125,683 research outputs found

    Coincidences of Dark Energy with Dark Matter -- Clues for a Simple Alternative?

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    A rare coincidence of scales in standard particle physics is needed to explain why Λ\Lambda or the negative pressure of cosmological dark energy (DE) coincides with the positive pressure P0P_0 of random motion of dark matter (DM) in bright galaxies. Recently Zlosnik et al. (2007) propose to modify the Einsteinian curvature by adding a non-linear pressure from a medium flowing with a four-velocity vector field UμU^\mu. We propose to check whether a smooth extension of GR with a simple kinetic Lagrangian of UμU^\mu can be constructed, and whether the pressure can bend space-time sufficiently to replace the roles of a w=−1w=-1 DE, w=0w=0 Cold DM and heavy neutrinos in explaining anomalous accelerations at all scales. As a specific proof of concept we find a Vector-for-Λ\Lambda model (VΛ{\mathbf V\Lambda}-model) and its variants. With essentially {\it no free parameters}, these appear broadly consistent with the solar system, gravitational potentials in dwarf spiral galaxies and the bullet cluster of galaxies, early universe with inflation, structure formation and BBN, and late acceleration with a 1:3 ratio of DM:DE.Comment: to appear in ApJ Letters, 4 page

    How Well Do We Know the Beta-Decay of 16N and Oxygen Formation in Helium Burning

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    We review the status of the 12C(a,g)16O reaction rate, of importance for stellar processes in a progenitor star prior to a super-nova collapse. Several attempts to constrain the p-wave S-factor of the 12C(a,g)16O reaction at Helium burning temperatures (200 MK) using the beta-delayed alpha-particle emission of 16N have been made, and it is claimed that this S-factor is known, as quoted by the TRIUMF collaboration. In contrast reanalyses (by G.M. hale) of all thus far available data (including the 16N data) does not rule out a small S-factor solution. Furthermore, we improved our previous Yale-UConn study of the beta- delayed alpha-particle emission of \n16 by improving our statistical sample (by more than a factor of 5), improving the energy resolution of the experiment (by 20%), and in understanding our line shape, deduced from measured quantities. Our newly measured spectrum of the beta-delayed alpha-particle emission of 16N is not consistent with the TRIUMF('94) data, but is consistent with the Seattle('95) data, as well as the earlier (unaltered !) data of Mainz('71). The implication of this discrepancies for the extracted astrophysical p-wave s-factor is briefly discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Invited Talk, Physics With Radioactive Beams, Puri, India, Jan. 12-17, 1998, Work Supported by USDOE Grant No. DE-FG02-94ER4087

    Complete time-dependent treatment of a three-level system

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    Both unitary evolution and the effects of dissipation and decoherence for a general three-level system are of widespread interest in quantum optics, molecular physics, and elsewhere. A previous paper presented a technique for solving the time-dependent operator equations involved but under certain restrictive conditions. We now extend our results to a general three-level system with arbitrary time-dependent Hamiltonians and Lindblad operators. Analytical handling of the SU(3) algebra of the eight operators involved leaves behind a set of coupled first-order differential equations for classical functions. Solution of this set gives a complete solution of the quantum problem, without having to invoke rotating-wave or other approximations. Numerical illustrations are given.Comment: 1 tar.gz file containing a Tex and four eps figure files; unzip with command gunzip RZPRA05.tar.g

    Angular momentum I ground state probabilities of boson systems interacting by random interactions

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    In this paper we report our systematic calculations of angular momentum II ground state probabilities (P(I)P(I)) of boson systems with spin ll in the presence of random two-body interactions. It is found that the P(0) dominance is usually not true for a system with an odd number of bosons, while it is valid for an even number of bosons, which indicates that the P(0) dominance is partly connected to the even number of identical particles. It is also noticed that the P(Imax)P(I_{max})'s of bosons with spin ll do not follow the 1/N (N=l+1N=l+1, referring to the number of independent two-body matrix elements) relation. The properties of the P(I)P(I)'s obtained in boson systems with spin ll are discussed.Comment: 8 pages and 3 figure
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