489 research outputs found

    Multi-Sommerfeld enhancement in dark sector

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    We study the multi-Sommerfeld enhancement in the case where V(r)V(r) is composed of different kinds of potentials. We show that there are special properties of the multi-Sommerfeld enhancement. The physical content of the multi-Sommerfeld mechanism is carefully demonstrated. The multi-Sommerfeld enhancement might play a role in dark matter annihilation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Final state interactions at the threshold of Higgs boson pair production

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    We study the effect of final state interactions at the threshold of Higgs boson pair production in the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model. We consider three major processes of the pair production in the model: lepton pair annihilation, ZZ fusion, and WW fusion. We find that the corrections caused by the effect for these processes are markedly different. According to our results, the effect can cause non-negligible corrections to the cross sections for lepton pair annihilation and small corrections for ZZ fusion, and this effect is negligible for WW fusion.Comment: 5 page

    Notes on the tangential Casimir force

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    We discuss three developments in the study of the tangential Casimir force [Z. Zhang, New J. Phys. 24 (2022) 113036]. The first one generalizes the force from dielectrics to magnetodielectrics. This generalization is readily realized with the help of working out the total zero-point energy of multilayered magnetodielectrics. The second one revisits the tangential force for real conductors by taking into account the temperature dependence of their dielectric constants, and provides needed theoretical results for experimental investigations that are expected to be conducted at room temperature. The third investigates the Casimir torque from plates made of isotropic media, which offers a simple way to realize torques for uncharged surfaces.Comment: 9 page

    On definable ff-generic groups and minimal flows in pp-adically closed fields

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    Let XX be a definable group definable over a small model M0M_0. Recall that a global type pp on XX is definable ff-generic over M0M_0 if every left translate of pp is definable over M0M_0. We call pp strongly ff-generic over M0M_0 if every left translate of pp does not fork over M0M_0. Let HH be a group definable over the field Qp{\mathbb Q}_p of pp-adic numbers admitting global definable ff-generic types over Qp{\mathbb Q}_p. We show that HH has unboundedly many global weakly generic types iff there is a global type rr on HH which is strongly ff-generic over Qp{\mathbb Q}_p and a Qp{\mathbb Q}_p-definable function θ\theta such that θ(r)\theta(r) is finitely satisfiable in Qp{\mathbb Q}_p. Recall that the μ\mu-type μ(x)\mu(x) on HH is the partial type consisting of the formulas over Qp{\mathbb Q}_p which define open neighborhoods of the identity of HH. We show that every global weakly generic type rr on HH is μ\mu-invariant: For any ϵ⊨μ\epsilon\models \mu and a⊨ra\models r, we have ϵ⋅a⊨r\epsilon\cdot a\models r. Let GG be groups definable over Qp{\mathbb Q}_p such that HH is a normal subgroup of GG and G/HG/H is a definably compact group. Then we show that the weakly generic types on GG coincide with almost periodic types GG iff GG has boundedly many global weakly generic types

    On minimal flows and definable amenability in some distal NIP theories

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    We study the definable topological dynamics (G(M),SG(M))(G(M), S_G(M)) of a definable group acting on its type space, where MM is either an oo-minimal structure or a pp-adically closed field, and GG a definable amenable group. We focus on the problem raised by Neweslki of whether weakly generic types coincide with almost periodic types, showing that the answer is positive when GG has boundedly many global weakly generic types. We also give two "minimal counterexamples" where GG has unboundedly many global weakly generic types, extending the main results of "On minimal flows, definably amenable groups, and o-minimality" to a more general context

    Demonstration of Geometric Landau-Zener Interferometry in a Superconducting Qubit

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    Geometric quantum manipulation and Landau-Zener interferometry have been separately explored in many quantum systems. In this Letter, we combine these two approaches to study the dynamics of a superconducting phase qubit. We experimentally demonstrate Landau-Zener interferometry based on the pure geometric phases in this solid-state qubit. We observe the interference caused by a pure geometric phase accumulated in the evolution between two consecutive Landau-Zener transitions, while the dynamical phase is canceled out by a spin-echo pulse. The full controllability of the qubit state as a function of the intrinsically robust geometric phase provides a promising approach for quantum state manipulation.Comment: 5 pages + 3 pages supplemental Materia
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