34 research outputs found

    The determinants of individual health care expenditures in prison: evidence from Switzerland.

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    Prison health systems are subject to increasing pressures given the specific health needs of a growing and aging prison population. Identifying the drivers of medical spending among incarcerated individuals is therefore key for health care governance in prisons. This study assesses the determinants of individual health care expenditures within the prisons of the canton of Vaud, a large region of Switzerland. We use a unique dataset linking demographic and prison stay characteristics as well as objective measures of morbidity to detailed medical invoice data. We adopt a multivariate regression approach to model total, somatic and psychiatric outpatient health care expenditures. We find that chronic infectious, musculoskeletal and skin diseases are strong predictors of total and somatic costs. Schizophrenia, neurotic and personality disorders as well as the abuse of illicit drugs and pharmaceuticals drive total and psychiatric costs. Furthermore, cumulating psychiatric and somatic comorbidities has an incremental effect on costs. By identifying the characteristics associated with health care expenditures in prison, this study constitutes a key step towards a more efficient use of medical resources in prison

    Exploring differences in healthcare utilization of prisoners in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland.

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    Prison healthcare is an important public health concern given the increasing healthcare needs of a growing and aging prison population, which accumulates vulnerability factors and suffers from higher disease prevalence than the general population. This study identifies the key factors associated with outpatient general practitioner (GP), nursing or psychiatric healthcare utilization (HCU) within prisons. Cross-sectional data systematically collected by the prison medical staff were obtained for a sample of 1664 adult prisoners of the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, for the year 2011. They contain detailed information on demographics (predisposing factors), diagnosed chronic somatic and psychiatric disorders (needs factors), as well as prison stay characteristics (contextual factors). For GP, nurse and psychiatric care, two-part regressions are used to model separately the probability and the volume of HCU. Predisposing factors are generally not associated with the probability to use healthcare services after controlling for needs factors. However, female inmates use higher volumes of care, and the volume of GP consultations increases with age. Chronic somatic and psychiatric conditions are the most important predictors of the probability of HCU, but associations with volumes differ in their magnitude and significance across disease groups. Infectious, musculoskeletal, nervous and circulatory diseases actively mobilize GP and nursing staff. Schizophrenia, illicit drug and pharmaceuticals abuse are strongly positively associated with psychiatric and nurse HCU. The occupancy rate displays positive associations among contextual factors. Prison healthcare systems face increasingly complex organizational, budgetary and ethical challenges. This study provides relevant insights into the HCU patterns of a marginalized and understudied population

    A Two-Dimensional Hydrostatically Equilibrium Atmosphere of a Neutron Star with Given Differential Rotation

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    An analytic solution has been found in the Roche approximation for the axially symmetric structure of a hydrostatically equilibrium atmosphere of a neutron star produced by collapse. A hydrodynamic (quasione-dimensional) model for the collapse of a rotating iron core in a massive star gives rise to a heterogeneous rotating protoneutron star with an extended atmosphere composed of matter from the outer part of the iron core with differential rotation (Imshennik and Nadyozhin, 1992). The equation of state of a completely degenerate iron gas with an arbitrary degree of relativity is taken for the atmospheric matter. We construct a family of toroidal model atmospheres with total masses M0.1÷0.2MM \approx 0.1 \div 0.2 M_{\odot} and total angular momenta J(1÷5.5)1049ergsJ \approx (1 \div 5.5) \cdot 10^{49} erg \cdot s, which are acceptable for the outer part of the collapsed iron core, in accordance with the hydrodynamic model, as a function of constant parameters ω0andr0\omega_{0} and r_{0} of the specified differential rotation law Ω=ω0exp[(rsinΘ)2r02]\Omega = \omega_{0}\exp{\Big[-\frac{(r\sin{\Theta})^{2}}{r_{0}^{2}}\Big]} in spherical coordinates. The assumed rotation law is also qualitatively consistent with the hydrodynamic model for the collapse of an iron core.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    A hydrodynamic model for asymmetric explosions of rapidly rotating collapsing supernovae with a toroidal atmosphere

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    We numerically solved the two-dimensional axisymmetric hydrodynamic problem of the explosion of a low-mass neutron star in a circular orbit. In the initial conditions, we assumed a nonuniform density distribution in the space surrounding the collapsed iron core in the form of a stationary toroidal atmosphere that was previously predicted analytically and computed numerically. The configuration of the exploded neutron star itself was modeled by a torus with a circular cross section whose central line almost coincided with its circular orbit. Using an equation of state for the stellar matter and the toroidal atmosphere in which the nuclear statistical equilibrium conditions were satisfied, we performed a series of numerical calculations that showed the propagation of a strong divergent shock wave with a total energy of 0.2x10^51 erg at initial explosion energy release of 1.0x10^51 erg. In our calculations, we rigorously took into account the gravitational interaction, including the attraction from a higher-mass (1.9M_solar) neutron star located at the coordinate origin, in accordance with the rotational explosion mechanism for collapsing supernovae.W e compared in detail our results with previous similar results of asymmetric supernova explosion simulations and concluded that we found a lower limit for the total explosion energy.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Исследование острой токсичности таблеток Гомеовокс, покрытых оболочкой, гомеопатических

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    Relevance. Assessment of acute toxicity is a necessary stage of preclinical research of a tablets Homeovox homeopathic. The aim of present research is study of acute toxicity Homeovox.Methods. Homeovox was administered once orally and intraperitoneally to mice and rats in the maximum possible volumes for each of the administration methods and for each animal species, at the highest possible concentrations. Equivalent volume of 1 % starch solution was administered to animals of the control groups. Euthanasia and pathoanatomical dissection were performed 14 days after drug administration. Periods of animals intoxication with a detailed description of the observed clinical picture were registered.Results. The median fatal doses were not identified because Homeovox did not cause death of animals at introduction of the maximum allowable volumes and maximum allowable concentrations. The morphological view of the internal organs, detected during pathoanatomical dissection of all experimental animals, did not differ from that observed in control animals.Conclusion. It was determined that Homeovox at oral and intraperitoneal introduction concerns to practically non-toxic substances. According to classification Sidorov KK this homeopathic tablets may be related to 5th toxicity class. According to GOST 12.1.007-76 Homeovox may be related to 4th danger class.Оценка острой токсичности является необходимым этапом доклинического исследования таблеток Гомеовокс гомеопатических для лечения ларингитов и нарушений голоса.Цель настоящей работы - изучение острой токсичности таблеток Гомеовокс гомеопатических.Методы. Гомеовокс вводили однократно перорально и внутрибрюшинно мышам и крысам в максимально возможных объёмах для каждого из способов введения и для каждого из видов животных, в максимально возможных концентрациях. Животные контрольных групп получили эквивалентный объём 1 % раствора крахмала. Регистрировались сроки развития интоксикации животных с подробным описанием наблюдаемой клинической картины. Эвтаназию и патологоанатомическое вскрытие проводили через 14 сут после введения препарата.Результаты. Определение средних смертельных доз не представлялось возможным из-за отсутствия гибели животных в условиях достижения максимально возможных концентраций и максимально допустимых объёмов введения. Морфологическая картина внутренних органов, обнаруженная при патологоанатомическом вскрытии всех экспериментальных животных, не отличалась от таковой, наблюдаемой у контрольных животных.Заключение. Установлено, что Гомеовокс при пероральном и внутрибрюшинном введении является практически нетоксичным веществом и по классификации Сидорова К.К. (1973 г.) может быть отнесён к 5 классу токсичности. В соответствии с ГОСТом 12.1.007-76 Гомеовокс относится к 4 классу опасности для перорального способа введения

    Исследование хронической токсичности таблеток Гомеовокс

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    Relevance. Assessment of chronic toxicity is a necessary stage of preclinical research a tablets Homeovox homeopathic. The aim of present research is study of chronic toxicity of a tablets Homeovox homeopathic.Methods. Homeovox was administered orally to males and females of rats and rabbits in doses of 100 and 1 000 mg / kg for three months. The appearance and the general state of animals were observed, the dynamics of body weight, feed and water consumption, behavioral reactions, rectal temperature, state of the cardiovascular system (electrocardiography, blood pressure measurement) were evaluated, hematological, biochemical and pathomorphological examinations were conducted to determine possible toxic effects and their reversibility, possible target organs and local irritant effect.Results. Parameters registered in the conducted studies did not get out the limits of the reference values for these species of animals. Homeovox did not cause any regular changes in the structure of the internal organs of rats and rabbits.Conclusion. Homeovox, administered to rats and rabbits for three months orally daily in doses of 100 and 1 000 mg / kg, did not demonstrate toxic effects and local irritant effect. Актуальность. Исследование хронической токсичности является необходимым этапом доклинического исследования таблеток Гомеовокс гомеопатических, применяемых для лечения ларингитов различной этиологии.Целью настоящей работы явилось изучение хронической токсичности таблеток Гомеовокс гомеопатических.Методы. Гомеовокс вводили ежедневно самцам и самкам крыс и кроликов перорально в дозах 100 и 1 000 мг/кг, в течение трёх месяцев. Наблюдали за внешним видом и общим состоянием животных, оценивали динамику массы тела, потребление корма и воды, поведенческие реакции, ректальную температуру, состояние сердечно-сосудистой системы (электрокардиография, измерение артериального давления), проводили гематологические, биохимические и патоморфологические исследования для определения возможных токсических эффектов и их обратимости, возможных органов-мишеней и местного раздражающего действия.Результаты. Параметры, регистрируемые в проведённых исследованиях, не выходили за пределы референтных значений для данных видов животных. Гомеовокс в условиях настоящего эксперимента не вызывал закономерных изменений структуры внутренних органов крыс и кроликов.Заключение. Гомеовокс, вводимый крысам и кроликам в течение трёх месяцев перорально ежедневно в дозах 100 и 1 000 мг/кг, не продемонстрировал токсических эффектов и местного раздражающего действия. Исследование, проведённое в соответствии с методическими рекомендациями, не установило данных, препятствующих клиническому испытанию таблеток Гомеовокс, покрытых оболочкой гомеопатических

    Исследование острой токсичности ГИЖ-290 на мышах

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    Acute toxicity testing is a commonly accepted procedure for preclinical testing of the safety of potential drugs. The compound GIZh-290, which is a derivative of 4-phenylpyrrolidone– 2,6 - dimethylanilide (2-oxo-4-phenylpyrrolidine-1-yl) acetic acid and has a nootropic and anticonvulsant effect, was studied. The results obtained after a single oral and intraperitoneal administration to mice allow us to attribute GIZH-290 to the 4th class of toxicity – "lowtoxic substances". The study revealed the neurotoxic effects of GIZH-290, which may be due to the main pharmacological activity of the compound used in sublethal doses.Исследование острой токсичности является общепринятой процедурой доклинического исследования безопасности потенциальных лекарств. Исследовано соединение ГИЖ-290, являющее производным 4-фениллпирролидона– 2,6- диметиланилид (2-оксо-4-фенилпирролидин-1-ил) уксусной кислоты и обладающее ноотропным и противосудорожным действием. Результаты, полученные после однократного перорального и внутрибрюшинного введения мышам, позволяют отнести ГИЖ-290 к 4 классу токсичности – «малотоксичные вещества». В ходе исследования выявлены нейротоксические эффекты ГИЖ-290, которые могут быть обусловлены основной фармакологической активностью соединения, использованного в сублетальных дозах

    Исследование острой токсичности ГИЖ-298

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    Assessment of acute toxicity is a necessary stage of preclinical research of the substance GIZh-298. The aim of present research is study of acute toxicity GIZh-298. Methods. GIZh-298 was administered once intraperitoneally to mice at doses 200-330 mg/kg. Equivalent volume of 1 % starch solution was administered to animals of the control groups. Periods of intoxication and death of animals with a detailed description of the observed clinical picture were registered. Euthanasia and pathoanatomical dissection were performed 14 days after drug administration. Results. The median lethal doses were identified: LD50 = 299,6 (279,7 – 320,8) mg/kg in female mice, LD50 = 302,3 (281,5 – 324,6) mg/kg in male mice at intraperitoneal introduction. The morphological view of the internal organs, detected during pathoanatomical dissection of all surviving experimental animals, did not differ from that observed in control animals. Conclusion. It was determined that GIZh-298 at intraperitoneal introduction concerns to low-toxic substances. According to classification Sidorov K.K. GIZh-298 may be related to 4th toxicity class.Актуальность. Оценка острой токсичности является необходимым этапом доклинического исследования фармакологической субстанции ГИЖ-298. Цель настоящей работы – изучение острой токсичности субстанции ГИЖ-298. Методы. ГИЖ-298 вводили однократно внутрибрюшинно мышам в дозах 200–330 мг/кг. Животным контрольных групп вводили по 1 мл 1 % раствора крахмала. Регистрировали сроки развития интоксикации и гибели животных с подробным описанием наблюдаемой клинической картины. Эвтаназию и патологоанатомическое вскрытие проводили через 14 суток после введения субстанции ГИЖ-298. Результаты. Были определены среднелетальные дозы при внутрибрюшинном введении: LD50 = 299,6 (279,7 – 320,8) мг/кг у самок мышей, LD50 = 302,3 (281,5 – 324,6) мг/кг у самцов мышей. Морфологическая картина внутренних органов, обнаруженная при патологоанатомическом вскрытии всех выживших экспериментальных животных, не отличалась от таковой, наблюдаемой у контрольных животных. Заключение. ГИЖ-298 при внутрибрюшинном введении является малотоксичным веществом и по классификации Сидорова К.К. (1973 г.) относится к 4 классу токсичности