46 research outputs found

    The Italian document: decisions for intensive care when there is an imbalance between care needs and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: In early 2020, the Italian Society of Anesthesia Analgesia Resuscitation and Intensive Care (SIAARTI) published clinical ethics recommendations for the allocation of intensive care during COVID-19 pandemic emergency. Later the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) invited SIAARTI and the Italian Society of Legal and Insurance Medicine to prepare a draft document for the definition of triage criteria for intensive care during the emergency, to be implemented in case of complete saturation of care resources. Methods: Following formal methods, including two Delphi rounds, a multidisciplinary group with expertise in intensive care, legal medicine and law developed 12 statements addressing: (1) principles and responsibilities; (2) triage; (3) previously expressed wishes; (4) reassessment and shifting to palliative care; (5) collegiality and transparency of decisions. The draft of the statements, with their explanatory comments, underwent a public consultation opened to Italian scientific or technical-professional societies and other stakeholders (i.e., associations of citizens, patients and caregivers; religious communities; industry; public institutions; universities and research institutes). Individual healthcare providers, lay people, or other associations could address their comments by e-mail. Results: Eight stakeholders (including scientific societies, ethics organizations, and a religious community), and 8 individuals (including medical experts, ethicists and an association) participated to the public consultation. The stakeholders’ agreement with statements was on average very high (ranging from 4.1 to 4.9, on a scale from 1—full disagreement to 5—full agreement). The 4 statements concerning triage stated that in case of saturation of care resources, the intensive care triage had to be oriented to ensuring life-sustaining treatments to as many patients as possible who could benefit from them. The decision should follow full assessment of each patient, taking into account comorbidities, previous functional status and frailty, current clinical condition, likely impact of intensive treatment, and the patient's wishes. Age should be considered as part of the global assessment of the patient. Conclusions: Lacking national guidelines, the document is the reference standard for healthcare professionals in case of imbalance between care needs and available resources during a COVID-19 pandemic in Italy, and a point of reference for the medico-legal assessment in cases of dispute

    Can Molecular Motors Drive Distance Measurements in Injured Neurons?

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    Injury to nerve axons induces diverse responses in neuronal cell bodies, some of which are influenced by the distance from the site of injury. This suggests that neurons have the capacity to estimate the distance of the injury site from their cell body. Recent work has shown that the molecular motor dynein transports importin-mediated retrograde signaling complexes from axonal lesion sites to cell bodies, raising the question whether dynein-based mechanisms enable axonal distance estimations in injured neurons? We used computer simulations to examine mechanisms that may provide nerve cells with dynein-dependent distance assessment capabilities. A multiple-signals model was postulated based on the time delay between the arrival of two or more signals produced at the site of injury–a rapid signal carried by action potentials or similar mechanisms and slower signals carried by dynein. The time delay between the arrivals of these two types of signals should reflect the distance traversed, and simulations of this model show that it can indeed provide a basis for distance measurements in the context of nerve injuries. The analyses indicate that the suggested mechanism can allow nerve cells to discriminate between distances differing by 10% or more of their total axon length, and suggest that dynein-based retrograde signaling in neurons can be utilized for this purpose over different scales of nerves and organisms. Moreover, such a mechanism might also function in synapse to nucleus signaling in uninjured neurons. This could potentially allow a neuron to dynamically sense the relative lengths of its processes on an ongoing basis, enabling appropriate metabolic output from cell body to processes

    Modulation of dendritic spine development and plasticity by BDNF and vesicular trafficking: fundamental roles in neurodevelopmental disorders associated with mental retardation and autism

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    The process of axonal and dendritic development establishes the synaptic circuitry of the central nervous system (CNS) and is the result of interactions between intrinsic molecular factors and the external environment. One growth factor that has a compelling function in neuronal development is the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF participates in axonal and dendritic differentiation during embryonic stages of neuronal development, as well as in the formation and maturation of dendritic spines during postnatal development. Recent studies have also implicated vesicular trafficking of BDNF via secretory vesicles, and both secretory and endosomal trafficking of vesicles containing synaptic proteins, such as neurotransmitter and neurotrophin receptors, in the regulation of axonal and dendritic differentiation, and in dendritic spine morphogenesis. Several genes that are either mutated or deregulated in neurodevelopmental disorders associated with mental retardation have now been identified, and several mouse models of these disorders have been generated and characterized. Interestingly, abnormalities in dendritic and synaptic structure are consistently observed in human neurodevelopmental disorders associated with mental retardation, and in mouse models of these disorders as well. Abnormalities in dendritic and synaptic differentiation are thought to underlie altered synaptic function and network connectivity, thus contributing to the clinical outcome. Here, we review the roles of BDNF and vesicular trafficking in axonal and dendritic differentiation in the context of dendritic and axonal morphological impairments commonly observed in neurodevelopmental disorders associated with mental retardation

    La Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo nell'ordinamento penale italiano

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    La Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo, nell'esperienza recente, ha guadagnato un ruolo di improvvisa centralità nell'ordinamento italiano, stabilendo vincoli stringenti per il legislatore e, ancora prima, per il giudice domestico. I saggi contenuti nel presente volume ne indagano, da diverse angolature, l'impatto sul sistema penale, analizzando il problema sotto il profilo teorico e misurandone le ricadute applicative in vari ambiti. Si muove da un'introduzione generale sul sistema convenzionale e sulle sue peculiarità, passando al nuovo ruolo guadagnato dalla Convenzione nel sistema delle fonti (dopo le decisioni della Corte costituzionale n. 348 e 349 del 2007), esaminando gli scenari dischiusi dall'evoluzione istituzionale europea (dopo il Trattato di Lisbona) così come le possibili interazioni tra CEDU e Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea, per poi considerare singolarmente problemi più specifici di taglio penalistico e processual-penalistico. Questi ultimi sono sempre affrontati avendo cura di misurare l'apporto di taluni principi convenzionali alla luce dell'interpretazione evolutiva offerta dalla giurisprudenza della Corte di Strasburgo, dai cui tracciati emerge un ricchissimo contributo di novità, denso di potenzialità applicative per l'interprete della legge penale interna

    Neuroscience and the “Mute Law”

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    Thischapterinvestigateshowtheneuroscientificstudiescouldbeusedto unveil the “mute” dimension of law and determine its “appearance”. It is not a coincidence that a sensible anthropologist such as Roderick MacDonald imagined the law as an iceberg where its emerged peak, visible above the water, represents the written law, while the most substantial submerged part represents all the implicit and inferential aspects of the law. Looking at the historical reality, the full picture is far from being completely defined. After re-elaborating some of Rodolfo Sacco’s reflections about the existence of “mute law”, here the following considerations attempt to highlight the importance that neurosciences could have in forming the theoretical basis of the sources of law by better defining the physiology of the regulatory production processes