202 research outputs found
The Predictability of Commodity Trading Advisor Returns
This study investigates the performance and predictability of returns generated by advisors to Commodity Trading Funds from 1979 through 1989. Rates of return and Sharpe Ratios show evidence of predictability from one year to the next for all Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs). Returns for the top one-third and top 5 performing CTAs show more predictability than for all CTAs
Early risk pathways to physical versus relational peer aggression: The interplay of externalizing behavior and corporal punishment varies by child sex
Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142456/1/ab21744.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142456/2/ab21744_am.pd
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Paleotethys was a highly mobile oceanic realm pinching into the supercontinent Pangea between Gondwana and Eurasia in the late Paleozoic/early Mesozoic. Published Paleotethyan reconstructions reveal that the time of Paleotethys closure and the position of its suture are highly debated. We present new magmatic and detrital zircon ages, separated from pre-Alpine basement and Permian to Triassic cover rocks exposed in the External Hellenides of Crete. These age data reveal Variscan and Cimmerian docking of microplates along the southern margin of Laurasia and help to constrain the time of Paleotethys closure.46% of detrital zircons from quartzite in the Variscan basement, are Pennsylvanian with concordant ages at 321. ±. 2. Ma, 310. ±. 3. Ma, and 300. ±. 3. Ma. The basement is unconformably overlain by arc-related volcanics of the Tyros Unit, magmatic zircons of which yielded a concordant U-Pb zircon age at 285. ±. 2. Ma. Thus, the metasediments of the basement, interpreted as former trench sediments, were deposited, metamorphosed and exhumed in latest Carboniferous to early Permian times (302-283. Ma). Magmatic activity during this late Variscan phase is also indicated by igneous boulders within Olenekian (meta)conglomerates of the Tyros Unit, which yielded concordant U-Pb zircon ages at 291. ±. 2 and 310. ±. 2. Ma. The late Variscan orogenic phase is attributed to the collision of the Gondwana-derived southern Minoan terrane (SMT) with Laurasia subsequent to northward subduction of Paleotethys lithosphere and Viséan collision of the northern Minoan terrane (NMT).Magmatic activity ceased during the late Permian, but revived in the Lower Triassic as is indicated by felsic volcanics (249. ±. 2. Ma, concordant U-Pb zircon) and by detrital zircons (242. ±. 3, 240. ±. 5. Ma, 237. ±. 3. Ma concordant U-Pb zircon) of the Tyros Unit. At the same time the Variscan chain was exhumed and removed as is shown by the detritus in the Lower to Middle Triassic Tyros sediments, which includes high-grade metamorphic rocks and detrital zircons with U-Pb ages ranging from 280 to 335. Ma.A significant change in the detrital components occurred in the Ladinian when the Variscan basement with its Permo-Triassic cover was thrust on top of clastic sediments, today represented by the Phyllite-Quartzite Unit s.str. The Phyllite-Quartzite Unit s.str. shows Cadomian and older - but no Variscan - detritus because of its position along the northern margin of the Cimmerian ribbon continent. Thus, in the eastern Mediterranean, Paleotethys was closed during the Ladinian and the related suture in the External Hellenides is situated between the Variscan basement (active margin in the north) and the Phyllite-Quartzite Unit s.str (passive margin in the south). Carnian crustal extension led to subsidence of the Variscan/Cimmerian chain, most parts of which merged below sea level. This is the reason why 90% of the detritus of the Carnian Tyros Beds are not related to the Variscan, but to the Cadomian and Grenvillian basement of the E-Gondwana derived Cimmerian ribbon continent
The Vehicle, 1969, Vol. 11 no. 2
Vol. 11, No. 2
Table of Contents
Short Story: The TripCharles Whitepage 4
PhotoDale Huberpage 5
A NightRoger Zulaufpage 6
Sixteen-year-old Students...NBpage 6
LostJim Biropage 6
The AmateurRoger Zulaufpage 7
ManRoger Zulaufpage 7
My CamelotRonald Garnerpage 7
The Rose and the BriarKenneth L. Folkertspage 9
Who Am I?Frank McKennedypage 10
PhotoDale Huberpage 11
Mr. Samuel ClemensLarry A. Millerpage 11
Lock OutAra Childspage 12
Excuse MeRoger Zulaufpage 12
On Shadows from a Candle \u2767Michael G. McKeepage 12
beginning of an endCaryl Dagropage 12
DrawingMADpage 13
We Ain\u27t Un HurJames Birchlerpage 13
Genesis II, 18 \u2767Michael G. McKeepage 13
Short Story: A Patent Leather PaleEleanor Aikenpage 14
hungry childRoger Zulaufpage 15
DrawingRoger Zulaufpage 15
PhotoRoger Digglepage 16
Do You Like The Rain?Linda Boltmanpage 17
Seasons ChangePerry J. Carterpage 17
PhotoDale Huberpage 19
Whistling TreesPam McKinneypage 19
PostscriptThomas W. Reapage 20
PhotoDale Huberpage 20https://thekeep.eiu.edu/vehicle/1020/thumbnail.jp
The Vehicle, 1969, Vol. 11 no. 2
Vol. 11, No. 2
Table of Contents
Short Story: The TripCharles Whitepage 4
PhotoDale Huberpage 5
A NightRoger Zulaufpage 6
Sixteen-year-old Students...NBpage 6
LostJim Biropage 6
The AmateurRoger Zulaufpage 7
ManRoger Zulaufpage 7
My CamelotRonald Garnerpage 7
The Rose and the BriarKenneth L. Folkertspage 9
Who Am I?Frank McKennedypage 10
PhotoDale Huberpage 11
Mr. Samuel ClemensLarry A. Millerpage 11
Lock OutAra Childspage 12
Excuse MeRoger Zulaufpage 12
On Shadows from a Candle \u2767Michael G. McKeepage 12
beginning of an endCaryl Dagropage 12
DrawingMADpage 13
We Ain\u27t Un HurJames Birchlerpage 13
Genesis II, 18 \u2767Michael G. McKeepage 13
Short Story: A Patent Leather PaleEleanor Aikenpage 14
hungry childRoger Zulaufpage 15
DrawingRoger Zulaufpage 15
PhotoRoger Digglepage 16
Do You Like The Rain?Linda Boltmanpage 17
Seasons ChangePerry J. Carterpage 17
PhotoDale Huberpage 19
Whistling TreesPam McKinneypage 19
PostscriptThomas W. Reapage 20
PhotoDale Huberpage 20https://thekeep.eiu.edu/vehicle/1020/thumbnail.jp
The Vehicle, 1968, Vol. 10 no. 2
Vol. 10, No. 2
Table of Contents
1st Prize, ArtCorner of My MindGerry Moreheadpage 4
#1Clyde Simspage 5
Aesthetics for a VagabondByron Nelsonpage 5
1st Prize, Short StorySteam HeatCharles Whitepage 6
a drawingSally Roachpage 6
an untitled themeCatherine Waitepage 8
MoodKevin Sheapage 9
1st Prize, PoetryHome ThoughtsJane Careypage 10
an untitled poemCatherine Waitepage 11
a drawingSally Roachpage 11
GraceJames T. Jonespage 12
LonelinessSally Roachpage 14
Love, JimmyAstaire Pappaspage 14
CapturedJeff Nelsonpage 15
Winnie Davis Neely AwardUnconcernRoger Zulaufpage 17
an untitled poemDavid N. Deckerpage 17
Morality and American Foreign Policy: The Ever-widening GapBruce L. Berrypage 18
La LibertadChris Holavespage 19
1966Roger Zulaufpage 19
SinThomas W. Phippspage 20
a drawingRoger Perkinspage 20
Summer SweatJerry J. Carterpage 20
1st Prize, EssayCuriosityThomas W. Phippspage 21
A Bottle of DreamsMaurice Snivelypage 21
Chalk DustCatherine Waitepage 22
Diffused Existence or, a Meager Attempt at Helping You Over the Rough SpotsJan Gerlachpage 22
To *e.e.Paula Bresnanpage 22
A PoemThomas W. Phippspage 22
Beach PartyJerol Mikeworthpage 22
Wexford\u27s PartyRoy Lueckepage 23
The Four O\u27Clock ClubSally Roachpage 23
Chesterpage 24https://thekeep.eiu.edu/vehicle/1018/thumbnail.jp
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