91 research outputs found

    Stability and chaos in coupled two-dimensional maps on Gene Regulatory Network of bacterium E.Coli

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    The collective dynamics of coupled two-dimensional chaotic maps on complex networks is known to exhibit a rich variety of emergent properties which crucially depend on the underlying network topology. We investigate the collective motion of Chirikov standard maps interacting with time delay through directed links of Gene Regulatory Network of bacterium Escherichia Coli. Departures from strongly chaotic behavior of the isolated maps are studied in relation to different coupling forms and strengths. At smaller coupling intensities the network induces stable and coherent emergent dynamics. The unstable behavior appearing with increase of coupling strength remains confined within a connected sub-network. For the appropriate coupling, network exhibits statistically robust self-organized dynamics in a weakly chaotic regime

    Meson exchange formalism and the definition of delta functions

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    It is shown that in the simple context of the elementary one-meson exchanges, the use of the "improper" delta "functions" could lead to the physically correct results. The same results were obtained by involving limiting values of the integrals over "proper" functions, thus providing the examples of the sequences connected with delta "functions". That formulation of sequences of integrals emerged automatically from the physical considerations concerning hypernuclear processes

    Formalizam izmjene mezona i definicija delta funkcije

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    It is shown that in the simple context of the elementary one-meson exchanges, the use of the "improper" delta "functions" could lead to the physically correct results. The same results were obtained by involving limiting values of the integrals over "proper" functions, thus providing the examples of the sequences connected with delta "functions". That formulation of sequences of integrals emerged automatically from the physical considerations concerning hypernuclear processes.Pokazujemo da u okviru elementarnih jedno-mezonskih izmjena, upotreba “nepravih” delta “funkcija” može davati fizički ispravne rezultate. Postigli smo iste rezultate uz primjenu graničnih vrijednosti integrala preko “pravih” funkcija, i tako pripremili primjere nizova povezanih s delta “funkcijama”. Ta formulacija nizova integrala sama proizlazi iz fizičkih razmatranja hipernuklearnih procesa

    Preliminarno istraživanje dobrobiti rasplodnih nerasta

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    The behaviour and housing requirements of mature boars (Sus scrofa) are poorly understood although they may be an important aspect of improving welfare and productivity. Since a definition of relevant behaviours is essential to obtain quantitative information about the housing requirements of mature boars, the aim of this study was to establish the breeding boars’ ethogram and to defifi ne the most relevant behaviours that can be used as welfare measurements. Breeding boars were observed in their enclosures three hours before semen collection. The boars exposed 13 functional behaviours (eating, drinking, defecating, urinating, rooting, scenting, grooming, grunting, social behaviour, elements of social behaviour, watching, stereotypes, motionlessness) and five body positions (lying on the belly, lying on the flank, standing, walking and sitting). The dominant behaviours were motionlessness and eating. The boars’ vocalisations were different in sound and duration. The dominant positions were lying on the flank and belly. Lying was connected with motionlessness and not reacting to environmental changes. In this study, the behavioural repertoire and the presence of stereotypes were not a good approach to evaluate the boars’ welfare. We concluded that it is necessary to have more subtle methods to evaluate how they cope with their environment and suggested that measurement of boars’ welfare could be the frequency of their vigilance, since typically they will be motionless most of the time. Moreover, the duration of pig species specific behaviours, such as rooting and scenting, could be an important measurement in approaching their welfare, because it is poorly exposed in a barren environment and environmental enrichment should stimulate those behaviours. The third possible measure of breading boars’ welfare could be vocalization.Potrebe nerasta (Sus scrofa) u odnosu na smještaj i izražavanje normalnoga vladanja, nisu dostatno istraživane kada se uzme u obzir važnost istih u poboljšanju dobrobiti i proizvodnosti. Budući da je definiranje vladanja pojedinačnoga nerasta ključno za dobivanje kvantitativne informacije o njihovim smještajnim potrebama, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti etogram rasplodnih nerasta i definirati najvažnija ponašanja koja mogu biti mjere dobrobiti. Rasplodni nerasti bili su promatrani u boksovima tri sata prije korištenja za pripust. Nerasti su pokazali 13 funkcionalnih ponašanja (jedenje, pijenje, defeciranje, mokrenje, rovanje, njušenje, timarenje, roktanje, društveno ponašanje, elemente spolnoga ponašanja, promatranje okoline, stereotipije, mirovanje) i pet položaja tijela (ležanje na trbuhu, ležanje na boku, stajanje, hodanje i sjedenje). Dominirala su ponašanja mirovanja i jedenja. Glasanje nerasta razlikovalo se po zvučnosti i trajanju. Dominantni položaji tijela bili su ležanje na boku i trbuhu. Ležanje je bilo povezano s mirovanjem i nereagiranjem na promjene u okolišu. U ovome istraživanju, repertoar prikazanih ponašanja i stereotipije nisu bili dobri u okolišu. U ovome istraživanju, repertoar prikazanih ponašanja i stereotipije nisu bili dobri pokazatelji za procjenu dobrobiti nerasta. Stoga smo zaključili da je prijeko potrebno imati osjetljivije metode za procjenu odnosa nerasta s njihovim neposrednim okolišem, pa budući da nerasti uglavnom miruju, predlažemo da se za mjerenje dobrobiti rabi učestalost njihove aktivnosti. Nadalje, trajanje ponašanja koja su tipična za svinje, kao što su rovanje i njušenje, mogla bi biti ključna za procjenu njihove dobrobiti zbog toga što su rijetko pokazana u osiromašenom okolišu, a obogaćeni okoliš treba ih potaknuti. Treća moguća mjera dobrobiti rasplodnih nerasta moglo bi biti njihovo glasanje


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    Biomimicry implies the creative implementation of biological concepts into products. This paper provides a broad overview of the field of biomimicry, and has described the conversion of physiological and organizational solutions from nature into products and services. Implementation and economic efficiency is shown through selected examples. Four examples of successful implementation of nature solutions are the following: Velcro, lotus-effect, structural coloration and tubercles on the fins of the humpback whales. In this work, we analysed the reductive approach to biomimicry which strictly focuses on mimicking few characteristics or functions of particular organisms or biological processes but does not necessarily create sustainable environment through the imitation of nature. Biomimicry is one of the most promising research areas that could transform the way products and services are designed, manufactured, transported and distributed. This could represent a major turning point in the 21 century, by linking environmental and business interests

    Croatian high‑resolution monthly gridded dataset of homogenised surface air temperature

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    Homogenised climatological series and gridded data are the basis for climate monitoring and climate change detection. Considering this, monthly mean temperatures from 122 Croatian stations were homogenised, and high-resolution monthly gridded data were developed for the 1981–2018 period. Homogenisation needs to be performed on stations from the same climate region; therefore, hierarchical clustering is introduced to defne those climate regions in Croatia. The breaks of homogeneity were detected by the standard normal homogeneity test on 54 stations. Regression kriging was applied to produce monthly grids for each month in the analysed period. The quality of the interpolation assessed by leave-one-out cross-validation resulted in a root mean square error of 0.7 °C. The quality of spatial interpolation is supplemented with normalised error maps. The derived homogenised station data and monthly grids are necessary for national climate monitoring, the production of climate normals and the estimation of trends. After 1999, average annual anomalies from the 30-year climate standard normal 1981–2010 were positive and up to 1.4 °C warmer than the average and only occasionally negative. The measured amount, sign and signifcance of the trend were accurately captured on the trend maps calculated from the monthly maps. Signifcant strong warming was observed and mapped over the entire Croatian territory in April, June, July, August and November. It was stronger inland than on the coast. Annual trends were signifcant and ranged from 0.3 °C/decade to 0.7 °C/ decade. There was no observational evidence of enhanced elevation-dependent warming over elevations from 750 to 1594 m.Research of MPT was supported by employer, Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service, and by the project UKV − Carstic Coastal Water Management Endangered by Climate Changes (KK. Open access funding is provided by Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service

    Weak meson vertices and the hypernuclear potential

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    This paper is a continuation of an earlier paper on hypernuclear potentials. A novel derivation of the hypernuclear strangeness-violating potential due to the pseudoscalar meson exchanges is presented. Comparison with the earlier method shows that the theoretical uncertainty is less than 30%. Relative signs of pseudoscalar meson exchanges and vector (axial vector) exchanges are discussed in detail. Additional comments on the nonrelativistic approximation are included

    Hypernuclear potentials and the pseudoscalar meson exchange contribution

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    The pieces of the hypernuclear strangeness violating potential due to the pseudoscalar meson exchanges are derived using methods which were successfully applied to hyperon nonleptonic decays. The estimates are tested by comparison with measured hyperon nonleptonic decay amplitudes. All isospin changes ΔI=1/2\Delta I=1/2 and ΔI=3/2\Delta I=3/2 are included in the derived potential. All calculational methods used are reviewed and described in detail