646 research outputs found

    Translation Shift in the Translated Novel of “to Kill a Mockingbird” by Femmy Syahrianni

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    The aim of this study were to find out category shift types used in thetranslation of novel To Kill A Bird and to describe of how category shift is translatedin the novel from English into Indonesian. This study were conducted by usingdescriptive qualitative method. The data of the study were words, phrases, andclauses in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird which is translated into Indonesian byFemmy Syahrianni. It was found that there were 280 data in the novel from Englishinto Indonesian. The data analysis were taken by listing and bolding. Documentarysheets used as the instrument to collect the data. The data were analyzed based onMiles and Huberman (2014) by condensation which consists of selecting, focusing,simplifying, abstracting and transforming and then data display by using table inorder to get easy analyzing the data. The result of this study were (1) there were fourtypes of category shifts found in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird namely; structureshifts (36.78%), class shift (27.14%), unit shift (32.5%) and intra-system shift(3.27%). (2) The process of category shifts in the translation novel by havingmodifier-head in source language changed into head-modifier in target language,adverb in source language changed into verb in target language, one unit in sourcelanguage changed into some units in target language. and plural in source languagechanged into singular in target language

    Penerapan Metode Eksperimen untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 20 Sungai Keli. Kabupaten Landak

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    The method experimental to increasing the activity of students learning in science class IV schools 20 Sungai Keli. Research described aims is to influence the method experimental to activity increases learning students in science. Research methods used, are methods descriptive the research studies class, is action the kind of research, qualitative the collaborative research, in schools 20 Sungai Keli with the subject of research subjects IPA teachers and students IV class for 20 people. Based on early observasi researchers only 5% of students learning increased activity in science. During the class action research the percentage increase to first 65,89% in cycles and finally seen a significant increase in both the cycle 93,89%. This shows that the experimental methods can be used to improve the activity of students learning in science class 20 Sungai Keli the Landak

    An Interacting Scenario for Dark Energy in Bianchi Type-I Universe

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    We study the interaction between dark energy (DE) and dark matter (DM) in the scope of anisotropic bianchi type I space-time. First we derive the general form of the dark energy equation of state parameter (EoS) in both non-interacting and interacting cases and then we examine it's future by applying a hyperbolic scale factor. It is shown that in non-interacting case, depending on the value of the anisotropy parameter KK, the dark energy EoS parameter is varying from phantom to quintessence whereas in interacting case EoS parameter vary in quintessence region. However, in both cases the dark energy EoS parameter ωde\omega^{de}, ultimately (i. e at z=1z=-1) tends to the cosmological constant (ωde=1\omega^{de}=-1). Moreover, we fixed the cosmological bound on the anisotropy parameter KK by using the recent observational data of Hubble parameter.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 201

    Penggunaan Metode Eksperimen untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

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    S: Usage of experiment Method to increase activity learn the student at natural sciences study. This research aim to for the mendeskripsikan of influence of USAge of experiment method in improving activity learn the student at natural sciences study. Research method used is method deskriftif qualitative with the research type that is Research of Class Action. Pursuant to perception (observation) of early researcher of only 5,26 % student owning activity learn good. During applying of Research of Class Action Percentage mount for the activity of physical become 49%, at first cycle (1) later;then become 85,5% at both/ second cycle (2). Activity bounce to become 53,6% at first cycle (1) later; then become 86,5% at both / second cycle (2). Emotional activity become 52,7% at first cycle (1) later;then become 66% at both / second cycle (2). This matter indicate that the USAge of experiment method applicable to improve the activity of learn study natural science

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa Model Two Stay Two Stray Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA

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    Increasing student learning activity of two stay two stray of the natural science subject of students fourth year SDN 08 Kandasan. This research of the purpose for increasing student learning activity by using two stay two stray model of natural science subject at fourth year SDN 08 Kandasan. The research by using descriptive method with form action research. The subject of research is the student of fourth year SDN 08 Kandasan the number of sixteen persons. Based on the result of analysis data, there was got increasing of physical activity 16,58% (54,08% - 70,66%), emotional activity 23,16% (32,92% - 56,12%), mental activity 18,75% (50% - 68,75%) and student learning result 25 % (50% - 75%) from cycle I to cycle II. In this case mean that happened increasing lerning activity and student learning result by using two stay two stray model of natural science subject at fourth year SDN 08 Kandasan Kecamatan Sanggau ledo Kabupaten Bengkayang of Academic Year 2012/2013

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Menggunakan Media Tabel Perkalian Dalam Matematika Kelas III Sdn 15 Segedong

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    Teachers who teach in primary schools in 15 Segedong Bengkayang dapati student learning outcomes, especially maths has not reached the maximum, ie with low cognitive ability to see the math. Issues that will be examined is how teachers use the Multiplication Table Learning Media Count Operation Multiplication In Class III SD. In relation to the matter to be investigated the action taken by the researchers of this class action procedures include the planning phase, the implementation phase of action, observation stage, and the stage of reflection. The research method used deskripstif methods, forms of action research on direct observation. Data collection tool instrument test. Engineering presentation of research data in the form of tables and data analysis to find the score. In the first cycle teachers plan learning ability achieving 13.1 (average 2.62). Cycle II 15.5 (median 3.10; categories was satisfactory) it shows that by using the media to increase the multiplication tables learning outcomes Elementary School third grade students 15 Segedong Bengkayang. Therefore, it needs to be applied as a good learning, which can sharpen thinking and psychomotor skills of students, as well as develop a sense of solidarity and effective cooperation

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam melalui Metode Eksperimen Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 33 Mayun

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    Improving learning activities through the Eksperimen Method in teaching natural sciences Class IV elementary school the country 33 Mayun. The aim of the research was to describe the influence of the use of the experimental method of learning activity the learners in teaching natural sciences. The methods used in this research is descriptive method with this type of research i.e. Research Action class. Based on observation (Observation) early learning activity learners only 45,18%. But as long as the application of the experimental method in Science Learning Natural sciences by using Action Research Klas, the percentage of learners learning activities increased to 54,44% on the first cycle(I) the increased and in two cycles (II), namely 67,75%. This indicates that the use of experimental methods can increase the activity of learners in learning