2 research outputs found

    Gamma-ray burst investigation via polarimetry and spectroscopy (GRIPS)

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    59The primary scientific goal of the GRIPS mission is to revolutionize our understanding of the early universe using gamma-ray bursts. We propose a new generation gamma-ray observatory capable of unprecedented spectroscopy over a wide range of gamma-ray energies (200 keV-50 MeV) and of polarimetry (200-1000 keV). The gamma-ray sensitivity to nuclear absorption features enables the measurement of column densities as high as 10(28)cm (-aEuro parts per thousand 2). Secondary goals achievable by this mission include direct measurements of all types of supernova interiors through gamma-rays from radioactive decays, nuclear astrophysics with massive stars and novae, and studies of particle acceleration near compact stars, interstellar shocks, and clusters of galaxies.nonenoneGreiner J.; Iyudin A.; Kanbach G.; Zoglauer A.; Diehl R.; Ryde F.; Hartmann D.; v. Kienlin A.; McBreen S.; Ajello M.; Bagoly Z.; Balasz L. G.; Barbiellini G.; Bellazini R.; Bezrukov L.; Bisikalo D. V.; Bisnovaty-Kogan G.; Boggs S.; Bykov A.; Cherepashuk A. M.; Chernenko A.; Collmar W.; DiCocco G.; Droege W.; Gierlik M.; Hanlon L.; Horvath I.; Hudec R.; Kiener J.; Labanti C.; Langer N.; Larsson S.; Lichti G.; Lipunov V. M.; Lubsandorgiev B. K.; Majczyna A.; Mannheim K.; Marcinkowski R.; Marisaldi M.; McBreen B.; Meszaros A.; Orlando E; Panasyuk M. I.; Pearce M.; Pian E.; Poleschuk R. V.; Pollo A.; Pozanenko A.; Savaglio S.; Shustov B.; Strong A.; Svertilov S.; Tatischeff V.; Uvarov J.; Varshalovich D. A.; Wunderer C. B.; Wrochna G.; Zabrodskij A. G.; Zeleny L. M.Greiner, J.; Iyudin, A.; Kanbach, G.; Zoglauer, A.; Diehl, R.; Ryde, F.; Hartmann, D.; v. Kienlin, A.; Mcbreen, S.; Ajello, M.; Bagoly, Z.; Balasz, L. G.; Barbiellini, G.; Bellazini, R.; Bezrukov, L.; Bisikalo, D. V.; Bisnovaty-Kogan, G.; Boggs, S.; Bykov, A.; Cherepashuk, A. M.; Chernenko, A.; Collmar, W.; Dicocco, G.; Droege, W.; Gierlik, M.; Hanlon, L.; Horvath, I.; Hudec, R.; Kiener, J.; Labanti, C.; Langer, N.; Larsson, S.; Lichti, G.; Lipunov, V. M.; Lubsandorgiev, B. K.; Majczyna, A.; Mannheim, K.; Marcinkowski, R.; Marisaldi, M.; Mcbreen, B.; Meszaros, A.; Orlando, E; Panasyuk, M. I.; Pearce, M.; Pian, E.; Poleschuk, R. V.; Pollo, A.; Pozanenko, A.; Savaglio, S.; Shustov, B.; Strong, A.; Svertilov, S.; Tatischeff, V.; Uvarov, J.; Varshalovich, D. A.; Wunderer, C. B.; Wrochna, G.; Zabrodskij, A. G.; Zeleny, L. M

    Gamma-ray burst investigation via polarimetry and spectroscopy (GRIPS)

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