper presents the potential of information technology in forming professional competencies of the university students providing the students' classroom and individual organization. The grounds for the presented paper have become the ideas of competence-based approach, the system of modern didactic principles that intensify the students' learning and cognitive activities. The article describes the structure of modern e-learning system that satisfies the federal state educational standards and contributes to the students' professional competencies. This article is intended for the educators, researchers, heads of educational institutions engaged in the development of academic syllabi and pedagogical tools to provide university students with professional competencies

    The electronic learning system as a means of forming professional competencies among university students

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    © 2015 by the author(s). The purpose of this article is aimed at the development of pedagogical tools and methods of forming students' competencies in the course of higher education. The submitted paper presents the potential of information technology in forming professional competencies of the university students providing the students' classroom and individual organization. The grounds for the presented paper have become the ideas of competence-based approach, the system of modern didactic principles that intensify the students' learning and cognitive activities. The article describes the structure of modern e-learning system that satisfies the federal state educational standards and contributes to the students' professional competencies. This article is intended for the educators, researchers, heads of educational institutions engaged in the development of academic syllabi and pedagogical tools to provide university students with professional competencies

    The electronic learning system as a means of forming professional competencies among university students

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    © 2015 by the author(s). The purpose of this article is aimed at the development of pedagogical tools and methods of forming students' competencies in the course of higher education. The submitted paper presents the potential of information technology in forming professional competencies of the university students providing the students' classroom and individual organization. The grounds for the presented paper have become the ideas of competence-based approach, the system of modern didactic principles that intensify the students' learning and cognitive activities. The article describes the structure of modern e-learning system that satisfies the federal state educational standards and contributes to the students' professional competencies. This article is intended for the educators, researchers, heads of educational institutions engaged in the development of academic syllabi and pedagogical tools to provide university students with professional competencies

    From Graphene Nanoribbons on Cu(111) to Nanographene on Cu(110): Critical Role of Substrate Structure in the Bottom-Up Fabrication Strategy.

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    Bottom-up strategies can be effectively implemented for the fabrication of atomically precise graphene nanoribbons. Recently, using 10,10'-dibromo-9,9'-bianthracene (DBBA) as a molecular precursor to grow armchair nanoribbons on Au(111) and Cu(111), we have shown that substrate activity considerably affects the dynamics of ribbon formation, nonetheless without significant modifications in the growth mechanism. In this paper we compare the on-surface reaction pathways for DBBA molecules on Cu(111) and Cu(110). Evolution of both systems has been studied via a combination of core-level X-ray spectroscopies, scanning tunneling microscopy, and theoretical calculations. Experimental and theoretical results reveal a significant increase in reactivity for the open and anisotropic Cu(110) surface in comparison with the close-packed Cu(111). This increased reactivity results in a predominance of the molecular-substrate interaction over the intermolecular one, which has a critical impact on the transformations of DBBA on Cu(110). Unlike DBBA on Cu(111), the Ullmann coupling cannot be realized for DBBA/Cu(110) and the growth of nanoribbons via this mechanism is blocked. Instead, annealing of DBBA on Cu(110) at 250 °C results in the formation of a new structure: quasi-zero-dimensional flat nanographenes. Each nanographene unit has dehydrogenated zigzag edges bonded to the underlying Cu rows and oriented with the hydrogen-terminated armchair edge parallel to the [1-10] direction. Strong bonding of nanographene to the substrate manifests itself in a high adsorption energy of -12.7 eV and significant charge transfer of 3.46e from the copper surface. Nanographene units coordinated with bromine adatoms are able to arrange in highly regular arrays potentially suitable for nanotemplating