18 research outputs found

    Monolithic integration of Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) devices onto standard processed CMOS dies

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    Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) based technology is nowadays the preferred option for low magnetic fields sensing in disciplines such as biotechnology or microelectronics. Their compatibility with standard CMOS processes is currently investigated as a key point for the development of novel applications, requiring compact electronic readout. In this paper, such compatibility has been experimentally studied with two particular non-dedicated CMOS standards: 0.35 μm from AMS (Austria MicroSystems) and 2.5 μm from CNM (Centre Nacional de Microelectrònica, Barcelona) as representative examples. GMR test devices have been designed and fabricated onto processed chips from both technologies. In order to evaluate so obtained devices, an extended characterization has been carried out including DC magnetic measurements and noise analysis. Moreover, a 2D-FEM (Finite Element Method) model, including the dependence of the GMR device resistance with the magnetic field, has been also developed and simulated. Its potential use as electric current sensors at the integrated circuit level has also been demonstrated

    Modeling of Small DC Magnetic Field Response in Trilayer Magnetoelectric Laminate Composites

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    We consider a magnetoelectric laminate which comprises two magnetostrictive (Ni) layers and an in-between piezoelectric layer (PZT). Using the finite-element method-based software COMSOL, we numerically calculate the induced voltage between the two faces of the PZT piezoelectric layer, by an external homogeneous small-signal magnetic field threading the three-layer Ni/PZT/Ni laminate structure. A bias magnetic field is simulated as being produced by two permanent magnets, as it is done in real experimental setups. For approaching the real materials’ properties, a measured magnetization curve of the Ni plate is used in the computations. The reported results take into account the finite-size effects of the structure, such as the fringing electric field effect and the demagnetization, as well as the effect of the finite conductivity of the Ni layers on the output voltage. The results of the simulations are compared with the experimental data and with a widely known analytical result for the induced magnetoelectric voltage

    Monolithic integration of Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) devices onto standard processed CMOS dies

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    Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) based technology is nowadays the preferred option for low magnetic fields sensing in disciplines such as biotechnology or microelectronics. Their compatibility with standard CMOS processes is currently investigated as a key point for the development of novel applications, requiring compact electronic readout. In this paper, such compatibility has been experimentally studied with two particular non-dedicated CMOS standards: 0.35 μm from AMS (Austria MicroSystems) and 2.5 μm from CNM (Centre Nacional de Microelectrònica, Barcelona) as representative examples. GMR test devices have been designed and fabricated onto processed chips from both technologies. In order to evaluate so obtained devices, an extended characterization has been carried out including DC magnetic measurements and noise analysis. Moreover, a 2D-FEM (Finite Element Method) model, including the dependence of the GMR device resistance with the magnetic field, has been also developed and simulated. Its potential use as electric current sensors at the integrated circuit level has also been demonstrated. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.Peer Reviewe

    Crystal chemistry and hydrogen bonding of rustumite Ca10(Si2O7)2(SiO4)(OH)2Cl2 with variable OH, Cl, F

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    Three samples of the skarn mineral rustumite Ca10(Si2O7)2(SiO4)(OH)2Cl2, space group C2/c, a ≈7.6, b ≈ 18.5, c ≈ 15.5 Å, β ≈ 104°, with variable OH, Cl, F content were investigated by electron microprobe, single-crystal X-ray structure refinements, and Raman spectroscopy. “Rust1LCl” is a low chlorine rustumite Ca10(Si2O7)2(SiO4)(OH1.88F0.12)(Cl1.28,OH0.72) from skarns associated with the Rize batholith near Ikizedere, Turkey. “Rust2F” is a F-bearing rustumite Ca10(Si2O7)2(SiO4)(OH1.13F0.87) (Cl1 96OH0.04) from xenoliths in ignimbrites of the Upper Chegem Caldera, Northern Caucasus, Russia. “Rust3LClF” represents a low-Cl, F-bearing rustumite Ca10(Si2O7)2(SiO4)0.87(H4O4)0.13(OH1.01F0.99) (Cl1.00 OH1.00) from altered merwinite skarns of the Birkhin massif, Baikal Lake area, Eastern Siberia, Russia. Rustumite from Birkhin massif is characterized by a significant hydrogarnet-like or fluorine substitution at the apices of the orthosilicate group, leading to specific atomic displacements. The crystal structures including hydrogen positions have been refined from single-crystal X-ray data to R1 = 0.0205 (Rust1_LCl), R1 = 0.0295 (Rust2_F), and R1 = 0.0243 (Rust3_LCl_F), respectively. Depletion in Cl and replacement by OH is associated with smaller unit-cell dimensions. The substitution of OH by F leads to shorter hydrogen bonds O-H⋯F instead of O-H⋯OH. Raman spectra for all samples have been measured and confirm slight strengthening of the hydrogen bonds with uptake of F.This study discusses the complex crystal chemistry of the skarn mineral rustumite and may provide a wider understanding of the chemical reactions related to contact metamorphism of limestones