35 research outputs found

    Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Galaxy-halo connection from galaxy-galaxy lensing

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, los autores pertenecientes a la UAM y el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si lo hubiereThis is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society following peer review. The version of record Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509.3 (2022): 3119-3147 is available online at: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article-abstract/509/3/3119/6425763?redirectedFrom=fulltextGalaxy-galaxy lensing is a powerful probe of the connection between galaxies and their host dark matter haloes, which is important both for galaxy evolution and cosmology. We extend the measurement and modelling of the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal in the recent Dark Energy Survey Year 3 cosmology analysis to the highly non-linear scales (100 kpc). This extension enables us to study the galaxy-halo connection via a Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) framework for the two lens samples used in the cosmology analysis: a luminous red galaxy sample (redmagic) and a magnitude-limited galaxy sample (maglim). We find that redmagic (maglim) galaxies typically live in dark matter haloes of mass log10(Mh/M) ≈ 13.7 which is roughly constant over redshift (13.3-13.5 depending on redshift). We constrain these masses to 15 per cent, approximately 1.5 times improvement over the previous work. We also constrain the linear galaxy bias more than five times better than what is inferred by the cosmological scales only. We find the satellite fraction for redmagic (maglim) to be 0.1-0.2 (0.1-0.3) with no clear trend in redshift. Our constraints on these halo properties are broadly consistent with other available estimates from previous work, large-scale constraints, and simulations. The framework built in this paper will be used for future HOD studies with other galaxy samples and extensions for cosmological analyse

    Non-local contribution from small scales in galaxy-galaxy lensing: Comparison of mitigation schemes

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    Recent cosmological analyses with large-scale structure and weak lensing measurements, usually referred to as 3×\times2pt, had to discard a lot of signal-to-noise from small scales due to our inability to precisely model non-linearities and baryonic effects. Galaxy-galaxy lensing, or the position-shear correlation between lens and source galaxies, is one of the three two-point correlation functions that are included in such analyses, usually estimated with the mean tangential shear. However, tangential shear measurements at a given angular scale θ\theta or physical scale RR carry information from all scales below that, forcing the scale cuts applied in real data to be significantly larger than the scale at which theoretical uncertainties become problematic. Recently there have been a few independent efforts that aim to mitigate the non-locality of the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal. Here we perform a comparison of the different methods, including the Y transformation described in Park et al. (2021), the point-mass marginalization methodology presented in MacCrann et al. (2020) and the Annular Differential Surface Density statistic described in Baldauf et al. (2010). We do the comparison at the cosmological constraints level in a noiseless simulated combined galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing analysis. We find that all the estimators perform equivalently using a Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Year 1 like setup. This is because all the estimators project out the mode responsible for the non-local nature of the galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements, which we have identified as 1/R21/R^2. We finally apply all the estimators to DES Y3 data and confirm that they all give consistent results.Comment: 9+3 pages, 3+3 figures. To be submitted to MNRA

    Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Galaxy-halo connection from galaxy-galaxy lensing

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    Galaxy-galaxy lensing is a powerful probe of the connection between galaxies and their host dark matter haloes, which is important both for galaxy evolution and cosmology. We extend the measurement and modelling of the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal in the recent Dark Energy Survey Year 3 cosmology analysis to the highly non-linear scales (100 kpc). This extension enables us to study the galaxy-halo connection via a Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) framework for the two lens samples used in the cosmology analysis: a luminous red galaxy sample (redmagic) and a magnitude-limited galaxy sample (maglim). We find that redmagic (maglim) galaxies typically live in dark matter haloes of mass log10(Mh/M) ≈ 13.7 which is roughly constant over redshift (13.3-13.5 depending on redshift). We constrain these masses to 15 per cent, approximately 1.5 times improvement over the previous work. We also constrain the linear galaxy bias more than five times better than what is inferred by the cosmological scales only. We find the satellite fraction for redmagic (maglim) to be 0.1-0.2 (0.1-0.3) with no clear trend in redshift. Our constraints on these halo properties are broadly consistent with other available estimates from previous work, large-scale constraints, and simulations. The framework built in this paper will be used for future HOD studies with other galaxy samples and extensions for cosmological analyses

    The Dark Energy Survey Year 3 and eBOSS: constraining galaxy intrinsic alignments across luminosity and colour space

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    We present direct constraints on galaxy intrinsic alignments using the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 (DES Y3), the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) and its precursor, the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). Our measurements incorporate photometric red sequence (redMaGiC) galaxies from DES with median redshift z0.21.0z\sim0.2-1.0, luminous red galaxies (LRGs) from eBOSS at z0.8z\sim0.8, and also a SDSS-III BOSS CMASS sample at z0.5z\sim0.5. We measure two point intrinsic alignment correlations, which we fit using a model that includes lensing, magnification and photometric redshift error. Fitting on scales 6<rp<706<r_{\rm p} < 70 Mpc/h/h, we make a detection of intrinsic alignments in each sample, at 5σ22σ5\sigma-22\sigma (assuming a simple one parameter model for IAs). Using these red samples, we measure the IA-luminosity relation. Our results are statistically consistent with previous results, but offer a significant improvement in constraining power, particularly at low luminosity. With this improved precision, we see detectable dependence on colour between broadly defined red samples. It is likely that a more sophisticated approach than a binary red/blue split, which jointly considers colour and luminosity dependence in the IA signal, will be needed in future. We also compare the various signal components at the best fitting point in parameter space for each sample, and find that magnification and lensing contribute 218%\sim2-18\% of the total signal. As precision continues to improve, it will certainly be necessary to account for these effects in future direct IA measurements. Finally, we make equivalent measurements on a sample of Emission Line Galaxies (ELGs) from eBOSS at z0.8z\sim 0.8. We report a null detection, constraining the IA amplitude (assuming the nonlinear alignment model) to be A1=0.070.42+0.32A_1=0.07^{+0.32}_{-0.42} (A1<0.78|A_1|<0.78 at 95%95\% CL).Comment: Submitted to MNRAS; 22 pages, 11 figure

    Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Exploiting small-scale information with lensing shear ratios

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    Using the first three years of data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES), we use ratios of small-scale galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements around the same lens sample to constrain source redshift uncertainties, intrinsic alignments and other systematics or nuisance parameters of our model. Instead of using a simple geometric approach for the ratios as has been done in the past, we use the full modeling of the galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements, including the corresponding integration over the power spectrum and the contributions from intrinsic alignments and lens magnification. We perform extensive testing of the small-scale shear-ratio (SR) modeling by studying the impact of different effects such as the inclusion of baryonic physics, nonlinear biasing, halo occupation distribution descriptions and lens magnification, among others, and using realistic N-body simulations of the DES data. We validate the robustness of our constraints in the data by using two independent lens samples with different galaxy properties, and by deriving constraints using the corresponding large-scale ratios for which the modeling is simpler. The results applied to the DES Y3 data demonstrate how the ratios provide significant improvements in constraining power for several nuisance parameters in our model, especially on source redshift calibration and intrinsic alignments. For source redshifts, SR improves the constraints from the prior by up to 38% in some redshift bins. Such improvements, and especially the constraints it provides on intrinsic alignments, translate to tighter cosmological constraints when shear ratios are combined with cosmic shear and other 2pt functions. In particular, for the DES Y3 data, SR improves S8 constraints from cosmic shear by up to 31%, and for the full combination of probes (3×2pt) by up to 10%. The shear ratios presented in this work are used as an additional likelihood for cosmic shear, 2×2pt and the full 3×2pt in the fiducial DES Y3 cosmological analysis

    Dark Energy Survey year 3 results: Constraints on cosmological parameters and galaxy-bias models from galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing using the redMaGiC sample

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    We constrain cosmological parameters and galaxy-bias parameters using the combination of galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) year-3 data. We describe our modeling framework and choice of scales analyzed, validating their robustness to theoretical uncertainties in small-scale clustering by analyzing simulated data. Using a linear galaxy-bias model and redMaGiC galaxy sample, we obtain 10% constraints on the matter density of the Universe. We also implement a nonlinear galaxy-bias model to probe smaller scales that includes parametrization based on hybrid perturbation theory and find that it leads to a 17% gain in cosmological constraining power. We perform robustness tests of our methodology pipeline and demonstrate stability of the constraints to changes in the theory model. Using the redMaGiC galaxy sample as foreground lens galaxies and adopting the best-fitting cosmological parameters from DES year-1 data, we find the galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements to exhibit significant signals akin to decorrelation between galaxies and mass on large scales, which is not expected in any current models. This likely systematic measurement error biases our constraints on galaxy bias and the S8 parameter. We find that a scale-, redshift-and sky-Area-independent phenomenological decorrelation parameter can effectively capture this inconsistency between the galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing. We trace the source of this correlation to a color-dependent photometric issue and minimize its impact on our result by changing the selection criteria of redMaGiC galaxies. Using this new sample, our constraints on the S8 parameter are consistent with previous studies and we find a small shift in the ωm constraints compared to the fiducial redMaGiC sample. We infer the constraints on the mean host-halo mass of the redMaGiC galaxies in this new sample from the large-scale bias constraints, finding the galaxies occupy halos of mass approximately 1.6×10 13 M⊙/h

    Mapping gas around massive galaxies: cross-correlation of DES Y3 galaxies and Compton-y maps from SPT and Planck

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    We cross-correlate positions of galaxies measured in data from the first three years of the Dark Energy Survey with Compton-y maps generated using data from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and the Planck mission. We model this cross-correlation measurement together with the galaxy auto-correlation to constrain the distribution of gas in the Universe. We measure the hydrostatic mass bias or, equivalently, the mean halo bias-weighted electron pressure hPe>, using large-scale information. We find hPe> to be [0.160.04+0.03,0.280.05+0.04,0.450.10+0.06,0.540.07+0.08,0.610.06+0.08,0.630.08+0.07][0.16^{+0.03}_{-0.04},0.28^{+0.04}_{-0.05},0.45^{+0.06}_{-0.10},0.54^{+0.08}_{-0.07},0.61^{+0.08}_{-0.06},0.63^{+0.07}_{-0.08}] meV cm-3 at redshifts z ~ [0.30, 0.46, 0.62, 0.77, 0.89, 0.97]. These values are consistent with previous work where measurements exist in the redshift range. We also constrain the mean gas profile using small-scale information, enabled by the high-resolution of the SPT data. We compare our measurements to different parametrized profiles based on the cosmo-OWLS hydrodynamical simulations. We find that our data are consistent with the simulation that assumes an AGN heating temperature of 108.5K but are incompatible with the model that assumes an AGN heating temperature of 108.0K. These comparisons indicate that the data prefer a higher value of electron pressure than the simulations within r500c of the galaxies' haloes

    Quantifying concordance of correlated cosmological data sets

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    We develop estimators of agreement and disagreement between correlated cosmological data sets. These account for data correlations when computing the significance of both tensions and excess confirmation while remaining statistically optimal. We discuss and thoroughly characterize different approaches commenting on the ones that have the best behavior in practical applications. We complement the calculation of their statistical distribution within the Gaussian model with one estimator that takes non-Gaussianities fully into account. To illustrate the use of our techniques, we apply these estimators to supernovae measurements of the distance-redshift relation, absolutely calibrated by the local distance ladder. The suite of best estimators that we discuss finds results that are in excellent agreement between estimators and find no indications of significant internal inconsistencies in this data set above the 1% probability threshold. This shows the robustness of local determinations of the Hubble constant to features in the distance-redshift relation

    Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: galaxy–halo connection from galaxy–galaxy lensing

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    Galaxy-galaxy lensing is a powerful probe of the connection between galaxies and their host dark matter haloes, which is important both for galaxy evolution and cosmology. We extend the measurement and modelling of the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal in the recent Dark Energy Survey Year 3 cosmology analysis to the highly non-linear scales (100 kpc). This extension enables us to study the galaxy-halo connection via a Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) framework for the two lens samples used in the cosmology analysis: a luminous red galaxy sample (redmagic) and a magnitude-limited galaxy sample (maglim). We find that redmagic (maglim) galaxies typically live in dark matter haloes of mass log10(Mh/M) ≈ 13.7 which is roughly constant over redshift (13.3-13.5 depending on redshift). We constrain these masses to 15 per cent, approximately 1.5 times improvement over the previous work. We also constrain the linear galaxy bias more than five times better than what is inferred by the cosmological scales only. We find the satellite fraction for redmagic (maglim) to be 0.1-0.2 (0.1-0.3) with no clear trend in redshift. Our constraints on these halo properties are broadly consistent with other available estimates from previous work, large-scale constraints, and simulations. The framework built in this paper will be used for future HOD studies with other galaxy samples and extensions for cosmological analyses. © 2021 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society