4 research outputs found

    The Common Agricultural Policy SIMulation (CAPSIM) Model: Dairy Reform and Western Balkan Countries Accession Scenarios

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    The aim of this study is to provide and describe a multicommodity analysis able to focus and investigate two EU relevant agricultural policy aspects: the dairy reform and the enlargement to Western Balkan countries. The analysis is carried out using the Common Agricultural Policy SIMulation (CAPSIM) model developed in the early 1980s by EuroCARE and the University of Bonn on behalf of DG ESTAT. The model is further upgraded for this study in order to analyse the effects of the Health Check decisions on the EU dairy market as well as the impact of the EU enlargement towards Western Balkans countries. Key results of the main quota expiry scenario for 2020 are that milk production would increase by 3.1% in the EU-27 whereas milk prices would drop by 7.3%. Accession effects in the Western Balkan countries would originate in some convergence to EU prices, in technology transfer which would increase yields, and in CAP components introduced on the Western Balkan like milk quotas or decoupled payments.JRC.J.5-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Modelling of Energy-Crops in Agricultural Sector Models - A Review of Existing Methodologies

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    The present report provides an overview of the different methodologies applied in partial and general equilibrium models used to analyse biofuel policies in Europe, as well as their methodological pros and cons. While the LEITAP model is included as a general equilibrium model covering biofuel demand, partial equilibrium models are represented by ESIM, FAPRI, AGLINK/COSIMO, RAUMIS, AGMEMOD (agricultural models); POLES and PRIMES (energy sector); and EUFASOM/ENFA (forestry sector). The study is highly relevant for the current modelling work at IPTS, where models such as ESIM and AGLINK play an important role in the Integrated Modelling Platform for Agro-economic Commodity and Policy Analysis (iMAP) of the AGRILIFE Unit. Additionally, the POLES model is currently part of the model portfolio used by the Competitiveness & Sustainability Unit in several studies analysing possible technological pathways of energy production and demand for bioenergy in Europe, a result of implementing the biofuel directive. This compilation of information is also important since the implicit and explicit treatment of bioenergy, either as a demand shock to the processing of oilseeds or feedstock for bioethanol and biodiesel, or as the introduction of a biofuel-sector into a computational general equilibrium (CGE) is foreseen in the short-term by other economic models used at IPTS.JRC.J.5-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Les paiements directs agricoles après 2013 : nouvelle approche, nouveaux objectifs

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    This study summarizes the developments of the EU Single Payment Scheme, its national implementation by Member States and provides an economic assessment of the scheme. The various proposals made to change the system of direct payments are examined and possible options for reforms are identified. A new system of direct payments for the next Financial Perspective is suggested. It involves a gradual reorientation of direct payments from income support to remuneration for the provision of public goods. Reform proposals for the remaining income support include cofinancing and a move towards a flatter system with a cap related to labour units. This proposal subscribes to subsidiarity, but the increased weight of remuneration for public goods would also call for a stronger harmonisation of the legislative baseline on which the system of EU payments rests.Le document est un rapport du Parlement Européen fait par un groupe d'économistes coordonnés par JC Bureau et HP Witzke, sur les voies de réforme des paiements directes qui représentent désormais l'essentiel du budget de la Politique Agricole Commune. Les propositions des différents états membres, des organisations non gouvernementales et du monde académique sont recensées et examinées. Des simulations de plusieurs voies pour réformer ces paiements directs sont effectuées et la compatibilité des différentes propositions avec le cadre budgétaire et les engagements internationaux sont analysés