17 research outputs found
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Settlement and Green Infrastructure Characteristics in Dynamically Growing Urban Areas
One of the determining tendencies worldwide in recent landscape change is urbanization that reflects at the same time the transformation of human lifestyle and settlement space, the growing expansion of urban areas in line with the increasing urban concentration of population. It is also important to map these settlements in terms of the evolution of the landscape-settlement relationship and the character of the green space network within the settlements.
In Hungary in the second half of the 20th century, the number of settlement areas – that significantly changed in size, in structure and in building stock – was under fifty. The largest of those towns, which are roughly evenly distributed throughout Hungary\u27s settlement network, are the „patches” defined as independent landscape character types, settlement landscapes, in the landscape character research project (KEHOP-4.3.0-VEKOP-15-2016-00001) (Web ref. 1).
In this research, we analysed urbanised settlements and their associated built-up areas as a continuation of the landscape character research project (KEHOP-4.3.0-VEKOP-15-2016-00001) (Web ref. 1). We typified the spatial structure of the analysed settlements and defined the green space character, the degree of built-up areas and the relationship between the built-up areas and the green spaces.
Based on the results, we determined that the role of green space areas within the structure of settlement areas is always significant in some ways, but at the same time the character of them is different: the majority of the settlement areas analysed, despite being the most urbanised at national level, are loosely built-up with significant green space, the smaller, more densely built-up areas, on the other hand, have a high proportion of green spaces bordering the built-up areas.
In addition to the spatial typology of the urbanised settlements and their territories, this study illustrates in detail through three settlements with different structure the characteristics of the spatial structure and the networks of green infrastructure elements
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New Results in Surveying Landscape Character and Urban Green Areas
In the framework of the project “KEHOP-4.3.0-15-2016-00001”, we had the opportunity to research the particularities of urban spatial structure. The aim of the research was to define the influencing role and parameters of the urban space with regards to the landscape character. Within the research topic, we paid accentuated attention to the role of green areas in the settlements. We attempted to characterize the types of the settlements’ green space system as a supplement to the above-mentioned research and analyze in five settlements.
The results show that: there is significant dispersion in the field of urban space; we have delimited almost 60,000 built-in patches in the country’s 93,000km2 area, while there are 3,154 administrative areas; the size of the built-in patches allows a close approximated grouping into functional types; following the Second World War, the newly built-up areas show similarities all over the country, disregarding the characteristics of the landscape; “central” settlements (1,474 units) are typically loosely-built, possess a high green area ratio and have a significant tree stock, and only about 6% of Hungary’s territory is partly forested green space, while densely built-up areas occupy 5% of the settlement space; larger green areas are typically only the constituent part of cities, while in most settlements, the partially green space with stands are the characteristics of the green space system; the partially forested green areas of the settlements show significant differences; and can be classified into distinct types, with the character not only being influenced by the settlement’s built-up structure, but also significantly by the natural spatial system in which the settlement was established, and the continued farming traditions as well as the new functions of the settlement; the green space of the settlement fringe areas is a principal factor in influencing the landscape character and affects the development possibilities of the green space system within the settlement
Assessment of Landscape Conflicts in Motorway Planning, NE Hungary
Field surveys are essential in the Hungarian motorway planning process so that it would be possible to assess their impacts on the landscape, since the available databases are insufficient in respect of listing all the valuable elements of the landscape. The aims of the research are to analyse the impacts of the planned M30 Motorway (located in north-eastern Hungary) on the landscape, to enumerate the cultural and natural valuable elements of the landscape near and within the area to be expropriated, to explore the possibilities of their protection and to outline the possible land use conflicts likely to arise after the implementation of the motorway. The main sources used for the research were: landscape, green space management and environmental protection studies made for the modification of the affected settlements’ urban plans, field surveys alongside the entire track, and existing environmental databases. In the case of M30 motorway, the chosen corridor was mostly acceptable in the sections where the motorway track leads along the track of the existing Main Road 3, because it is fitted to an existing linear artificial landscape element, it is basically on the border of two natural micro-regions and can also fit into the existing land use structure. Nevertheless, it is not considered to be the best choice in places where it separates vineyards from vine cellars, where it is located within 50 meters from residential areas or where it passes through small plot vineyards or horticultural areas instead of the arable lands of the nearby plain
Isolated Islands?
In 2014, Urban Design assignments at the Department of Urban Planning and Design of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics were organised around the topic of the River Danube. Working on its own subject matter, each student study group analysed the situation, relationships and visions for the islands situated in Budapest, later focusing on Népsziget, determining their urban context and possibilities for development. The workshop resulted in several findings related to the subject area. The most significant of these is the realization that, in spite of the special role and position the islands have in Budapest, not only is this uniqueness hard to grasp, but also how difficult it is to put forward as a bold vision for the future. This realization inspired the paper, which, in addition to the summary of the islands unique situation, introduces several international examples, and finally presents the main differences in the approaches of the student’s plans
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The Role of Individual Trees in the Protection of Urban Image
The protection of urban image and cityscape has become the target of professional attention in Hungary since the introduction of Urban Image Handbooks and urban image regulations. Trees are a major part of local image in Hungary. Using GIS methods we established that built-in areas are usually surrounded by sparsely wooded areas and groves, which are taller than the vast majority of buildings. Therefore, trees play a dominant role in shaping urban character. Effects of trees on urban living conditions, livability and the ecosystem services they provide, have been intensively researched in recent years. However, the role of individual trees in determining local image has been out of the focus of research. Although trees located on public property have been inventoried in past decades, information about their aesthetic properties and image value is scarce. In addition, there is an almost complete lack of knowledge regarding trees standing on private land, even though a large proportion of these are also visible from public areas, therefore having an impact on urban image. Tree protection regulations also fail to adequately address the topic. Identifying the individual trees with the most profound effect on the visual image of an urban area is a difficult task – not only due to of the lack of information, but also because there are no established methods for determining the aesthetic and image value of urban trees.
At the Szent István University, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation, we attempted to develop a methodology to evaluate the importance of individual trees from the standpoint of urban image and streetscape, with District XXII of Budapest as the study area. Using a three-step method based on the analysis of aerial photographs and fieldwork, we identified the top 1% of all individual trees with the most dominant impact on the surrounding urban landscape – 706 out of an estimated 70.000. We inventoried and analyzed several aspects of these trees and their environment (e.g. soil, condition, health). The results show that there is no direct connection between the urban image value of trees and their ecological, dendrological or nature conservation importance. Our research suggests that trees with the most profound impact on the cityscape are different from those with the highest ecological value. This makes it clear that efficient protection of urban image requires a new approach towards tree evaluation as well
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The perceptual value of individual trees as cityscape elements – a case study in Albertfalva, Budapest
Trees are both popular and underappreciated elements of the urban landscape. They are often in the focus of conservation efforts and movements against overdevelopment. On the other hand, they are often overlooked elements of the urban landscape, frequently seen as a nuisance or source of conflicts. Historically, urban trees were considered rare and therefore special elements of the urban landscape, but with the mass plantation of trees and tree lines in urban areas in recent decades, the connection of people to individual trees has diminished.
In our research, we studied the role of individual trees in the urban image using a perception-based method. 73 volunteers were asked to visit a study area in Albertfalva, Budapest and choose the trees that they consider the most significant from an urban image standpoint. Afterwards, we analysed the results and mapped the individual trees that received the most votes in order to examine the characteristics that made them especially popular. Using multi-factor statistical analysis methods, we also studied whether the professional background of volunteers had a strong impact on their preferences in trees. The results show that certain trees are clearly objectively more important elements of the cityscape than others. Our analysis also confirms that their location and urban context are the stronger factors in their popularity than their taxon-based dendrological value. Furthermore, our results suggest that perception-based methods can be used for the selection of individual trees of special importance in a community- and participation-based way
Az értékes fajok fennmaradásának dilemmái az ökológiai hálózathoz tartozó Sas-hegyen
A természetes térstruktúra koherenciájának megőrzését és javítását, ezen belül az élővilág
terjedési folyamatainak megoldását elősegítették és a populációk fennmaradását célzó környezetpolitikai törekvések indokolták az Országos Ökológiai Hálózat területének kijelölését 2003-ban. A célok gyakorlati megvalósításában azonban még bizonytalanság
mutatkozik. Tanszékünk évtizedek óta foglakozik ökológiai hálózatba tartozó élőhelyek állapotváltozásának
vizsgálatával, többek között ökológiai folyosóhoz kapcsolódó, folyó menti
területeken (Szentendrei-sziget, Szigetköz, Alsó-Tisza-völgyi holtágak) végeztünk vizsgálatokat.
Jelen cikk azonban egy, a száraz gyepek csoportjába tartozó védett területtel,
a Sas-heggyel foglalkozik, ahol II. évfolyamos hallgatókkal immár évek óta részt veszünk a természetvédelmi kezelési munkákban is. A főváros ütemes fejlődése következtében szigetté vált sas-hegyi zöldfelület is része
az Országos Ökológiai Hálózatnak, és élővilágának értéke képezte alapját egykor a Sashegy Természetvédelmi Terület létrehozásának is. Mára a terület egyszerre jelent menedéket a reliktum fajok egyedei és támadási felületet az
agresszívan terjedő növények számára. A kezelők, akik eddig csatákat nyertek a területet
csökkenteni szándékozó hasznosítási elképzelésekkel szemben, eszköztelenebbnek
mutatkoztak – egészen a közelmúltban megkezdődött helyreállításokig – az állapotrontó
inváziós folyamatokkal szemben. Nem hibáztatható ezért senki sem, hiszen az invázió eseteleges általános törvényszerűségeinek ismerete sem elégséges fegyver, mivel minden egyes faj és minden egyes megtámadott élőhely specifikus problémákat
Assessment of landscape conflicts in motorway planning, NE Hungary
Field surveys are essential in the Hungarian motorway planning process so that it would be possible to assess their impacts on the landscape, since the available databases are insufficient in respect of listing all the valuable elements of the landscape. The aims of the research are to analyse the impacts of the planned M30 Motorway (located in north-eastern Hungary) on the landscape, to enumerate the cultural and natural valuable elements of the landscape near and within the area to be expropriated, to explore the possibilities of their protection and to outline the possible land use conflicts likely to arise after the implementation of the motorway. The main sources used for the research were: landscape, green space management and environmental protection studies made for the modification of the affected settlements’ urban plans, field surveys alongside the entire track, and existing environmental databases. In the case of M30 motorway, the chosen corridor was mostly acceptable in the sections where the motorway track leads along the track of the existing Main Road 3, because it is fitted to an existing linear artificial landscape element, it is basically on the border of two natural microregions and can also fit into the existing land use structure. Nevertheless, it is not considered to be the best choice in places where it separates vineyards from vine cellars, where it is located within 50 meters from residential areas or where it passes through small plot vineyards or horticultural areas instead of the arable lands of the nearby plain
Evaluation of the possibilities for stream restoration: preassessment of the Váli-stream (Hungary)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential of restoration of a stream section. The starting point
of the multiple-step assessment process was a historical analysis, which resulted in the definition of different sections within the study area, providing a base for the further restoration goals. The assessment
of the current conditions was elaborated particularly to determine those factors, which could limit restoration. These assessments cover the land use pattern, furthermore the analysis of vegetation and habitat
patches. As a result of the historical analysis, it has been found that the stream side habitat patches have
decreased significantly despite the constant space available. This change was not caused by the increased
area of the settlement, but rather by the higher dominancy of arable forms of land use. The greatest share
of wet and mesic meadows and agricultural habitats in the study areas, covering 57.5% of the total area,
indicates significant anthropogenic effects. Consequently it can be stated that the reference conditions
are not the only determining factors of the restoration possibilities. Restoration style and intensity have
been defined on basis of all assessed factors