3 research outputs found

    Influence Of Urban Shapes On Environmental Noise: A Case Study In Aracaju - Brazil

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    This paper discusses the results of a study about the influence of urban shapes on environmental noise in the city of Aracaju (Brazil). The study, which involved in situ measurements and acoustic simulations using SoundPLAN software, began with an analysis of the current acoustic scenario, followed by the creation and simulation of hypothetical scenarios in as yet unoccupied sectors of the region under study. The acoustic modeling and simulations were based on measurements of equivalent-continuous sound pressure level, LAeq, and vehicle flow data, and on the region's geometrics. The results reveal that the physical characteristics of the urban shape, such as construction density, the existence of open spaces, and the shape and physical position of buildings exert a significant influence on environmental noise. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.412-4136676Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 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    Assessment Of The Solution And Prediction Algorithms During The Optimization Of Fluid-structure Interaction Dynamic Systems

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    For optimization problems based on dynamic criteria the system eigenvalues must be re-computed for each ' iteration as the values of the design parameters are changed. From a computational point of view it would be more efficient to replace the laborious process of determining the eigenvalues by direct prediction. The suitability and advantages of this scheme are examined here. The number of operations required by the direct and the predictive solution algorithms are compared. The prediction scheme has been applied to the problem of maximizing the separation of two adjacent eigenvalues for structural and couple fluid-structure systems.3244752Deneuvy, A.-C., Etude d'un probleme de conception optimale avec critere sur les frequences pour un systeme couple fluid-structure (1986) Lyon, França, L'École Centrale de Lyon, p. 203. , Thèse de Docteur, Spécialité: Mathematiques AppliqueesPal, C., Hagiwara, I., Dynamics analysis of a coupled structural-acoustic problem. Simultaneous multi-modal reduction of vehicle interior noise level by combined optimization (1993) Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 14, pp. 225-234Pal, C., Hagiwara, I., Optimization of noise level reduction by truncated modal coupled structural-acoustic sensitivity analysis (1994) JSME International Journal, Series C, 37 (2), pp. 246-251Golub, G.H., Van Loan, C.F., (1990) Matrix Computations, 642p. , The Johns Hopkins University PressOlson, L.G., Bathe, K.-J., Analysis of fluid-structure interactions. a direct symmetric coupled formulation based on the fluid velocity potential (1985) Computers & Structures, 21 (1-2), pp. 21-32Grosh, K., Pinsky, P.M., Complex wave-number dispersion analysis of galerkin and galerkin least-squares methods for fluid-loaded plates (1994) Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 113, pp. 67-98Sandberg, G., A new strategy for solving fluid-structure problems (1995) International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 38, pp. 357-370Fox, R.L., Kapoor, M.P., Rates of change of eigenvalues and eigenvectors (1968) AIAA Journal, 6 (12), pp. 2426-242

    Ambiente urbano e percepção da poluição sonora Urban environment and perception to noise pollution

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    A presente pesquisa avaliou a percepção da população de uma grande cidade em relação à poluição sonora (ruído urbano). Buscou-se identificar quais fontes sonoras são percebidas com maior freqüência pela população e quais reações psico-sociais relacionadas ao ruído urbano são identificados por ela. Foi utilizado um questionário composto de questões fechadas, abrangendo aspectos demográficos e aspectos psico-sociais referentes ao ruído ambiental. Oitocentos e noventa e dois (892) indivíduos participaram da pesquisa. As principais fontes de ruído citadas pelos moradores como causadoras de incômodo foram: 1) o tráfego de veículos (67 %), 2) os vizinhos (33%), 3) o barulho de sirenes (23%), 4) o barulho de animais (21%) e 5) o barulho gerado pela construção civil (21 %). As principais reações psico-sociais foram: 1) irritabilidade (55%), 2) baixa concentração (28%), 3) insônia (20%) e 4) dor de cabeça (19%). Os resultados obtidos coincidem com dados obtidos em pesquisas desenvolvidas na Europa, EUA e no Brasil, de que a poluição sonora ambiental influencia a qualidade de vida da população, gerando reações psico-sociais importantes, como: 1) irritabilidade e 2) insônia. Estes podem estar na base de outras doenças (disfunções cardiovasculares), podendo interferir na saúde e no bem estar dos indivíduos em particular e de uma população urbana como um todo, gerando um problema de saúde pública.<br>The present study investigated the psychosocial complaints related to urban noise among the population of Curitiba. We used a questionnaire of closed-set questions to collect data on demographics and psychosocial reactions to environmental noise when subjects are at home. Eight hundred and ninety-two individuals (892) participated of the study. The main noise sources associated with discomfort or annoyance were traffic noise (67%), neighbors (33%), sirens (23%), animals (21%), and construction (21%). The main psychosocial complaints were annoyance (55%), disrupted concentration (28%), sleep disorders (20%) and headaches (19%). The data confirm that noise pollution has an influence on the quality of life of the population as manifested by several psychosocial complaints that could have a negative impact on the health and well being of populations