180 research outputs found

    Impact of Personality and Emotional Intelligence on Successful Training in Competences

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    Many modern management theories and researches deriving therefrom seek those personality features and traits that ought to ensure the efficient development of an individualā€™s competences. In my research we found out that managers are able to develop top quality management and top quality competences irrespective of their personality traits. Since there is no uniform method that would offer an explanation as to how individuals should develop their competences, we presented how an individual training programme and the development of competences should proceed.However,we can only attain optimum success in training needed competences if we take into consideration individual features of a person, his/her emotional intelligence and the requirements of his/her working environment.What the dynamic and variable working environment expects from a modern leader is a wide range of good or even perfect competences. The article at hand presents the importance of a long-term basis training that has a systematic influence on the improvement of management techniques.competences, training, personality traits, management, behaviour

    Linear scheduling methods and techniques

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    In my thesis I have threated the linear scheduling method and it`s developement over the years. This method is useful for planing linear objects like roads, pipelines, railways and canalizations, where the activities are repetitive.\ud A linear plan is defined by a two-dimensional coordinate system, where the vertical and the horizontal represents time and location. The advantage of this sort of plan is his transparent construction progress. Anytime time we know the exact position of each activity.\ud I have presented software tools for linear scheduling and compared the making of a linear plan with or without the use of a specialized program. In this sphere were primarily implented two programs: Tilos and Dynaroad. Their main advantages are the graphical plan view, compatibility with other software tools and the ease of monitoring work progress. The main disadvantage is the inability of determing the critical path of linear scheduling method. Both determine the critical path on the basis of network planing method despite the inadequacy of it.\u

    Beaches in the Function of Primary Resource of the Beach Tourism Product

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    Development of tourism in the Republic of Croatia is closely related to bathing tourism. In the beginning, the development of tourism was linked to thermal spas and health resorts and later to coastal areas. Coastal zones represent a unique geographical area from the prospective of ecology, but also from a prospective of human race development. Coastal zones, especially those in the Mediterranean, are characterized by high population and economic activity which are causing conflicts when it comes to the way of resources usage, intensive land usage, urbanization of the coastal line and ecological degradation. The Republic of Croatia, as one of the most significant tourism destinations in the Mediterranean, has a long tourism tradition and high development potential. But, what best characterizes the Croatian part of the Adriatic are certainly its well-indented coast, natural attractions and diversity, which all serve the development of tourism and other economic activities


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    Tourism is a system that inevitably follows the technological advancement of other areas of social and economic life, especially in the domain of accessibility of all elements of tourist product offered by its basic unit - a tourist destination. Due to the inclination and the need to use mobile digital tools and services for visitors to better manage, the concept of the so-called ā€œsmart destinationā€ is becoming increasingly important. However, as digital applications become increasingly saturated with everyday life and threaten the saturation of real and quality life, there is a need for selective access also in the domain of destination management through experience management and visitor satisfaction. Using the methodology of the survey questionnaire a survey has conducted on several tourist frequency locations in the destination, whose aim was to investigate the importance and participation of individual mobile applications in improving the visitor experience, among them the five most prominent. By applying correlation and regression analysis, results have been achieved, which applications most importantly participate in improving the visitor experience. The significance of this research is reflected in the design of a new tool for adaptive and selective introduction of new mobile applications in order to better target visitors in a destination and thus more effectively manage their experience.Turizam je sustav koji neizostavno prati tehnoloÅ”ki napredak ostalih područja druÅ”tvenog i gospodarskog života, pogotovo u domeni dostupnosti svih elemenata turističkog proizvoda koje nudi njegova osnovna jedinica ā€“ turistička destinacija. Slijedom sklonosti i potrebe koriÅ”tenja mobilnih digitalnih alata i usluga od strane posjetitelja u svrhu boljeg snalaženja, sve se viÅ”e nameće koncept tzv. pametne destinacije. Međutim, kako digitalne aplikacije sve viÅ”e zasićuju svakodnevnicu i prijete saturaciji realnog i kvalitetnog života, nameće se potreba selektivnog pristupa i u domenu destinacijskog upravljanja kroz upravljanje iskustvom i zadovoljstvom posjetitelja. Metodom usmjerenog anketnog upitnika provedeno je istraživanje na viÅ”e turistički frekventnih lokacija u destinaciji, čiji je cilj bio, od pet najistaknutijih, istražiti važnost i participaciju pojedinačnih mobilnih aplikacija u unapređenju iskustva posjetitelja. Provedbom korelacijske i regresijske analize doÅ”lo se do rezultata, koje aplikacije najznačajnije participiraju u unapređenju iskustva posjetitelja. Značaj ovog istraživanja ogleda se u oblikovanju novog alata za adaptabilno i selektivno uvođenje novih mobilnih aplikacija u funkciji lakÅ”eg snalaženja posjetitelja u destinaciji a time i učinkovitijeg upravljanja njihovim iskustvom


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    Preferences of contemporary tourists are oriented towards an integrated tourist product which will not only meet, but also exceed their expectations. The tourist offer anticipated these demands by offering tourism events whose basic purpose is to create a unique experience. The basic problem in the realization of an event is communication of the event to targeted demand. The objective of the paper is finding a potential model of successful communication of tourism events in tourist destinations. The subject of analysis in the paper are the most important elements which are framework of strategic decision-making in the forming of tourist offer, as well as benchmarking analysis of tourist destinations of Opatija and Tarragona. Proposal of optimal and effective communication channels on the tourism market is based on the conducted analyses. Scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, historical, statistical methods, methods of comparison and methods of induction and deduction are used in the paper

    Fundamental Values of the EU: A Constitutional Foundation of European Integration or Eurocentric Grandiosity?

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    Magistrska naloga je posvečena poglobljeni obravnavi evropskih vrednot. Vrednote demokracije, pravne države in svobode na samem začetku evropske integracije niso bile popolnoma pozabljene, niso pa tudi zavzemale osrednjega mesta v razpravah o evropski unifikaciji. Večja pozornost jim je bila posvečena Å”ele v devetdesetih letih, ko jih prvič posredno zasledimo v členu F Maastrichtske pogodbe in nekoliko kasneje v 6. členu Amsterdamske pogodbe. Svoboda, demokracija, vladavina prava in človekove pravice so bile sprva omenjene kot načela Evropske unije in so bile Å”ele z novo terminologijo v 2. členu Lizbonske pogodbe (PEU-Liz) preimenovane v vrednote Evropske unije. V okviru naloge sem raziskala, v katerih evropskih dokumentih zasledimo omembo vrednot, kako so se te vrednote skozi čas razvijale in kakÅ”en je njihov pomen v evropskem prostoru. Nadalje sem vrednote, zapisane v 2. členu PEU-Liz, nekoliko bolj podrobno razčlenila, pri tem pa nisem pozabila tudi na vrednoto miru, ki sicer ni naÅ”teta med vrednotami 2. člena, a predstavlja temelj evropskega povezovanja, brez katerega nadaljnji razvoj evropskih vrednot ne bi bil možen. Na koncu sem se poglobila Å”e v zunanjo politiko Evropske unije in preučila, kako evropske vrednote učinkujejo v razmerju s tretjimi državami, ki niso članice Evropske unije. Analizirala sem tako pozitivno kot negativno plat Å”irjena evropskih vrednot pod okriljem univerzalnosti in v tem kontekstu ovrednotila različne teorije o razvoju evropskih vrednot preko skupne in zunanje politike EU.This master\u27s thesis is dedicated to an in-depth examination of European values. At the beginning of the European integration, values of democracy, the rule of law and liberty were not completely forgotten, but neither did they occupy a prominent position in discussions on European unification. More attention was paid to them later in the 1990s, firstly indirectly acknowledged in Article F of the Maastricht Treaty and later in Article 6 of the Amsterdam Treaty. Freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights were originally referred to as the principles of the European Union and were renamed as values only later in the new terminology of Article 2 of the Treaty of Lisbon (TEU-Liz). As part of my assignment, I reviewed in which European documents we can find the notion of values, how they evolved over time and what is their special significance in the European area. Furthermore, I comprehensively analysed the values laid down in Article 2 of the TEU-Liz, among which I also mentioned the value of peace which, incidentally, is not mentioned in Article 2, but represents the foundation of European integration without which further advancement of European values would not be possible. Finally, I expanded my research into the area of EU common foreign and security policy, where I investigated the impact of proliferation of European values in relation to third countries, states which are not members of the European Union. I analysed positive as well as negative aspects of the spread of European values under the auspices of universality and in this context, I examined the various theories regarding the expansion of European values through EUā€™s common foreign and security policy
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