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    IA2030 Action Plans and Impact Acceleration Reports: Survey responses from 931 national and sub-national staff (Immunization Agenda 2030 Full Learning Cycle 2022)

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    # IA2030 Action Plans and Impact Acceleration Reports: Survey responses from 931 national and sub-national staff (Immunization Agenda 2030 Full Learning Cycle 2022) Note: This document includes markdown syntax to facilitate machine reading. ## Table of Contents - Abstract - Research Audience - Credits - Recommended Citation - File List - Related Data Sets - Background - Data Set Structure and Contents - Data Cleaning, Data Privacy, and Anonymization - Ethical Considerations - Survey Implementation - Survey Questionnaire Items - Data Availability and Accessibility - Copyright and License - References ## Abstract The Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) has been endorsed at the World Health Assembly as the world’s strategy for immunization. The Movement for IA2030 is a voluntary collective of immunization practitioners, principally from low- and middle-income countries, who have pledged to support each other to accelerate local action in support of this global immunization strategy. This data set offers insights into how to understand national and sub-national challenges facing immunization programmes and what strategies show promise for addressing these challenges over time. It contains: - raw, anonymized data in Excel CSV format. Copies of the three survey questionnaires are available for download in the Files section (below). - responses to one, two, or three surveys from 931 national and subnational immunization practitioners participating in the Movement for Immunization Agenda (IA) 2030: Survey 1: IA2030 Action Plan Survey: a 77-item questionnaire, fielded in May 2022, which asked respondents to identify a key challenge relevant to their immunization programme, root cause of the challenge, three corrective actions, and what they knew about vaccination coverage in their zone of intervention. Survey 2: IA2030 Impact Acceleration Report Survey (2022): a 27-item questionnaire, fielded in June 2022, which asked respondents to report progress on implementation of their IA2030 Action Plan, including progress on vaccination coverage indicators. Survey 3: IA2030 Impact Acceleration Report Survey (2023): a 60-item questionnaire, fielded in June 2023, which asked respondents to report progress on implementation of their IA2030 Action Plan, including progress on vaccination coverage indicators. ## Research Audience Education and global health researchers with interest in human resources for health (HRH) and the characteristics, priority challenges, and experiences of national and sub-national immunization staff participating in the Movement for Immunization Agenda (IA) 2030. ## Credits ### Author The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) 18 Avenue Louis Casaï CH1209 Geneva, Switzerland [email protected] Principal Investigator and Corresponding Author Reda Sadki, TGLF [email protected] Project Partners - Biostat Global Consulting (BGC) - Bridges to Development - Centre for Change & Complexity in Learning (C3L) Partner Roles and Responsibilities - Design: TGLF - Implementation (sample collection): TGLF - Processing: TGLF, C3L - Anonymization: BGC - Submission: TGLF - Maintenance of learning analytics database where data are stored: C3L Funding Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) ## Recommended Citation Action Plans and Impact Acceleration Reports: Responses from 931 national and sub-national staff (Immunization Agenda 2030 Full Learning Cycle). The Geneva Learning Foundation, 2023. (Version 1.0) [Data Set]. The Geneval Learning Foundation. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8298773 ## File List 2023-09.IA2030_Action_Plans_and_Impact_Acceleration_Reports.README.md (this document) 2022-05.IA2030_Action_Plan_Survey.docx: List of items included in the Action Plan Survey 2022-06.IA2030_Impact_Acceleration_Report_Survey.docx: List of items included in the Impact Acceleration Report Survey questionnaire administered in June 2022. 2023-06.IA2030_Impact_Acceleration_Report_Survey.docx: List of additional items included in the Impact Acceleration Survey administered in June 2023 (the complete survey questionnaire also included all items included in the June 2022 Impact Acceleration Report Survey questionnaire). 2023-09.IA2030_Action_Plans_and_Impact_Acceleration_Reports_Survey_Dataset.csv: Anonymized Action Plans and Acceleration Reports Survey Dataset. Version 1: Geneva Learning Foundation (937 observations, 173 variables). ## Related Data Sets The 2023-09.IA2030_Action_Plans_and_Impact Acceleration_Reports_Survey_Dataset.csv is a subset of data collected by The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) during the first IA2030 Full Learning Cycle (FLC) during May 2022, June 2022, and June 2023. The complete IA 2030 Action Plans and Impact Acceleration Reports Survey data set is more comprehensive and includes information about respondent and programme characteristics as well as responses to open-text questions. Researchers who would like to analyze the full set of unredacted responses are invited to contact the Geneva Learning Foundation to inquire about a data sharing agreement that would stipulate conditions of access ([email protected]). The Geneva Learning Foundation, 2023. Value Creation Stories (VCS) weekly feedback survey, 2022 Full Learning Cycle (FLC) of the Movement for Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) (Version 1.0). [Data Set]. The Geneva Learning Foundation. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7763922 The Geneva Learning Foundation, 2023. Full Learning Cycle (2022) Application for national and sub-national immunization staff to identify challenges and join the Movement for Immunization Agenda (IA 2030) (Version 1.0) [Data Set]. The Geneval Learning Foundation. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8199552 Additional data sets for the first Full Learning Cycle (FLC) of the Movement for Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) are available from TGLF’s Insights Unit ([email protected]). ## Background The Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030), the global immunization strategy for 2021-2030, set ambitious targets for global immunization coverage and other key indicators (World Health Organization [WHO], 2020). In response to the WHO Director-General’s call for a social movement to ensure immunization remains a priority for global and regional health agendas and promote broad societal support for immunization (WHO, 2020), TGLF, working with its global community of over 35,000 alumni, developed a learning programme intended to contribute to a “Movement for Immunization Agenda 2030.” As part of their participation in the programme, IA2030 participants developed a locally tailored action plan designed to address a key challenge relevant to their immunization programme. A project kick-off phase, the “Impact Accelerator Launch Pad”, supported participants during their initial implementation stages, to create momentum for sustained action. One month after initiation of their Action Plan(s), participants were invited to complete an Impact Acceleration survey questionnaire to assess progress towards their goals. One year later, programme participants were invited to complete a second Impact Acceleration questionnaire to assess continued progress towards their goal. This data set includes participants’ responses to one or more questionnaires documenting their IA2030 experience: - Survey 1: IA2030 Action Plan Survey: a 77-item questionnaire, fielded in May 2022, which asked respondents to identify a key challenge relevant to their immunization programme, root cause of the challenge, three corrective actions, and what they knew about vaccination coverage in their zone of intervention. - Survey 2: IA2030 Impact Acceleration Report Survey (2022): a 27-item questionnaire, fielded in June 2022, which asked respondents to report progress on implementation of their IA2030 Action Plan, including progress on vaccination coverage indicators. - Survey 3: IA2030 Impact Acceleration Report Survey (2023): a 60-item questionnaire, fielded in June 2023, which asked respondents to report progress on implementation of their IA2030 Action Plan, including progress on vaccination coverage indicators. ## Data Set Structure and Contents The data set has 937 observations and 173 variables. Contents include the following: - 937 responses (532 English; 405 French) to the Action Plan Survey. Six individuals submitted two distinct Action Plans. - 538 responses (278 English; 260 French) to the 2022 Impact Acceleration Report Survey - 236 responses (126 English; 110 French) to the 2023 Impact Acceleration Report Survey - Column A describes the type of data included in each row of the data file - The first two rows of the data set hold the question text in English and in French - Column B contains a unique identifier for each respondent. The ID is a simple string starting with a number to indicate a unique person and then a dash, and then a 1 or a 2 to indicate whether it is their first or second entry for the 2022 Impact Acceleration Report Survey. - Columns D-F indicate the language each respondent used for each of the three questionnaires (EN = English; FR = French) - The columns whose names start with I1 were collected as part of the Action Plan Survey, I2 as part of the 2022 Impact Acceleration Report Survey, and I3 as part of the 2023 Impact Acceleration Report Survey. The columns appear in left-to-right order in which the original surveys were administered. ## Data Cleaning, Data Privacy, and Anonymization Duplicate surveys submitted by the same individual were removed from the data set. When a respondent submitted multiple versions of the Action Plan or 2023 Impact Acceleration Report Survey, the submission with the most complete responses was retained. Six persons submitted two distinct records for the 2022 Impact Acceleration Report Survey. In those cases, both responses appear in the dataset, paired with that person’s single retained entry for the Action Plan and their single retained entry for the 2023 Impact Acceleration Report Survey (where applicable). The data file shared on this site is intentionally incomplete. Columns containing holding personally identifying information (e.g., respondent email address, date of birth, WhatsApp number, organization name, country) and columns potentially holding personally identifying information (e.g., responses to items such as “summarize your challenge,” “tell us about your stakeholders”) have been replaced with the following phrases: - “Removed to protect personally identifying information” (English questionnaires) - “Supprimé pour protéger les informations personnelles” (French questionnaires) ## Ethical Considerations Ethical clearance for each of the three surveys was granted by TGLF prior to its administration. Privacy was safeguarded by data management complying with the [General Data Protection Regulation](https://gdpr-info.eu/). All participants were informed that participation was voluntary and were assured their data would be confidential. Participants provided consent prior to completing each survey. Respondents did not receive any incentive for participating in any of the surveys. All information collected for the three surveys was secured with multiple levels of encryption and access controls to guarantee participant confidentiality, per [Typeform policy](https://www.typeform.com/help/a/security-at-typeform-360029259552/)). ## Survey Implementation For each of the three surveys, IA2030 participants received an email message inviting them to complete a questionnaire. Respondents accessed the questionnaire by clicking a link contained in the email. All surveys were hosted on the Typeform server and followed the same methods for protecting respondent privacy (details provided in Ethical Considerations section, above). Respondents were given the choice of completing each questionnaire in either English or French. All survey questionnaires included a mixture of multiple-choice and open-text items. Overviews of the contents of each survey are provided in the next three subsections. Copies of the survey instruments are available for download in the Files section (below). ## Survey Questionnaire Items ### IA 2030 Action Plan Survey Items - To start your IA2030 Action Plan, describe one challenge you face in your immunization work. We suggest you focus on your most difficult and important challenge. Focus on only one problem where you can take action. Be specific about your situation, not generalities. Help others understand why it matters. Explain your situation. What is the root cause of your challenge? What will be different if you overcome this challenge? - Summarize your challenge and what you want to do about it. - Is your challenge too broad, general, or vague, like “coverage is too low” or “there are unvaccinated children”? Can you take action at your level to tackle this challenge? - Immunization Agenda 2030 is organized into seven Strategic Priorities (SP). Review the list carefully to select the Strategic Priority that best fits your challenge. IA2030 Strategic Priorities are organized into 47 Key Focus Areas (KFAs). Review the list carefully to select the item that best fits your challenge. - Is your challenge related to any of these? - To tackle your challenge, define the goal of your IA2030 Action Plan. - Why is this goal important? Answer the question, “If I achieve my goal, what will be different?” What does success look like? - Have you started to take action toward this goal? - Summarize what you have already done toward this goal. Who did what, when and how? How did it turn out? Do you have any concrete results to date? What are the lessons or surprises so far? - Tell us about your stakeholders. Who will you need to work with to achieve your goal? What type of support will you need from the communities you serve? How should your organization, supervisor, and partners support you? What are the likely barriers to securing their support and commitment? What are you going to do if a stakeholder does not provide the support you need? Could the support of IA2030 Movement colleagues be helpful to you and, if so, how? - Do you need additional funding to achieve your goal? - How much time do you need to achieve your goal? (Less than one month, 1-3 months. 4-6 months, 7-12 months, 13-18 months, 19-24 month, more than 24 months) - Tell us more about resources and timeline. Provide a rough initial estimate of the time and budget required for your Action Plan. If this is premature, indicate what you need to know to be able to determine time and budget required. - What resources (time, people, money) will you need to achieve your goal? How are you going to secure these resources? Summarize the steps to secure resources. - Now, we would like you to identify three different, specific actions to achieve the goal of your IA2030 Action Plan: Action 1. What do you want to do? Have you done this before? Who will carry out this action? How much time do you need to finish this action? How innovative is this action? Tell us more about this action? - Explain why this action matters. How will this action help you achieve your goal? What needs to happen and when? What are the steps to finish this action? Who will carry out this action? How will you know when you have finished your action? How will you know if your action is successful? - What else needs to happen to achieve your goal? - What other actions need to be taken? When do they need to happen? Who will carry them out? How will these actions help to achieve your goal? What is your role in them? What control do you have over these actions? - Do you wish to share experience to help you with your IA2030 Action Plan and to help others? - What is the name of your organizational unit or area of intervention? - What is the main type of environment in: [your zone of intervention]? - Do you know the size of the vaccination target population in: [your zone of intervention]? - What is the size of the population in: [your zone of intervention]? - Do you know the number of outreach immunization sessions that were planned and then actually carried out last year: - What was the number of planned outreach immunization sessions held last year in: [your zone of intervention]? - What was the number of outreach immunization sessions that were actually carried out last year in: [your zone of intervention]? - Do you know the Antenatal Care (ANC) Coverage in: [your zone of intervention]? - What is the Antenatal Care (ANC) Coverage in: [your zone of intervention]? - Do you know the current Penta 1 coverage in: [your zone of intervention]? - What is the current Penta 1 coverage in: [your zone of intervention]? - Do you know the current Penta 3 coverage in: [your zone of intervention]? - What is the current Penta 3 coverage in: [your zone of intervention]? - Do you know the MCV1 immunization coverage in: [your zone of intervention]? - What is the MCV1 immunization coverage in: [your zone of intervention]? - Do you know the MCV2 immunization coverage in: [your zone of intervention]? - What is the MCV2 immunization coverage in: [your zone of intervention]? - Do you know the vaccination coverage for the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine in: [your zone of intervention]? - What is the vaccination coverage for the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine in your area? - You have now prepared your IA2030 Action Plan. Are you ready to take action? If your Action Plan is accepted, you will be invited to join the 2nd IA2030 Impact Accelerator Launch Pad to work with others during four weeks to start implementing your Action Plan. - What will you seek to achieve in the FOUR WEEKS of the Launch Pad? - What is the MOST IMPORTANT ACTION that you will carry out in the first 7 days of joining the Launch Pad? ### IA2030 Impact Acceleration Report Survey Items (2022) - Has there been a CHANGE or PROGRESS since your last Acceleration Report? Tell us what has happened. -What has changed since your last Acceleration Report? - What is the implementation status of your action plan? - (If applicable) Please tell us why you have not yet started to implement your IA2030 action plan. What are the barriers or obstacles that have prevented you from starting implementation? What support do you need that will help you overcome these barriers? What will you do now to start implementing? - Tell us more about the implementation status of your action plan. What actions did you take and what changed as a result of your actions? What are the results? What were the challenges and how did you address them? What strategies or solutions were critical to implementation? Who or what helped you? What lessons did you learn? Was there anything that surprised you? Is there anything else you would like us to know? - Is your action plan integrated with the broader EPI programme? - Has participation in your Scholar Country Team’s activities been USEFUL to you? - Have you interacted personally with other members of the IA2030 Movement since your last Acceleration Report?? (If yes) What was the main reason for this interaction? - How many Movement members have you personally interacted with since your last Acceleration Report? - Name up to three Movement members that you have personally interacted with since your last Acceleration Report. - Do you have something you would like to share about implementation of your IA2030 action plan? (If yes) Please tell us what happened and how it turned out. Why does this matter? How did you identify it? What have you done to learn more about it? What strategies or solutions have you tried or would you consider? Who or what can help you? What lessons have you learned so far? Was there anything that surprised you? Anything else that we need to know? - Did you participate in the IA2030 Impact Accelerator Launch Pad from 23 May - 17 June 2022? - Has your participation in the Accelerator helped you progress toward implementation of your IA2030 action plan? Tell us how the Accelerator has helped (or not) you progress toward implementation of your IA2030 action plan. - What was the most valuable aspect of the Accelerator for you? - Would you participate in the next IA2030 Impact Accelerator Launch Pad? - Any other comments or feedback? ### IA2030 Impact Acceleration Report Survey Items (2023) *Same questions as for Accelerator Report 2022, with the addition of the following:* - How many HOURS PER WEEK on the average did you EXPECT TO SPEND to implement your plan? - How many HOURS PER WEEK on the average did you ACTUALLY DEDICATE to implement your plan? - What percentage of your work time have you spent on implementation of this action plan? - Did someone provide funding towards the implementation of your action plan? (specify) - Estimate the total budget in U.S. dollars (USD or US)youneedtoimplementyouractionplan.Youwillthenbeaskedtojustifythisbudget.Ifyouhavenotyetdevelopedabudgetforyouractionplan,aroughestimatewillsuffice.EnterthisamountinU.S.dollars.Doyouneedadditionalfinancialresourcestosuccessfullyimplementyouractionplan?OfthistotalbudgetUS) you need to implement your action plan. You will then be asked to justify this budget. - If you have not yet developed a budget for your action plan, a rough estimate will suffice. Enter this amount in U.S. dollars. - Do you need additional financial resources to successfully implement your action plan? - Of this total budget US ,how much are you currently short, in U.S. dollars? - Do you know where to get this additional funding for your action plan? - Justify your estimate of this budget (US$ ) and the need for additional resources (if any). - Summarize what these resources would be used for. Without these resources, what will happen? - If your action plan is successful, how many more people will be vaccinated? - If your action plan is successful, what will be different for the target population? - In the last year, has there been a significant change in vaccination coverage indicators? - This change is the result of my involvement in the IA2030 Movement (range: 1=

    Pulse electropolymerization synthesis of PPy(DBS) nanoparticle layers

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    International audienceA one-step process using a pulse electropolymerization technique is used to fabricate nanoparticles of polypyrrole (PPy) with dodecyl benzene sulfonate (DBS) anions from an aqueous solution without template and without using any chemical additives. The morphology of particles is controlled by changing the pulse duration (from 120 to 0.5 s), while keeping the relaxation time constant at 15 s. Short pulses resulted in the formation of PPy(DBS) nanoparticles with an average particle size of about 50 nm. The control of the size of the PPy(DBS) nanoparticles is ascribed to a pulse electropolymerization growth mechanism, whereby progressive nucleation associated with two-dimensional growth is initiated at each new pulse cycle from the equilibrium electrolyte solution. Short pulses are needed to avoid nonuniform growth of nanoparticles and control the particle size. Sufficiently long relaxation time is required to restore the equilibrium concentrations in the vicinity of the working electrode by suppressing the double layer. Combining short pulses with sufficiently long relaxation times enables the formation of PPy(DBS) nanoparticles. The proposed short-pulse technique is meant to be applied to the fabrication of a wide range of nanostructured conductive polymers