103 research outputs found

    Diffracted transition radiation of a relativistic electron in a three-layer structure

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    We develop a theory of coherent X-ray radiation of a relativistic electron crossing a three-layer structure consisting of two amorphous layers and a crystal layer. The particular case when the second amor- phous layer is a vacuum is considered. Expressions describing the spectral and angular distributions of coher-ent radiation in such a structure are derived and analyze

    Coherent X-ray radiation of a relativistic electron in a bilayer amorphous layer – single crystal target

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    A theory of coherent X-ray radiation is proposed, which is generated when a relativistic electron is transversing a hybrid target consisting of two parallel plates: amorphous and crystalline. Within a two-wave approximation of the dynamic diffraction theory, expressions describing the spectral-angular density of coherent radiation from this target are obtaine

    Endocannabinoids in bladder sensory mechanisms in health and diseases

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    The recent surge in research on cannabinoids may have been fueled by changes in legislation in several jurisdictions, and by approval for the use of cannabinoids for treatment of some chronic diseases. Endocannabinoids act largely, but not exclusively on cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 (CBR1 and CBR2) which are expressed in the bladder mainly by the urothelium and the axons and endings of motor and sensory neurons. A growing body of evidence suggests that endocannabinoid system constitutively downregulates sensory bladder function during urine storage and micturition, under normal physiological conditions. Similarly, exogenous cannabinoid agonists have potent modulatory effects, as do inhibitors of endocannabinoid inactivation. Results suggest a high potential of cannabinoids to therapeutically ameliorate lower urinary tract symptoms in overactive bladder and painful bladder syndromes. At least part of this may be mediated via effects on sensory nerves, although actions on efferent nerves complicate interpretation. The sensory innervation of bladder is complex with at least eight classes identified. There is a large gap in our knowledge of the effects of endocannabinoids and synthetic agonists on different classes of bladder sensory neurons. Future studies are needed to reveal the action of selective cannabinoid receptor 2 agonists and/or peripherally restricted synthetic cannabinoid receptor 1 agonists on bladder sensory neurons in animal models of bladder diseases. There is significant potential for these novel therapeutics which are devoid of central nervous system psychotropic actions, and which may avoid many of the side effects of current treatments for overactive bladder and painful bladder syndromes.Stewart Christie, Simon Brookes and Vladimir Zagorodnyu

    Комплексное лечение больных с циррозом печени, осложненным кровотечением

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    This article deals with analysis of own experience of treatment of portal hypertension patients complicated with variceal bleeding. There were 390 patients with cirrhosis complicated with variceal bleeding under our supervision from 2006 to 2012. Endoscopic hemostasis was carried out in 296 patients, 158 patients of them were conducted endoscopic sclerotherapy, 98 — endoscopic clipping and ligation and 40 patients — endoscopic sealing. After a stop of bleeding and stabilization of patient condition in 82 cases for prevention of recurrence of bleedings we carried out endovascular embolization of a splenic artery by the technique which we elaborated ourselves. In 52 cases for the purpose of bleedings recurrence prevention we performed laparoscopic operations which consisted in coagulation and ligation of short veins and stomach arteries on big curvature. The remote results after only an endoscopic hemostasis, and an endoscopic hemostasis with the subsequent performance of laparoscopic and endovascular operations have been observed in 190 patients during 3 years. The most effective method of a local hemostasis is the endoscopic ligation and clipping of varices. Endovascular embolization of the splenic artery and also a laparoscopic devascularization of cardiac part of the stomach and abdominal part of the esophagus allows to reduce considerably frequency of bleedings recurrence and lethality in the remote period.В этой статье мы проанализировали наш опыт лечения пациентов с портальной гипертензией, осложненной кровотечениями из варикозно расширенных вен. С 2006 по 2012 гг. под нашим наблюдением было 390 пациентов с циррозом, осложненным кровотечением из варикозно расширенных вен. Из 296 пациентов, которым мы выполняли эндоскопический гемостаз, 158 больным выполняли эндоскопическую склеротерапию, 98 — эндоскопическое лигирование и 40 — прошивание через стенку желудка. После остановки кровотечения и стабилизации состояния пациентов в 82 случаях для профилактики рецидивов кровотечений мы выполняли эндоваскулярную эмболизацию селезеночной артерии по методике, модифицированной нами. В 52 случаях для профилактики рецидивов кровотечений мы выполняли лапароскопические операции портоазигального разобщения с коагуляцией и клипированием сосудов желудка. Эндоваскулярная эмболизация и лапароскопическая деваскуляризация сосудов желудка и нижней трети пищевода позволили значительно сократить частоту рецидивов кровотечений и летальность у этой тяжелой категории больных в ближайшем и отдаленном периодах

    Dynamic theory X-ray radiation by relativistic electron in composite target

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    The dynamic theory of coherent X-ray radiation by relativistic electron crossing a three-layer structure consisting of an amorphous substance layer, a layer of vacuum and a layer with artificial periodic structure has been developed. The process of radiation and propagation of X-ray waves in an artificial periodic structure have been considered based on two-wave approximation of dynamic diffraction theory in Laue scattering geometr

    Endovascular techniques in complex treatment of gallstone disease with concomitant liver cirrhosis

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    Авторами в комплексному лікуванні 21 хворого на жовчнокам'яну хворобу з супутнім цирозом печінки були використані ендоваскулярні операції. Виявлено, що після використання цих операцій значно зменшується кількість інтра- та післяопераційних ускладнень, а запровадження таких операцій в комплексному лікуванні жовчнокам'яної хвороби має значну кількість позитивних моментів та дозволяє покращити результати лікування в цілому.The complex treatment of 21 patients with gallstone disease with concomitant liver cirrhosis has been performed by the authors. Using endovascular techniques prior to laparoscopic operations, we have obtained the low rate of intra- and postoperative complications. Generally, the surgery outcomes have been improved

    The T-type calcium channel Ca V 3.2 regulates bladder afferent responses to mechanical stimuli

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    The bladder wall is innervated by a complex network of afferent nerves that detect bladder stretch during filling. Sensory signals, generated in response to distension, are relayed to the spinal cord and brain to evoke physiological and painful sensations and regulate urine storage and voiding. Hyperexcitability of these sensory pathways is a key component in the development of chronic bladder hypersensitivity disorders including interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome and overactive bladder syndrome. Despite this, the full array of ion channels that regulate bladder afferent responses to mechanical stimuli have yet to be determined. Here, we investigated the role of low-voltage-activated T-type calcium (CaV3) channels in regulating bladder afferent responses to distension. Using single-cell reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunofluorescence, we revealed ubiquitous expression of CaV3.2, but not CaV3.1 or CaV3.3, in individual bladder-innervating dorsal root ganglia neurons. Pharmacological inhibition of CaV3.2 with TTA-A2 and ABT-639, selective blockers of T-type calcium channels, dose-dependently attenuated ex-vivo bladder afferent responses to distension in the absence of changes to muscle compliance. Further evaluation revealed that CaV3.2 blockers significantly inhibited both low- and high-threshold afferents, decreasing peak responses to distension, and delayed activation thresholds, thereby attenuating bladder afferent responses to both physiological and noxious distension. Nocifensive visceromotor responses to noxious bladder distension in vivo were also significantly reduced by inhibition of CaV3 with TTA-A2. Together, these data provide evidence of a major role for CaV3.2 in regulating bladder afferent responses to bladder distension and nociceptive signalling to the spinal cord.Luke Grundya, Cindy Taya, Stewart Christied, Andrea M. Harrington, Joel Castro, Fernanda C. Cardoso, Richard J. Lewis, Vladimir Zagorodnyuk, Stuart M. Brierle