78 research outputs found

    De koloniale schuldclassificatie voorbij: Nederlands, Brits en Frans extreem geweld in vergelijkend perspectief, 1945-1962

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    Historische vergelijkingen kunnen ons helpen koloniale oorlogen beter te begrijpen. Ze stellen ons ook in staat vormen van extreem geweld die Nederlandse, Britse, Franse en andere troepen tijdens de naoorlogse dekolonisatiegolf toepasten beter te verklaren. Grondig comparatief onderzoek naar buitensporig geweld in oorlogen als die in Vietnam, Algerije, Maleisië en Kenia is echter zelden verricht, en de casus Indonesië is daarbij, tot nu toe, al helemaal nauwelijks betrokken. Om die reden is in het voorjaar van 2019 een team van internationale en Nederlandse onderzoekers bijeengebracht op het Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS), met het doel in deze lacune te voorzien. De onderzoekers werkten aan gerichte vergelijkingen op thema’s als de politieke omgang met schandalen rondom extreem geweld, de inzet van zware wapens, seksueel geweld en de microdynamiek van geweld. De bredere vergelijkende context namen wij als projectleiders voor onze rekening. In dit hoofdstuk bespreken wij de belangrijkste bevindingen van het onderzoek.Colonial and Global Histor

    Empire's violent end: comparing Dutch, British, and French wars of decolonization, 1945–1962

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    In Empire's Violent End, Thijs Brocades Zaalberg and Bart Luttikhuis, along with expert contributors, present comparative research focused specifically on excessive violence in Indonesia, Algeria, Vietnam, Malaysia, Kenya, and other areas during the wars of decolonization. In the last two decades, there have been heated public and scholarly debates in France, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands on the violent end of empire. Nevertheless, the broader comparative investigations into colonial counterinsurgency tend to leave atrocities such as torture, execution, and rape in the margins. The editors describe how such comparisons mostly focus on the differences by engaging in "guilt ranking." Moreover, the dramas that have unfolded in Algeria and Kenya tend to overshadow similar violent events in Indonesia, the very first nation to declare independence directly after World War II.Empire's Violent End is the first book to place the Dutch-Indonesian case at the heart of a comparison with focused, thematic analysis on a diverse range of topics to demonstrate that despite variation in scale, combat intensity, and international dynamics, there were more similarities than differences in the ways colonial powers used extreme forms of violence. By delving into the causes and nature of the abuse, Brocades Zaalberg and Luttikhuis conclude that all cases involved some form of institutionalized impunity, which enabled the type of situation in which the forces in the service of the colonial rulers were able to use extreme violence.bookColonial and Global Histor

    Trimelopter cordifolium (Hyacinthaceae subfam. Ornithogaloideae), a new species from South Africa

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    The study of wild and cultivated material of Trimelopter from the Northern Cape province of South Africa revealed an undescribed species that shows a unique syndrome of morphological characters. We here describe Trimelopter cordifolium based on plants approaching T. psammophorum but differing in its small, cordate, psammophorous leaf, shorter inflorescence and pedicels, smaller flowers and bracts, and more prominently sculptured ovary. We provide a complete morphological description as well as data on ecology and distribution. We also report new data and illustrations of T. psammophorum, which complement its scarce description in the protologue.This work was partly supported by H2020 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Programme of the European Commission, Project 645636: ‘Insect-plant relationships: insights into biodiversity and new applications’ (FlyHigh) and the complementary supporting funds UAUSTI19-08, UAUSTI22-05, ACIE18-03, ACIE21-01, ACIE22-01, VIGROB2021-166, and VIGROB2022-166 (University of Alicante, Spain)

    PAXIP1 and STAG2 converge to maintain 3D genome architecture and facilitate promoter/enhancer contacts to enable stress hormone-dependent transcription

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    How steroid hormone receptors (SHRs) regulate transcriptional activity remains partly understood. Upon activation, SHRs bind the genome together with a co-regulator repertoire, crucial to induce gene expression. However, it remains unknown which components of the SHR-recruited co-regulator complex are essential to drive transcription following hormonal stimuli. Through a FACS-based genome-wide CRISPR screen, we functionally dissected the Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR) complex. We describe a functional cross-talk between PAXIP1 and the cohesin subunit STAG2, critical for regulation of gene expression by GR. Without altering the GR cistrome, PAXIP1 and STAG2 depletion alter the GR transcriptome, by impairing the recruitment of 3D-genome organization proteins to the GR complex. Importantly, we demonstrate that PAXIP1 is required for stability of cohesin on chromatin, its localization to GR-occupied sites, and maintenance of enhancer-promoter interactions. In lung cancer, where GR acts as tumor suppressor, PAXIP1/STAG2 loss enhances GR-mediated tumor suppressor activity by modifying local chromatin interactions. All together, we introduce PAXIP1 and STAG2 as novel co-regulators of GR, required to maintain 3D-genome architecture and drive the GR transcriptional programme following hormonal stimuli.</p

    TiEMPO: Open-source time-dependent end-to-end model for simulating ground-based submillimeter astronomical observations

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    The next technological breakthrough in millimeter-submillimeter astronomy is 3D imaging spectrometry with wide instantaneous spectral bandwidths and wide fields of view. The total optimization of the focal-plane instrument, the telescope, the observing strategy, and the signal-processing software must enable efficient removal of foreground emission from the Earth's atmosphere, which is time-dependent and highly nonlinear in frequency. Here we present TiEMPO: Time-Dependent End-to-End Model for Post-process Optimization of the DESHIMA Spectrometer. TiEMPO utilizes a dynamical model of the atmosphere and parametrized models of the astronomical source, the telescope, the instrument, and the detector. The output of TiEMPO is a time-stream of sky brightness temperature and detected power, which can be analyzed by standard signal-processing software. We first compare TiEMPO simulations with an on-sky measurement by the wideband DESHIMA spectrometer and find good agreement in the noise power spectral density and sensitivity. We then use TiEMPO to simulate the detection of a line emission spectrum of a high-redshift galaxy using the DESHIMA 2.0 spectrometer in development. The TiEMPO model is open source. Its modular and parametrized design enables users to adapt it to design and optimize the end-to-end performance of spectroscopic and photometric instruments on existing and future telescopes.Comment: Presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020. Full published paper, poster and video available at https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2561014 Open-source Python package of TiEMPO: https://pypi.org/project/tiempo-deshima/ Open-source code of TiEMPO: https://zenodo.org/record/4279086#.X_jAsdhKg2

    Over de grens: Nederlands extreem geweld in de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949

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    Op 17 augustus 1945, twee dagen na de Japanse capitulatie, verklaarde Indonesië zich onafhankelijk. Nederland erkende dit niet en trachtte met geweld zelf de regie te voeren over het onvermijdelijke proces van dekolonisatie. Dit leidde tot vier jaren van moeizame onderhandelingen en bittere oorlogvoering. In 2005 verklaarde de Nederlandse regering dat Nederland die oorlog niet had moeten voeren. Over het geweld dat de Nederlandse militairen tijdens deze oorlog hadden toegepast, staat echter nog altijd het regeringsstandpunt uit 1969 overeind: er waren wel ‘excessen’, maar de krijgsmacht had zich in de regel ‘correct’ gedragen.Naarmate de aanwijzingen van extreem Nederlands geweld zich opstapelden, bleek dit officiële standpunt steeds moeilijker vol te houden. De Nederlandse regering besloot daarom in 2016 tot financiering van een groot onderzoeksprogramma. De belangrijkste conclusies daarvan zijn in dit boek te vinden. De auteurs maken aannemelijk dat de Nederlandse krijgsmacht op structurele basis extreem geweld toepaste en dat dit toen en ook lang daarna op allerlei manieren werd toegedekt. Dit alles past slecht bij een rooskleurig nationaal zelfbeeld – zoals eigenlijk de hele koloniale geschiedenis met dat zelfbeeld schuurt.Colonial and Global Histor

    Database analysis of children and adolescents with Bipolar Disorder consuming a micronutrient formula

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Eleven previous reports have shown potential benefit of a 36-ingredient micronutrient formula (known as EMPowerplus) for the treatment of psychiatric symptoms. The current study asked whether children (7-18 years) with pediatric bipolar disorder (PBD) benefited from this same micronutrient formula; the impact of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on their response was also evaluated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were available from an existing database for 120 children whose parents reported a diagnosis of PBD; 79% were taking psychiatric medications that are used to treat mood disorders; 24% were also reported as ADHD. Using Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF), data were analyzed from 3 to 6 months of micronutrient use.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At LOCF, mean symptom severity of bipolar symptoms was 46% lower than baseline (effect size (ES) = 0.78) (<it>p </it>< 0.001). In terms of responder status, 46% experienced >50% improvement at LOCF, with 38% still taking psychiatric medication (52% drop from baseline) but at much lower levels (74% reduction in number of medications being used from baseline). The results were similar for those with both ADHD and PBD: a 43% decline in PBD symptoms (ES = 0.72) and 40% in ADHD symptoms (ES = 0.62). An alternative sample of children with just ADHD symptoms (n = 41) showed a 47% reduction in symptoms from baseline to LOCF (ES = 1.04). The duration of reductions in symptom severity suggests that benefits were not attributable to placebo/expectancy effects. Similar findings were found for younger and older children and for both sexes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The data are limited by the open label nature of the study, the lack of a control group, and the inherent self-selection bias. While these data cannot establish efficacy, the results are consistent with a growing body of research suggesting that micronutrients appear to have therapeutic benefit for children with PBD with or without ADHD in the absence of significant side effects and may allow for a reduction in psychiatric medications while improving symptoms. The consistent reporting of positive changes across multiple sites and countries are substantial enough to warrant a call for randomized clinical trials using micronutrients.</p
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