16 research outputs found

    On factors of 4-connected claw-free graphs

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    We consider the existence of several different kinds of factors in 4-connected claw-free graphs. This is motivated by the following two conjectures which are in fact equivalent by a recent result of the third author. Conjecture 1 (Thomassen): Every 4-connected line graph is Hamiltonian, i.e. has a connected 2-factor. Conjecture 2 (Matthews and Sumner): Every 4-connected claw-free graph is hamiltonian. We first show that Conjecture 2 is true within the class of hourglass-free graphs, i.e. graphs that do not contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to two triangles meeting in exactly one vertex. Next we show that a weaker form of Conjecture 2 is true, in which the conclusion is replaced by the conclusion that there exists a connected spanning subgraph in which each vertex has degree two or four. Finally we show that Conjecture 1 and 2 are equivalent to seemingly weaker conjectures in which the conclusion is replaced by the conclusion that there exists a spanning subgraph consisting of a bounded number of paths. \u

    On factors of 4-connected claw-free graphs

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    We consider the existence of several different kinds of factors in 4-connected claw-free graphs. This is motivated by the following two conjectures which are in fact equivalent by a recent result of the third author. Conjecture 1 (Thomassen): Every 4-connected line graph is hamiltonian, i.e., has a connected 2-factor. Conjecture 2 (Matthews and Sumner): Every 4-connected claw-free graph is hamiltonian. We first show that Conjecture 2 is true within the class of hourglass-free graphs, i.e., graphs that do not contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to two triangles meeting in exactly one vertex. Next we show that a weaker form of Conjecture 2 is true, in which the conclusion is replaced by the conclusion that there exists a connected spanning subgraph in which each vertex has degree two or four. Finally we show that Conjectures 1 and 2 are equivalent to seemingly weaker conjectures in which the conclusion is replaced by the conclusion that there exists a spanning subgraph consisting of a bounded number of paths

    Hamiltonian index is NP-complete

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    In this paper we show that the problem to decide whether the hamiltonian index of a given graph is less than or equal to a given constant is NP-complete (although this was conjectured to be polynomial). Consequently, the corresponding problem to determine the hamiltonian index of a given graph is NP-hard. Finally, we show that some known upper and lower bounds on the hamiltonian index can be computed in polynomial time

    Hamiltonian index is NP-complete

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    In this paper we show that the problem to decide whether the hamiltonian index of a given graph is less than or equal to a given constant is NP-complete (although this was conjectured to be polynomial). Consequently, the corresponding problem to determine the hamiltonian index of a given graph is NP-hard. Finally, we show that some known upper and lower bounds on the hamiltonian index can be computed in polynomial time

    Dirac's minimum degree condition restricted to claws

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    Let G be a graph on n 3 vertices. Dirac's minimum degree condition is the condition that all vertices of G have degree at least . This is a well-known sufficient condition for the existence of a Hamilton cycle in G. We give related sufficiency conditions for the existence of a Hamilton cycle or a perfect matching involving a restriction of Dirac's minimum degree condition to certain subsets of the vertices. For this purpose we define G to be 1-heavy (2-heavy) if at least one (two) of the end vertices of each induced subgraph of G isomorphic to K1,3 (a claw) has (have) degree at least . Thus, every claw-free graph is 2-heavy, and every 2-heavy graph is 1-heavy. We show that a 1-heavy or a 2-heavy graph G has a Hamilton cycle or a perfect matching if we impose certain additional conditions on G involving numbers of common neighbours, (local) connectivity, and forbidden induced subgraphs. These results generalize or extend previous work of Broersma & Veldman, Dirac, Fan, Faudree et al., Goodman & Hedetniemi, Las Vergnas, Oberly & Sumner, Ore, Shi, and Sumner