39 research outputs found

    Emozioen identifikazio eta kudeaketara hurbilketa

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    Emozioen identifikazio eta kudeaketaren bidez haurren Adimen Emozionala garatzen joan nahi da. Ez dira emozio edota sentimendu ezberdinak baloratu edo balantzan ipini nahi, emozio guztiak baitira baliagarriak, ez dago emozio on edo txarrik, edo baztertu beharreko emoziorik ere. Gakoa emozioek gugan eta gure ekintzengan duten eragina zer-nolakoa den ikustean datza, beraiek identifikatu ostean, gure ongizatea nahiz kideena bilatze aldera kudeaketa egoki bat ematen ikasteko. Hau horrela izanik garrantzizkotzat jotzen da haurrek txikitatik beren sentimendu nahiz emozioak onartzen eta dagokion kudeaketa egiten ikasten hastea, era horretan ahalik eta osasun emozional egokiena izateko

    Ikasgelako liburutegia: antolaketa, kudeaketa eta jarduerak

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    Haur literatura funtsezkoa tresnatzat kontsideratzen dugu Haur Hezkuntzako etapan. Haurrek ipuinen bidez, enpatia, alaitasuna, laguntasuna, naturarekiko eta lagunekiko maitasuna, sentimenduak identifikatzen eta beste hainbat aspektu lantzen laguntzen digutelako. Azken finean, Haur Literaturak haurren garapen afektibo, sozial, artistiko, psikologiko eta kognitiboa garatzen laguntzen gaitu

    Daratumumab in combination with urelumab to potentiate anti-myeloma activity in lymphocytedeficient mice reconstituted with human NK cells

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    Daratumumab is an anti-CD38 fully human IgG1 mAb approved for multiple myeloma treatment. One of the proposed mechanisms of action is the induction of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) mediated by NK cells. NK cells acquire surface CD137 expression in the presence of solid-phase-attached daratumumab and when encountering a daratumumab-coated CD38+ tumor cell line. In this setting, addition of the agonist anti-CD137 mAb urelumab enhances NK-cell activation increasing CD25 expression and IFNɣ production. However, in vitro ADCC is not increased by the addition of urelumab both in 4h or 24h lasting experiments. To study urelumab-increased daratumumab-mediated ADCC activity in vivo, we set up a mouse model based on the intravenous administration of a luciferase-transfected multiple myeloma cell line of human origin, human NK cells and daratumumab to immuno-deficient NSG mice. In this model, intravenous administration of urelumab 24h after daratumumab delayed tumor growth and prolonged mice survival

    Immune biomarkers to predict SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectiveness in patients with hematological malignancies

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    There is evidence of reduced SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectiveness in patients with hematological malignancies. We hypothesized that tumor and treatment-related immunosuppression can be depicted in peripheral blood, and that immune profiling prior to vaccination can help predict immunogenicity. We performed a comprehensive immunological characterization of 83 hematological patients before vaccination and measured IgM, IgG, and IgA antibody response to four viral antigens at day +7 after second-dose COVID-19 vaccination using multidimensional and computational flow cytometry. Health care practitioners of similar age were the control group (n = 102). Forty-four out of 59 immune cell types were significantly altered in patients; those with monoclonal gammopathies showed greater immunosuppression than patients with B-cell disorders and Hodgkin lymphoma. Immune dysregulation emerged before treatment, peaked while on-therapy, and did not return to normalcy after stopping treatment. We identified an immunotype that was significantly associated with poor antibody response and uncovered that the frequency of neutrophils, classical monocytes, CD4, and CD8 effector memory CD127low T cells, as well as naive CD21+ and IgM+D+ memory B cells, were independently associated with immunogenicity. Thus, we provide novel immune biomarkers to predict COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness in hematological patients, which are complementary to treatment-related factors and may help tailoring possible vaccine boosters

    Target Expression, Generation, Preclinical Activity, and Pharmacokinetics of the BCMA-T Cell Bispecific Antibody EM801 for Multiple Myeloma Treatment

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    We identified B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) as a potential therapeutic target in 778 newly diagnosed and relapsed myeloma patients. We constructed an IgG-based BCMA-T cell bispecific antibody (EM801) and showed that it increased CD3+ T cell/myeloma cell crosslinking, followed by CD4+/CD8+ T cell activation, and secretion of interferon-γ, granzyme B, and perforin. This effect is CD4 and CD8 T cell mediated. EM801 induced, at nanomolar concentrations, myeloma cell death by autologous T cells in 34 of 43 bone marrow aspirates, including those from high-risk patients and patients after multiple lines of treatment, tumor regression in six of nine mice in a myeloma xenograft model, and depletion of BCMA+ cells in cynomolgus monkeys. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics indicate weekly intravenous/subcutaneous administration

    Epstein–Barr virus-acquired immunodeficiency in myalgic encephalomyelitis—Is it present in long COVID?

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    Abstract Both myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and long COVID (LC) are characterized by similar immunological alterations, persistence of chronic viral infection, autoimmunity, chronic inflammatory state, viral reactivation, hypocortisolism, and microclot formation. They also present with similar symptoms such as asthenia, exercise intolerance, sleep disorders, cognitive dysfunction, and neurological and gastrointestinal complaints. In addition, both pathologies present Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) reactivation, indicating the possibility of this virus being the link between both pathologies. Therefore, we propose that latency and recurrent EBV reactivation could generate an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in three steps: first, an acquired EBV immunodeficiency develops in individuals with “weak” EBV HLA-II haplotypes, which prevents the control of latency I cells. Second, ectopic lymphoid structures with EBV latency form in different tissues (including the CNS), promoting inflammatory responses and further impairment of cell-mediated immunity. Finally, immune exhaustion occurs due to chronic exposure to viral antigens, with consolidation of the disease. In the case of LC, prior to the first step, there is the possibility of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection in individuals with “weak” HLA-II haplotypes against this virus and/or EBV