1,270 research outputs found

    Voices of the Exhibition:The Rise of Ekphrasis During the 20th Century Through Imagism and Visual Art Museums

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    The purpose of this research is to identify main causes for the expansion of ekphrastic poetry during the 20th century and how it became a more widely used genre. The goal is to show how ekphrasis contributed to the growth of the interdisciplinary partnership between museums and poets. By evaluating two factors that led to a growing interest in the genre and increased accessibility to poetry and the visual arts. This is done by looking at ekphrastic work by Imagist poets like Ezra Pound, Richard Aldington and H.D. as well as the growth of 20th century museum accessibility and educational practices. The expansion of ekphrasis resulted in a wider exposure to poetry, the visual arts and museums. Ekphrasis assisted in accomplishing mutual goals of exposing and educating the public to both mediums, which resulted in better understanding of the genre and its influence on museums throughout the 20th century

    A Score of Voices: Creating and Scoring an Original Film With A cappella Choir

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    Film scores typically feature large instrumental ensembles, sometimes with choir added at pivotal moments. Rarely, however, is the choir entrusted with a greater percentage of the score, and far too scores explore the sonic potential that vocal music has to offer. In fact, in a recent study of 800 films, none contained a score that was completely c. Thus, the body of unaccompanied choral film scores is practically non-existent. This curious gap in repertoire inspired me to create the documentary Downstream (2023) and score it entirely with an unaccompanied choir. The full score to this new work is contained within this thesis, along with a cursory analysis and historical overview of choral music in film. Finally, as a template and test case for other composers, I provide insight and analysis into my own creative process and unique challenges and benefits afforded by vocal ensembles in film

    Factors that Influence Device Selection by Parents of Pediatric Cochlear Implant Candidates

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate factors/variables and the importance of those factors during cochlear implant (CI) device selection by parents of recent pediatric CI recipients in the United States. The researcher created an electronic survey and asked audiologists and hearing-related professionals at various hospitals and CI centers across the United States to distribute the survey link to the parents of any of their pediatric CI patients who received CI surgery within the past two years under the age of five years. The survey included both Likert-type and open-ended questions regarding the importance of various factors/variables to the parents during their child’s CI device selection. Results of the study found that the participants ranked reported reliability and speech perception performance of the respective manufacturer’s CI device as the most important factor. Individually, the parents of Cochlear, Ltd. recipients found recommendations from others and the popular brand of the company to be most important; based on a limited sample, parents of Advanced Bionics recipients found the CI device’s waterproof capabilities to be most important; and, also based on a limited sample, parents of MED-EL recipients found the reported speech perception performance to be most important

    HBSI Automation Using the Kinect 2

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    This research focused on classifying Human-Biometric Sensor Interaction errors in real-time. The Kinect 2 was used as a measuring device to track the position and movements of the subject through a simulated border control environment. Knowing, in detail, the state of the subject ensures that the human element of the HBSI model is analyzed accurately. A network connection was established with the iris device to know the state of the sensor and biometric system elements of the model. Information such as detection rate, extraction rate, quality, capture type, and more metrics was available for use in classifying HBSI errors. A Federal Inspection Station (FIS) booth was constructed to simulate a U.S. border control setting in an International airport. The subjects were taken through the process of capturing iris and fingerprint samples in an immigration setting. If errors occurred, the Kinect 2 program would classify the error and saved these for further analysis


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    A prominent landslide deposit in the Slope Basin seaward of the Megasplay Fault in the Nankai Trough was emplaced by a high-mobility landslide based on analysis of physical properties and seismic geomorphology. Slide acceleration is a critical variable that determines amplitude of slide-generated tsunami but is many times a variable with large uncertainty. In recent controlled laboratory experiments, the ratio of the shear stress to yield strength (defined as the Flow Factor) controls a wide spectrum of mass movement styles from slow, retrogressive failure to rapid, liquefied flows. Here, we apply this laboratory Flow Factor approach to a natural landslide in the Nankai Trough by constraining pre-failure particle size analysis and porosity. Several mass transport deposits (MTDs), were drilled and cored at Site C0021 in the Nankai Trough during International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 338. The largest, MTD B, occurs at 133-176 meters below seafloor and occurred approximately 0.87 Mya. Slide volume is 2 km3, transport distance is 5 km, and average deposit thickness is 50 m (maximum 180 m). Pre-failure water content was estimated from shallow sediments at Site C0018 (82%). The average grain size distribution is 37% clay-sized, 60% silt-sized, and 3% sand-size particles as determined by hydrometer analyses of the MTD. Together, the water content and clay fraction predict a Flow Factor of 3.5, which predicts a relatively high mobility slide. We interpret that the landslide that created MTD B was a single event that transported the slide mass relatively rapidly as opposed to a slow, episodic landslide event. This is supported by the observation of a completely evacuated source area with no remnant blocks or retrogressive headscarp and an internally chaotic seismic facies with large entrained blocks. This approach can be extended to other field settings characterized by fine-grained siliciclastics and where water content and clay percentages are known

    On a Generalization of the Frobenius Number

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    We consider a generalization of the Frobenius Problem where the object of interest is the greatest integer which has exactly jj representations by a collection of positive relatively prime integers. We prove an analogue of a theorem of Brauer and Shockley and show how it can be used for computation.Comment: 5 page


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    The development of parallel type six-axis accelerometers was hindered for their complicated forward kinematics and dynamics algorithms which make it difficult to decouple the six acceleration components timely, accurately and stably. This paper applies four parallel configurations with 6-DOF and a closed-form solution of the forward kinematics to six-axis accelerometers as the elastic bodies, where the piezoelectric ceramics act as the sensitive elements and play the role of prismatic pairs. An efficient decoupling algorithm was derived to calculate the six acceleration components completely by the use of Kane’s dynamics method in configuration space. Considering the differences in sensing properties of the four six-axis accelerometers, a quantitative comparison was conducted to reveal the configurations’ direct influences on some static characteristics, including accuracy, efficiency, sensitivity, isotropy, and working frequency range, which makes a theoretical foundation for the subsequent design of a reconfigurable prototype
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