12 research outputs found
Malaysian contractors’ perception towards Building Information Modeling (BIM) applications / Zafikha Aida Bidin
Malaysian construction industry is always involved in project complexities difficulties, need of achieving faster results and slower in the adoption of technology. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an object base technology and a set of tools which consists process of generating, storing, managing, exchanging and sharing building information among construction project stakeholders which enhance the productivity of project requirements and output. Despite the fact that BIM was firstly developed with a focal point on the design world, it has become widely noticeable and increase good turn among contractors. The aim of this study is to discover Building Information Modeling (BIM) application in contractor scope of works. Literature review and survey was carried out to identify the barriers and issues of BIM, construction project processes that involved BIM implementation as well as its benefits and success strategies towards engagement of construction stakeholders in BIM application. The survey was carried out among G7 Contractors in Klang Valley, Selangor. With the results of 51 respondents who participate in the survey, findings from quantitative and qualitative questionnaire reveal that the barriers and issues of BIM are contractor’s resist to change, lack of knowledge and BIM perceived costs. As for the issues of BIM four (4) general issues such as lack of interoperability, lack in standards for model integration and management, do not have technology in terms of hardware and software and lack of determination of ownership on BIM tools are identified. BIM implementation during construction stage can benefits in terms of coordination, collaboration, improves communication and sharing information among construction practitioners. Moreover, BIM can improve accuracy in term of cost and reduce waste of rework. In order to encourage the contractors in implementation of BIM in their practices, five (5) success strategies on BIM were identified. These strategies can increase the quality of Malaysian construction projects as well as improve image of the industry. Everyone efforts are counted in order for BIM to be widely used in Malaysian construction projects especially among contractors
Strategic Collaborative Planning for Urban Liveability: A Comparative Review of Metropolitan Area Case Studies
The issue of urban liveability has been extensively debated by global agencies and scholars, as evidenced by the New Urban Agenda, in response to the impact of urbanisation. Urban liveability pertains to the ability of urban communities to achieve a high-quality living environment. While participatory planning is often presented as a means of empowering communities to attain better living conditions, it has presented challenges for decision-makers. Furthermore, dominant actors often influence participation processes, benefiting certain community segments. As a result, collaborative planning has emerged as an approach that seeks to address the interests of multiple urban factors by promoting consensus in decision-making. This paper aims to examine the collaborative planning methods that have been used in strategic planning that have empowered the community to participate in the planning process. Content analysis was employed as a research method to explore the empirical evidence of collaborative planning that has successfully empowered community participation in strategic planning and its impact on the liveability of metropolitan areas. Correspondingly, the Melbourne, Vancouver, and Helsinki case studies were selected based on five liveable city indices. This study's findings suggest a positive correlation between the implementation of collaborative planning by the selected metropolitan areas and their status as the most liveable cities. This paper contributes to the ongoing debate on the role of collaborative planning in promoting urban liveability
Evolution of Malaysia’s Plans Policies, Initiatives and Strategies on Green Procurement Implementation: A Review
Malaysia’s plans have evolved over the years, highlighting several goals to sustain economic growth and development in all constituent states of Malaysia. The five-year development plan comprises a comprehensive and integrated plan, policies, and strategies to lead the government in achieving the desired economic and socioeconomic goals. The first Malaysia plan was introduced in 1966-1970, and the development of Malaysia’s plans has continued since then. In the Tenth Malaysia Plan, the government emphasised sustainable management, responding to global climate change, and focusing on strategies and mitigation adaptation to ensure sustainable growth. Keeping environmental sustainability is a global commitment, especially in the construction industry, which contributes the most to environmental issues. Green procurement has been introduced to the construction industry as a way forward and a strategy towards sustainability. The primary objective of this paper is to analyse the evolution of the five-year development plans policies, initiatives, and strategies that have been proposed by the government on green procurement practices in Malaysia’s plans. The study employs integrative literature review to analyse the contents and features of Malaysia’s plans and its related government policy documents on green procurement. The findings of this study will assist stakeholders in better understanding the significance of green policies, initiatives, and strategies on green procurement implementation in Malaysia’s plans towards achieving inclusive, sustainable development in the construction industry
Strategic Collaborative Planning for Urban Liveability : A Comparative Review of Metropolitan Area Case Studies
The issue of urban liveability has been extensively debated by global agencies and scholars, as evidenced by the New Urban Agenda, in response to the impact of urbanisation. Urban liveability pertains to the ability of urban communities to achieve a high-quality living environment. While participatory planning is often presented as a means of empowering communities to attain better living conditions, it has presented challenges for decision-makers. Furthermore, dominant actors often influence participation processes, benefiting certain community segments. As a result, collaborative planning has emerged as an approach that seeks to address the interests of multiple urban factors by promoting consensus in decision-making. This paper aims to examine the collaborative planning methods that have been used in strategic planning that have empowered the community to participate in the planning process. Content analysis was employed as a research method to explore the empirical evidence of collaborative planning that has successfully empowered community participation in strategic planning and its impact on the liveability of metropolitan areas. Correspondingly, the Melbourne, Vancouver, and Helsinki case studies were selected based on five liveable city indices. This study's findings suggest a positive correlation between the implementation of collaborative planning by the selected metropolitan areas and their status as the most liveable cities. This paper contributes to the ongoing debate on the role of collaborative planning in promoting urban liveability
Evolution of Malaysia’s Plans Policies, Initiatives and Strategies on Green Procurement Implementation: A Review
Malaysia’s plans have evolved over the years, highlighting several goals to sustain economic growth and development in all constituent states of Malaysia. The five-year development plan comprises a comprehensive and integrated plan, policies, and strategies to lead the government in achieving the desired economic and socioeconomic goals. The first Malaysia plan was introduced in 1966-1970, and the development of Malaysia’s plans has continued since then. In the Tenth Malaysia Plan, the government emphasised sustainable management, responding to global climate change, and focusing on strategies and mitigation adaptation to ensure sustainable growth. Keeping environmental sustainability is a global commitment, especially in the construction industry, which contributes the most to environmental issues. Green procurement has been introduced to the construction industry as a way forward and a strategy towards sustainability. The primary objective of this paper is to analyse the evolution of the five-year development plans policies, initiatives, and strategies that have been proposed by the government on green procurement practices in Malaysia’s plans. The study employs integrative literature review to analyse the contents and features of Malaysia’s plans and its related government policy documents on green procurement. The findings of this study will assist stakeholders in better understanding the significance of green policies, initiatives, and strategies on green procurement implementation in Malaysia’s plans towards achieving inclusive, sustainable development in the construction industry
Introducing Green Practices for Construction Project Implementation Through Collaborative Approach
Successful construction project implementation depends on support from the stakeholders to meet the project objectives. Among the challenges identified related to stakeholders is the level of knowledge and awareness on working together to meet the project objective. The green initiative has been considered one of the project’s missions to tackle the environmental degradation issue due to the construction process. One of the green initiatives is the introduction of green practices. Thus, this conceptual paper highlights the importance of a collaborative approach for empowering the understanding, awareness, and willingness of construction stakeholders and the government to implement green practices in the construction process. The framework is developed through a literature review as the method to collect and analyse the literature data. The paper concluded that a collaborative approach enables all actors, particularly the construction stakeholders, to be educated, aware, and willing to implement green practices in the construction process
Accelerating Green Procurement for Construction Project Adoption Through The Enhancement of People Capabilities
Unpredictable weather, global warming, and even air pollution result from human activities that harm the ecosystem, whether we like it or not. Since the publication of the Brundtland Report, the adverse effects on the environment have been the focus of discussion by many parties. The Brundtland report highlighted that the current physical development practices have less emphasis on environmental protection while planning physical growth. Since then, the construction sector has gradually embraced many green practices, such as green procurement. The people capability requirements that are crucial for speeding the adoption of green-oriented procurement will, therefore, be highlighted in this paper. This study uses an exploratory technique to uncover the people\u27s capability criteria for green procurement of a construction project. The identification of the criteria is novel Several focus group discussion sessions were conducted involving stakeholders from various backgrounds who have been involved with green buildings. The results of this study will help the project stakeholders to enhance people capability plans for the project development. The ultimate aim is to ensure all the green project objectives are carried out in line with the urgent need to protect the environment and support government policies
Is Community Participation in Urban Planning in Iskandar Malaysia Effective Enough ? A Qualitative Exploration
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of community participation in planning and operational decision-making in Iskandar Malaysia. The Iskandar Malaysia region consists of four local planning authorities who are responsible for planning and managing the spatial development in the region. Conceptually, effective community participation helps the local planning authority to make better decisions, hence, providing a sustainable and quality living environment.
The study employed in-depth interviews to gather insights into the phenomenon from various key actors to address the questions. Following the 31 interviews performed, it is suggested that the effectiveness of community participation; and the incorporation of community interest in Iskandar Malaysia are substantially influenced by functional variables such as collaboration between stakeholders,
community access to information and process, and intergovernmental relationships in planning. Structural and cultural variables include the skill and professionalism of public planners, the capability to influence, public awareness and knowledge, and community representation
Government Intervention Through Collaborative Approach in Promoting The Adoption of Green Procurement for Construction Projects
The green procurement (GP) for construction industry and its implementation requires government intervention particularly through policies, initiatives, and incentives. GP is relatively a new concept especially in Malaysian construction industry and its implementation is still ambiguous even though GP is globally recognised. Hesitation in implementing GP among construction stakeholder is due to lacking of familiarity, lack of available standard guidelines and awareness among stakeholders. These are the challenges that hindered the adoption of GP among construction stakeholders in Malaysia. In construction industry, collaboration among construction stakeholder is fundamental towards construction projects’ success and also depending on the support from various stakeholders to meet the project objectives . Thus, this conceptual paper is intended to highlight the importance of collaborative approach and way forward with GP as a strategy to solve environmental problems. Specifically, it looks into government’s intervention to promote, empower the understanding, creating awareness, and willingness of construction stakeholders to implement GP in construction projects. The preliminary framework is developed through literature review and questionnaire survey were used as the method to collect and analyze the findings. The paper concludes that collaborative approach provide a better platform for all the parties, particularly the construction stakeholders to be better engaged, in terms of communication, well informed, more aware and willing to implement the GP throughout the construction process
Effective Community Participation in Planning and Operational Decision-Making in Iskandar Malaysia: A Qualitative In-Depth Interview Study
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of community participation in planning and operational decision-making in Iskandar Malaysia. Iskandar Malaysia region consists of four
local planning authorities responsible for planning and managing the spatial development in the region. Conceptually, effective community participation helps the local planning authority make a better decision, hence providing a sustainable and quality living environment. Therefore, the question raised is, “To what extent does the current community participation process offers a genuine opportunity to the community to incorporate their interest in the planning and operational decisions? The study employed in-depth interviews to gather insight of the phenomenon from various key actors to address the question. Following the 43 interviews performed, it is suggested
that the effectiveness of community participation; and the incorporation of community interest in Iskandar Malaysia are substantially influenced by the functional variables like a collaboration between stakeholders, community's access to information and process; and intergovernmental
relationship in planning. Structural and cultural variables include the skill and professionalism of public planners, capability to influence, public awareness and knowledge, and community's representation