249 research outputs found

    Isoenzyme polymorphism of almond genotypes selected in the region of northern Serbia

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    Isoenzyme polymorphism was studied in 20 almond (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] D. A. Webb) genotypes selected from seedling populations of unknown almond cultivars in the region of northern Serbia (Vojvodina). Fourteen enzyme systems were studied using the method of vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Ten systems were polymorphic in twelve loci. This polymorphism allowed unique identification of all studied genotypes. The most useful enzyme for analysis of almond genetic variability was menadione reductase. Polymorphism identified for alkaline phosphatase, formate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme, and menadione reductase was reported for the first time in almond. Cluster analysis was used to construct a dendrogram on which five clusters with different number of genotypes could be identified

    Sekcija 12: Unapređenje zdravlja II (hrvatska iskustva)

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    Multidisciplinarni pristup i intervencija u lokalnoj zajednici sa uključivanjem lokalnih snaga.Stvaranje uvjeta za zdrave izbore u lokalnoj zajednici.Mladi nisu problem već snaga koju treba usmjeriti u volonterski rad (vrÅ”njaci, stare osobe).Starije osobe su u pravilu zainteresiraniji korisnici preventivnih aktivnosti Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ nikad nije kasno za preventivu.Slab odaziv muÅ”karaca na preventivne aktivnosti, iznaći modele pristupa muÅ”karcima.UspjeÅ”ne županijske projekte Ā«presaditi Ā» nacionalno

    Nutritivni i socioekonomski status slučajnog uzorka ispitanika koji žive u Jugoistočnoj Srbiji - u smeru strategija personalizovane ishrane

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    South-Eastern Serbia is with traditionally acknowledged intake of spicy and energy-dense food. For the purposes of this study we presented official socio-economic determinants for the three counties within South-Eastern Serbia: jablanički, niÅ”ki and pirotski. The objective of this study was to assess nutritional status of randomly selected 40 subjects (11-74 years) residing in South Eastern Serbia within the counties. By means of validated food and dietary data methodology, we interviewed subjects and analyzed in a cross-sectional design. Our data indicate low-carbohydrate-high-fat like dietary pattern within the subjects, irrespective of age and gender in the region. Demonstrated likely improper nutritional status of sodium, calcium, vitamins A, C, D and B9 (folate) warrants public health initiatives towards optimization of the intake within the region. Our results indicate inadequate micronutrient intake within the adolescent group. Overall our results underline the necessity of raising education and awareness of healthy nutrition benefits and sustainable food choices within South Eastern Serbia and foster the necessity of implementation of an individualized approach in nutrition healthcare in this middle-income country.U jugoistočnoj Srbiji se tradicionalno konzumira začinjena i energetski bogata i jaka hrana. Za potrebe ove studije, prikazali smo zvanične socioekonomske pokazatelje kroz tri okruga jugoistočne Srbije: jablanički, niÅ”ki i pirotski. Cilj ove studije bio je evaluacija nutritivnog statusa slučajnog uzorka 40 ispitanika (11-74 godine) koji žive unutar pomenuta tri regiona jugoistočne Srbije. KoriŔćenjem validiranih metodoloÅ”kih alata o prikupljanju podataka o kvalitetu ishrane i učestalosti konzumiranja namirnica, intervjuisali smo ispitanike i analizirali metodama studije preseka. NaÅ”i podaci ukazuju na dijetarni obrazac u regionu koji teži nižem unosu ugljenih hidrata i poviÅ”enom unosu masti, nezavisno od pola i starosne dobi. U naÅ”em radu ukazano je i na mogući neadekvatan unos mikronutrijenata u regionu, uključujući natrijum, kalcijum, vitamine A, C, D i B9 (folat), podatak koji zahteva inicijative javnog zdravlja u regionu. NaÅ”i podaci ukazuju da je neadekvatan unos mikronutrijenata prvenstveno prisutan u grupi adolescenata. UopÅ”te uzev, naÅ”i rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost podsticanja obrazovanja i podizanja svesti o značaju zdrave, adekvatne i balansirane ishrane kao i održivih izbora hrane i grupa hrane u okviru jugoistočne Srbije. NaÅ”i podaci ističu neophodnost implementacije individualizovanog pristupa u nutritivnim i dijetarnim strategijama i dijetnim planovima zemlje u razvoju kakva je Srbija

    Ispitivanje auto-(in)kompatibilnosti genotipova badema (Prunus amygdalus batsch) selekcionisanih na Slankamenačkom bregu

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    Due to the importance of obtaining almond cultivars adapted to the agroecological conditions of Serbia, in the period 2005-2006 pollen viability and self-(in)compatibility in 19 almond genotypes selected from the seedling population on Slankamen hill, were studied. All analyzed almond genotypes had good (50-70%) or high (over 70%) pollen germination. The study of self-(in)compatibility was done by monitoring of the fruit set in the field and observing self-pollen growth by fluorescence microscopy. Self-incompatibility was confirmed in all the 19 genotypes by both methods. Pollen tube penetration was stopped mostly at the upper third of the style of all genotypes, with characteristic irregularities.U cilju stvaranja sorti badema prilagođenih agro-ekoloÅ”kim uslovima Srbije u periodu 2005.-2006. godine proučavana je klijavost polena i auto (in)kompatibilnost 19 genotipova badema odabranih iz populacije sejanaca na Slankamenačkom bregu. Svi ispitivani genotipovi badema imali su dobru (50-70- %) ili visoku klijavost polena (preko 70%). Ispitivanja auto (in)kompatibilnosti su obavljena praćenjem zametanja u poljskim uslovima i metodom fluorescentne mikroskopije. Auto inkompatibilnost je u oba slučaja bila izražena kod svih 19 genotipova. Kod svih genotipova polenove cevčice su zaustavljale rast najdalje u gornjoj trećini stubića uz karakteristične petlje, zadebljanja i krivudanja

    Cerium oxide based nanometric powders: synthesis and characterization

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    Nanometric powders of solid solutions of cerium oxide were obtained by a modified glycine nitrate procedure. Solid solutions of the host compound CeO2 with one or more dopants in the lattice were synthesized. Rare earth cations (Re=Yb, Gd and Sm) were added to ceria in total concentration of x= 0.2 that was kept constant. The criterion in doping was to keep the value of lattice parameter of ceria unchanged. The lattice parameters were calculated by using the model that takes into account the existence of oxygen vacancies in the structure

    User equipment geolocation depended on long-term evolution signal-level measurements and timing advance

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    A new approach is described for investigating the accuracy of positioning active long-term evolution (LTE) users. The explored approach is a network-based method and depends on signal level measurements as well as the coverage of the serving cell. In a two-dimensional coordinate system, the algorithm simultaneously applies LTE measured data with a combination of a basic prediction model to locate the mobile deviceā€™s user. Furthermore, we introduce a unique method that combines timing advance (TA) and the measured signal level to narrow the search region and improve accuracy. The developed method is assessed by comparing the predicted results from the proposed algorithm with satellite measurements from the global positioning system (GPS) in various scenarios calculated via the number of cells that user equipment concurrently reports. This work separates seven different cases starting from a single reported cell to five reported cells from up to 3 sites. For analysis, the root mean square error (RMSE) is computed to obtain the validation for the proposed approach. The study case demonstrates location accuracy based on the numbers of registered cells with the mean RMSE improved using TA to approximately 70-191 m for the range of scenarios

    Polyphenol-Rich Aronia melanocarpa Juice Consumption Affects LINE-1 DNA Methylation in Peripheral Blood Leukocytes in Dyslipidemic Women

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is associated with alterations in DNA methylation and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) profile, both modulated by dietary polyphenols. The present parallel, placebo-controlled study (part of the original clinical study registered as NCT02800967 at www.clinicaltrials.gov) aimed to determine the impact of 4-week daily consumption of polyphenol-rich Aronia melanocarpa juice (AMJ) treatment on Long Interspersed Nucleotide Element-1 (LINE-1) methylation in peripheral blood leukocytes and on plasma PUFAs, in subjects (n = 54, age range of 40.2 Ā± 6.7 years) at moderate CVD risk, including an increased body mass index, central obesity, high normal blood pressure, and/or dyslipidemia. The goal was also to examine whether factors known to affect DNA methylation (folate intake levels, MTHFR C677T gene variant, anthropometric and metabolic parameters) modulated the LINE-1 methylation levels upon the consumption of polyphenol-rich aronia juice. Experimental analysis of LINE-1 methylation was done by MethyLight method. MTHFR C677T genotypes were determined by the polymerase chain reactionā€“restriction fragment length polymorphism method, and folate intake was assessed by processing the data from the food frequency questionnaire. PUFAs were measured by gasā€“liquid chromatography, and serum lipid profile was determined by using Roche Diagnostics kits. The statistical analyses were performed using Statistica software package. In the comparison after vs. before the treatment period, in dyslipidemic women (n = 22), we observed significant decreases in LINE-1 methylation levels (97.54 Ā± 1.50 vs. 98.39 Ā± 0.86%, respectively; P = 0.01) and arachidonic acid/eicosapentaenoic acid ratio [29.17 Ā± 15.21 vs. 38.42 (25.96ā€“89.58), respectively; P = 0.02]. The change (after vs. before treatment) in LINE-1 methylation directly correlated with the presence of MTHFR 677T allele, average daily folate intake, and the change in serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol but inversely correlated with the change in serum triacylglycerols (R = 0.72, R2 = 0.52, adjusted R2 = 0.36, P = 0.03). The current results imply potential cardioprotective effects of habitual polyphenol-rich aronia juice consumption achieved through the modifications of DNA methylation pattern and PUFAs in subjects at CVD risk, which should be further confirmed. Hence, the precision nutrition-driven modulations of both DNA methylation and PUFA profile may become targets for new approaches in the prevention of CVD

    Is There a Link between Zinc Intake and Status with Plasma Fatty Acid Profile and Desaturase Activities in Dyslipidemic Subjects?

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    The prevalence of obesity and dyslipidemia has increased worldwide. The role of trace elements in the pathogenesis of these conditions is not well understood. This study examines the relationship between dietary zinc (Zn) intake and plasma concentrations of Zn, copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) with lipid profile indicators, fatty acid composition in plasma phospholipids and desaturase enzyme activities in a dyslipidemic population. The role of the newly proposed biomarker of Zn status, the linoleic:dihomo-gama-linolenic acid (LA:DGLA) ratio, in predicting Zn status of dyslipidemic subjects has been explored. The study included 27 dyslipidemic adults, 39-72 years old. Trace elements were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry and fatty acid composition by a liquid gas chromatography. Desaturase activities were calculated from product-precursor fatty acid ratios. Dietary data were obtained using 24 h recall questionnaires. Insufficient dietary intake of Zn, low plasma Zn concentrations and an altered Cu:Zn ratio is related to modified fatty acid profile in subjects with dyslipidemia. Plasma Zn status was associated with obesity. There was no correlation between dietary Zn intake and plasma Zn status. The LA:DGLA ratio was inversely linked to dietary Zn intake. Cu, in addition to Zn, may directly or indirectly, affect the activity of desaturase enzymes

    Is There a FADS2-Modulated Link between Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Plasma Phospholipids and Polyphenol Intake in Adult Subjects Who Are Overweight?

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    Dietary polyphenols promote cardiometabolic health and are linked with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in plasma phospholipids (LC-PUFA). The FADS2 polymorphisms are associated with LC-PUFA metabolism and overweight/obesity. This 4-week study examined the link between polyphenol intake, FADS2 variants (rs174593, rs174616, rs174576) and obesity in 62 overweight adults (BMI gt = 25), allocated to consume 100 mL daily of either: Aronia juice, a rich source of polyphenols, with 1177.11 mg polyphenols (expressed as gallic acid equivalents)/100 mL (AJ, n = 22), Aronia juice with 294.28 mg polyphenols/100 mL (MJ, n = 20), or nutritionally matched polyphenol-lacking placebo as a control (PLB, n = 20). We analyzed LC-PUFA (% of total pool) by gas chromatography and FADS2 variants by real-time PCR. Four-week changes in LC-PUFA, BMI, and body weight were included in statistical models, controlling for gender and PUFA intake. Only upon AJ and MJ, the presence of FADS2 variant alleles affected changes in linoleic, arachidonic, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Upon MJ treatment, changes in EPA were inversely linked with changes in BMI (beta= -0.73, p = 0.029) and weight gain (beta= -2.17, p = 0.024). Only in subjects drinking AJ, the link between changes in EPA and anthropometric indices was modified by the rs174576 variant allele. Our results indicate the interaction between FADS2, fatty acid metabolism, and polyphenol intake in overweight subjects
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