71 research outputs found

    Assessment of the contribution of the IHC4+C score to decision making in clinical practice in early breast cancer.

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    Background The immunohistochemical (IHC) 4+C score is a cost-effective prognostic tool that uses clinicopathologic factors and four standard IHC assays: oestrogen receptor (ER), PR, HER2 and Ki67. We assessed its utility in personalising breast cancer treatment in a clinical practice setting, through comparison with Adjuvant! Online (AoL) and the Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI).Methods We prospectively gathered clinicopathologic data for postmenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative, N0-3 resected early breast cancer treated consecutively at our institution. We retrospectively calculated and compared prognostic scores. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients reclassified from AoL-defined intermediate-risk by application of the IHC4+C score.Results The median age of the 101 patients included in the analysis was 63. In all, 15 of the 26 patients classified as intermediate-risk by AoL were reallocated to a low-risk group by application of the IHC4+C score and no patient was reclassified as high-risk group. Of the 59 patients classified as intermediate-risk group by the NPI, 24 were reallocated to a low-risk group and 13 to a high-risk group.Conclusion IHC4+C reclassifies more than half of the patients stratified as being in intermediate-risk group by the AoL and NPI. The use of IHC4+C may substantially improve decision-making on adjuvant chemotherapy

    Early enrichment of ESR1 mutations and the impact on gene expression in primary breast cancer treated with aromatase inhibitors in the pre-surgical setting

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the presence of ESR1 mutation in primary oestrogen-receptor positive breast cancer (ER+BC) treated with extended (>4 weeks) neoadjuvant (pre-surgical) aromatase inhibitor (NAI) therapy and to identify patients who may gain less benefit from aromatase inhibition (AI) alone based upon on-treatment changes in gene expression. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We evaluated ER, progesterone receptor and Ki67 by immunostaining, ESR1 mutations by droplet-digital-PCR and expression of over 800 key BC genes in paired pre- and post-NAI tumour samples from 87 ER+BC patients. RESULTS: Cell proliferation and oestrogen-regulated genes (ERGs) remained suppressed in most tumours indicative of persistent response to NAI. Enrichment of ESR1 mutations was found in five tumours and predominantly in patients receiving therapy for >6 months. ESR1 mutant tumours showed increased expression of ESR1-transcript and limited suppression of ERGs and proliferation associated genes in response to NAI. ESR1 wild-type tumours with high residual proliferation (Ki67r≥10%; 15/87 tumours) showed lower ESR1/ER expression pre- and post-therapy and lower ERGs Tumours with ESR1 mutations or Ki67r≥10% showed less inhibition of oestrogen-response, cell-cycle and E2F-target genes. CONCLUSION: Ligand-independent ER-signalling, as a result of ESR1 mutation or reduced ER-dependence, identified after extended NAI therapy, can guide early selection of patients who would benefit from combination therapy

    Combination of mTORC1/2 inhibitor vistusertib plus fulvestrant in vitro and in vivo targets oestrogen receptor-positive endocrine-resistant breast cancer.

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    BACKGROUND:Endocrine therapies are still the main strategy for the treatment of oestrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancers (BC), but resistance remains problematic. Cross-talk between ER and PI3K/AKT/mTORC has been associated with ligand-independent transcription of ER. We have previously reported the anti-proliferative effects of the combination of everolimus (an mTORC1 inhibitor) with endocrine therapy in resistance models, but potential routes of escape via AKT signalling can lead to resistance; therefore, the use of dual mTORC1/2 inhibitors has met with significant interest. METHODS:To address this, we tested the effect of vistusertib, a dual mTORC1 and mTORC2 inhibitor, in a panel of endocrine-resistant and endocrine-sensitive ER+ BC cell lines, with varying PTEN, PIK3CA and ESR1 mutation status. End-points included proliferation, cell signalling, cell cycle and effect on ER-mediated transcription. Two patient-derived xenografts (PDX) modelling endocrine resistance were used to assess the efficacy of vistusertib, fulvestrant or the combination on tumour progression, and biomarker studies were conducted using immunohistochemistry and RNA-seq technologies. RESULTS:Vistusertib caused a dose-dependent decrease in proliferation of all the cell lines tested and reduced abundance of mTORC1, mTORC2 and cell cycle markers, but caused an increase in abundance of EGFR, IGF1R and ERBB3 in a context-dependent manner. ER-mediated transcription showed minimal effect of vistusertib. Combined therapy of vistusertib with fulvestrant showed synergy in two ER+ PDX models of resistance to endocrine therapy and delayed tumour progression after cessation of therapy. CONCLUSIONS:These data support the notion that models of acquired endocrine resistance may have a different sensitivity to mTOR inhibitor/endocrine therapy combinations

    Analytical validation of a standardised scoring protocol for Ki67 immunohistochemistry on breast cancer excision whole sections: an international multicentre collaboration

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    Aims The nuclear proliferation marker Ki67 assayed by immunohistochemistry has multiple potential uses in breast cancer, but an unacceptable level of interlaboratory variability has hampered its clinical utility. The International Ki67 in Breast Cancer Working Group has undertaken a systematic programme to determine whether Ki67 measurement can be analytically validated and standardised among laboratories. This study addresses whether acceptable scoring reproducibility can be achieved on excision whole sections. Methods and results Adjacent sections from 30 primary ER+ breast cancers were centrally stained for Ki67 and sections were circulated among 23 pathologists in 12 countries. All pathologists scored Ki67 by two methods: (i) global: four fields of 100 tumour cells each were selected to reflect observed heterogeneity in nuclear staining; (ii) hot-spot: the field with highest apparent Ki67 index was selected and up to 500 cells scored. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for the global method [confidence interval (CI) = 0.87; 95% CI = 0.799-0.93] marginally met the prespecified success criterion (lower 95% CI >= 0.8), while the ICC for the hot-spot method (0.83; 95% CI = 0.74-0.90) did not. Visually, interobserver concordance in location of selected hot-spots varies between cases. The median times for scoring were 9 and 6 min for global and hot-spot methods, respectively. Conclusions The global scoring method demonstrates adequate reproducibility to warrant next steps towards evaluation for technical and clinical validity in appropriate cohorts of cases. The time taken for scoring by either method is practical using counting software we are making publicly available. Establishment of external quality assessment schemes is likely to improve the reproducibility between laboratories further

    Analytical validation of a standardized scoring protocol for Ki67: phase 3 of an international multicenter collaboration

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    Pathological analysis of the nuclear proliferation biomarker Ki67 has multiple potential roles in breast and other cancers. However, clinical utility of the immunohistochemical (IHC) assay for Ki67 immunohistochemistry has been hampered by unacceptable between-laboratory analytical variability. The International Ki67 Working Group has conducted a series of studies aiming to decrease this variability and improve the evaluation of Ki67. This study tries to assess whether acceptable performance can be achieved on prestained core-cut biopsies using a standardized scoring method. Sections from 30 primary ER+ breast cancer core biopsies were centrally stained for Ki67 and circulated among 22 laboratories in 11 countries. Each laboratory scored Ki67 using three methods: (1) global (4 fields of 100 cells each); (2) weighted global (same as global but weighted by estimated percentages of total area); and (3) hot-spot (single field of 500 cells). The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), a measure of interlaboratory agreement, for the unweighted global method (0.87; 95% credible interval (CI): 0.81–0.93) met the prespecified success criterion for scoring reproducibility, whereas that for the weighted global (0.87; 95% CI: 0.7999–0.93) and hot-spot methods (0.84; 95% CI: 0.77–0.92) marginally failed to do so. The unweighted global assessment of Ki67 IHC analysis on core biopsies met the prespecified criterion of success for scoring reproducibility. A few cases still showed large scoring discrepancies. Establishment of external quality assessment schemes is likely to improve the agreement between laboratories further. Additional evaluations are needed to assess staining variability and clinical validity in appropriate cohorts of samples

    High-throughput automated scoring of Ki67 in breast cancer tissue microarrays from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium.

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    Automated methods are needed to facilitate high-throughput and reproducible scoring of Ki67 and other markers in breast cancer tissue microarrays (TMAs) in large-scale studies. To address this need, we developed an automated protocol for Ki67 scoring and evaluated its performance in studies from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. We utilized 166 TMAs containing 16,953 tumour cores representing 9,059 breast cancer cases, from 13 studies, with information on other clinical and pathological characteristics. TMAs were stained for Ki67 using standard immunohistochemical procedures, and scanned and digitized using the Ariol system. An automated algorithm was developed for the scoring of Ki67, and scores were compared to computer assisted visual (CAV) scores in a subset of 15 TMAs in a training set. We also assessed the correlation between automated Ki67 scores and other clinical and pathological characteristics. Overall, we observed good discriminatory accuracy (AUC = 85%) and good agreement (kappa = 0.64) between the automated and CAV scoring methods in the training set. The performance of the automated method varied by TMA (kappa range= 0.37-0.87) and study (kappa range = 0.39-0.69). The automated method performed better in satisfactory cores (kappa = 0.68) than suboptimal (kappa = 0.51) cores (p-value for comparison = 0.005); and among cores with higher total nuclei counted by the machine (4,000-4,500 cells: kappa = 0.78) than those with lower counts (50-500 cells: kappa = 0.41; p-value = 0.010). Among the 9,059 cases in this study, the correlations between automated Ki67 and clinical and pathological characteristics were found to be in the expected directions. Our findings indicate that automated scoring of Ki67 can be an efficient method to obtain good quality data across large numbers of TMAs from multicentre studies. However, robust algorithm development and rigorous pre- and post-analytical quality control procedures are necessary in order to ensure satisfactory performance
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