44 research outputs found

    Stabbing News: Articulating Crime Statistics in the Newsroom

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    There is a comprehensive body of scholarly work regarding the way media represent crime and how it is constructed in the media narrative as a news item. These works have often suggested that in many cases public anxieties in relation to crime levels are not justified by actual data. However, few works have examined the gathering and dissemination of crime statistics by non-specialist journalists and the way crime statistics are gathered and used in the newsroom. This article seeks to explore in a comparative manner how journalists in newsrooms access and interpret quantitative data when producing stories related to crime. In so doing, the article highlights the problems and limitations of journalists in dealing with crime statistics as a news source, while assessing statistics-related methodologies and skills used in the newsrooms across the United Kingdom when producing stories related to urban crime


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    O artigo faz uma análise sobre a Teoria Crítica da Raça (TCR) no direito e sua relação com as teorias críticas da raça nas ciências sociais. Aborda a inserção de negros nas ciências sociais como agentes de mudança que desenvolveram as ideias antecedentes que a TCR introduziu no direito. Tendo como recorte principal a academia e sociedade estadunidenses, elucida que a crítica de acadêmicos e movimentos negros demonstra a função hegemônica e estruturalista das ciências sociais e traz a TRC como parte de um movimento contra o poder racial branco. Concordando com o apelo de Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, em seu artigo Twenty Years of Critical Race Theory: Looking Back to Move Forward, por uma mais ampla definição da TCR e por uma próxima fase deste movimento para envolver acadêmicos de várias disciplinas, este artigo demonstra que o apelo de Crenshaw é visionário e um passo necessário para pesquisadores interessados no fim da supremacia branca e na elevação da ciência dos direitos humanos e da igualdade

    Critical Race Theory: A Commemoration

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    Kimberld Williams Crenshaw\u27s Twenty Years of Critical Race Theory: Looking Back To Move Forward calls for a broader definition of CRT and for the next phase of this movement to embrace scholars from a multitude of disciplines. The tradition of critical theories of race in the social sciences is intimately related to the CRT Movement developed in the law. The social sciences are an important part of the realization of Crenshaw\u27s aspirations. This Article argues that Crenshaw\u27s call is visionary and a necessary step for researchers interested in the end of white supremacy and the elevation of the human sciences and human rights and equalit

    Critical Race Theory: A Commemoration

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    Kimberld Williams Crenshaw\u27s Twenty Years of Critical Race Theory: Looking Back To Move Forward calls for a broader definition of CRT and for the next phase of this movement to embrace scholars from a multitude of disciplines. The tradition of critical theories of race in the social sciences is intimately related to the CRT Movement developed in the law. The social sciences are an important part of the realization of Crenshaw\u27s aspirations. This Article argues that Crenshaw\u27s call is visionary and a necessary step for researchers interested in the end of white supremacy and the elevation of the human sciences and human rights and equalit

    Socioeconomic Status and Child Mortality: An Illustration Using Housing and Household Characteristics from African Census Data

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    Housing characteristics and household possessions such as sources of water; type of toilet facilities; housing construction materials; and household possessions like radio, television, and animal possessions, often reflect the socioeconomic status of households, especially in developing countries where income data are lacking. It is possible therefore, to use these variables together or individually to proxy for household wealth or socioeconomic status. This is because the type of houses people reside in and their possessions tend to speak to their economic ability or purchasing power. We treat the variables together as a proxy for economic status to create a composite poverty index and employed this index in multivariate model to examine its association with childhood mortality in three southern African countries. The results are reassuringly consistent with expectation, both simply by examining the mean distribution of the variables by the socioeconomic groups and also by the relationship of the index to childhood mortality in a multivariate regression model. The chances of childhood mortality decreased consistently with higher levels of the socioeconomic status index

    Race, methodology and social construction in the genomic era = Raça, metodologia e construção social na era genômica

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    Elabora uma ideia central e discute como ela poderia influenciar a investigação genética e genômica sobre saúde nas prisões dos Estados Unidos. Sugere metodologia para estudos que envolvem classificação racial e desigualdade