65 research outputs found

    Using muon rings for the optical throughput calibration of the SST-1M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) are ground-based instruments devoted to the study of very high energy gamma-rays coming from space. The detection technique consists of observing images created by the Cherenkov light emitted when gamma rays, or more generally cosmic rays, propagate through the atmosphere. While in the case of protons or gamma-rays the images present a filled and more or less elongated shape, energetic muons penetrating the atmosphere are visualised as characteristic circular rings or arcs. A relatively simple analysis of the ring images allows the reconstruction of all the relevant parameters of the detected muons, such as the energy, the impact parameter, and the incoming direction, with the final aim to use them to calibrate the total optical throughput of the given IACT telescope. We present the results of preliminary studies on the use of images created by muons as optical throughput calibrators of the single mirror small size telescope prototype SST-1M proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    DigiCam - Fully Digital Compact Read-out and Trigger Electronics for the SST-1M Telescope proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The SST-1M is one of three prototype small-sized telescope designs proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array, and is built by a consortium of Polish and Swiss institutions. The SST-1M will operate with DigiCam - an innovative, compact camera with fully digital read-out and trigger electronics. A high level of integration will be achieved by massively deploying state-of-the-art multi-gigabit transmission channels, beginning from the ADC flash converters, through the internal data and trigger signals transmission over backplanes and cables, to the camera's server link. Such an approach makes it possible to design the camera to fit the size and weight requirements of the SST-1M exactly, and provide low power consumption, high reliability and long lifetime. The structure of the digital electronics will be presented, along with main physical building blocks and the internal architecture of FPGA functional subsystems.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    Gyrodactylus salinae n. sp. (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) infecting the south European toothcarp Aphanius fasciatus (Valenciennes) (Teleostei, Cyprinodontidae) from a hypersaline environment in Italy

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    Background: Historically, non-native species of Gambusia (Poeciliidae) have been used to control larval stages of the Asian tiger mosquito, Stegomyia albopicta Reinert, Harbach et Kitching, 2004 throughout Italy. The potential utility of indigenous populations of Aphanius fasciatus (Valenciennes) (Teleostei: Cyprinodontidae) as an appropriate alternative biological control is currently being explored. A sub-sample of ten fish collected from Cervia Saline, Italy (salinity 65 ppt; 30°C) to assess their reproductive capability in captivity, harboured a moderate infection of Gyrodactylus von Nordmann, 1832 (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea). A subsequent morphological and molecular study identified this as being a new species. Results: Gyrodactylus salinae n. sp. is described from the skin, fins and gills of A. fasciatus. Light and scanning electron microscopical (SEM) examination of the opisthaptoral armature and their comparison with all other recorded species suggested morphological similarities to Gyrodactylus rugiensoides Huyse et Volckaert, 2002 from Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas). Features of the ventral bar, however, permit its discrimination from G. rugiensoides. Sequencing of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 and the 5.8S rRNA gene and a comparison with all species listed in GenBank confirmed they are unique and represent a new species (most similar to Gyrodactylus anguillae Ergens, 1960, 8.3% pair-wise distance based on 5.8S+ITS2). This represents the first species of Gyrodactylus to be described from Aphanius and, to date, has the longest ITS1 (774 bp) sequenced from any Gyrodactylus. Additional sampling of Cervia Saline throughout the year, found G. salinae n. sp. to persist in conditions ranging from 35 ppt and 5°C in December to 65 ppt and 30°C in July, while in captivity a low level of infection was present, even in freshwater conditions (0 ppt). Conclusions: The ability of G. salinae n. sp. to tolerate a wide range of salinities and temperatures shows its potential to readily adapt to several environmental conditions. These findings, together with the fact that A. fasciatus is a protected species and is considered as a biological control organism, necessitate further studies on the ecology and virulence of G. salinae n. sp

    The SST-1M project for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The SST-1M project, run by a Consortium of institutes from Czech Republic, Poland and Switzerland, has been proposed as a solution for implementing the small-size telescope array of the southern site of the Cherenkov Telescope Array. The technology is a pathfinder for efficient production of cost-effective imaging air Cherenkov telescopes. We report on the main system features and recent upgrades, the performances validation and the operation campaign carried out in 2018

    Concept of serial CTA camera

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    W ramach European Research Area trwają prace nad konstrukcją macierzy teleskopów wykorzystujących zjawisko promieniowania Czerenkowa do obserwacji kosmosu w zakresie promieniowania o bardzo dużych energiach, rzędu 100GeV do 100TeV. Autorzy przedstawiają koncepcję budowy cyfrowej kamery teleskopu, opartej w dużej mierze na szybkich, szeregowych interfejsach danych, możliwych do implementacji w zaawansowanych układach FPGA. W artykule porównano opracowaną koncepcję z innymi, proponowanymi dotychczas. Przedstawiono również wybrane szczegóły konstrukcyjne.One of the main astrophysical topics within the European Research Area is construction of Cherenkov Telescope Array. It is destined for observations of the space in very high energy gamma radiation ranges (100GeV to 100TeV). The authors of the paper introduce a serial concept of the digital camera for the CTA telescope. The concept is based on very fast serial ports, existing in high-performance FPGAs. Serial ports are intended to be used in the design for inter-chip, as well as for inter-board communication. The paper compares the described concept with another, proposed so far. All Cherenkov observatories existing so far exploit the analog or digital data acquisition along with analog trigger circuit. Implementing the trigger circuit in the digital domain enables full reconfigurability of the camera. It allows fitting the trigger algorithm to the current needs and improving it due to the gathered experience. However, digital processing of signals from 1…2k photomultipliers in each camera induces a very complex circuit. To simplify the design there is proposed applying quad ADCs with serial outputs of 500 Mbps to 4 Gbps. It will allow reduction of the required number of PCB layers. Another proposed improvement is integration of signals, connecting clusters of 16 photomultipliers with the central board. Embedding the synchro-start signal within the clock signal, as well as transmission of all remaining data through the 2-pair, 2-way Common Serial Interface reduces the number of the required twisted pairs to only 3. Both above propositions reduce the number of cables and connectors by 9. Additionally, there are explained a few construction details of test designs

    Cydalima perspectalis in Poland—8 Years of Invasion against the Background of Three Other Invasive Species

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    The box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis) origins from East Asia. In Europe, it was recorded for the first time in 2007, and in Poland in 2012. By the end of 2020, it was found all over Poland. There are no published data on the range of C. perspectalis occurrence in Poland because it is not a quarantine pest in the European Union and is not subject to official monitoring. Data collected in 2018–2020 via a website dedicated to monitoring, for the first time, illustrate the current range and its largest concentrations in southern and central Poland. The monitoring confirmed that the main directions of the invasion are related to the main communication routes of Poland (south-north) and are of a long-distance character. The dispersal pattern corresponds to the model developed for Cameraria ohridella: a stratified dispersal model that considers long-distance road/rail transport. The second important factor contributing to the invasion of C. perspectalis are large human communities enabling rapid local dispersion (a diffusion model). Comparing its invasion with the monitoring data from 2007–2013 of two other invasive pests of Poland: Ostrinia nubilalis and Diabrotica virgifera, shows that a diffusion model best describes the spatial spread of these pests only to uninhabited neighboring areas

    <i>Cydalima perspectalis</i> in Poland—8 Years of Invasion against the Background of Three Other Invasive Species

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    The box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis) origins from East Asia. In Europe, it was recorded for the first time in 2007, and in Poland in 2012. By the end of 2020, it was found all over Poland. There are no published data on the range of C. perspectalis occurrence in Poland because it is not a quarantine pest in the European Union and is not subject to official monitoring. Data collected in 2018–2020 via a website dedicated to monitoring, for the first time, illustrate the current range and its largest concentrations in southern and central Poland. The monitoring confirmed that the main directions of the invasion are related to the main communication routes of Poland (south-north) and are of a long-distance character. The dispersal pattern corresponds to the model developed for Cameraria ohridella: a stratified dispersal model that considers long-distance road/rail transport. The second important factor contributing to the invasion of C. perspectalis are large human communities enabling rapid local dispersion (a diffusion model). Comparing its invasion with the monitoring data from 2007–2013 of two other invasive pests of Poland: Ostrinia nubilalis and Diabrotica virgifera, shows that a diffusion model best describes the spatial spread of these pests only to uninhabited neighboring areas