224 research outputs found


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    Two independent pot experiments were conducted under the open field at the nursery of Hort. Res. Inst., ARC., Giza, Egypt during 2016 and 2017 seasons to study the effects of irrigating with saline water prepared from NaCl and CaCl2 pure salts (1:1, by weight) at the rates of 0, 1000, 3000 and 5000 ppm and spraying with some natural extracts i.e. Oligo-X (an algae extract containing immunity and internal resistant stimulants, as well as N, P, K, Fe, Zn, Mn and some growth regulators) at the concentrations of  0, 0.5 and 1.0 ml/l and green tea extract at the rates of  0, 0.5 and 1.0 ml/l, and their interaction on growth, quality and chemical composition of 6-months-old Thuja orientalis (Platycladus orientalis) transplants cultivated in 25-cm-diameter plastic pots filled with about 3.0 kg of pure sand and loam (1:1, v:v) when applied six times with one month interval during the growing seasons. The results in both seasons showed that all vegetative and root growth measurements were significantly improved by increasing the natural extract rate regardless of saline water concentration, but they were significantly decreased in response to all saline water treatments. A similar trend was also gained with regard to pigments contents (mg/l00 g f.w.), the percentage of total carbohydrates (%) but the percentage of proline content (mg/g d.w.) was reduced with raising natural extract, as was gradually increased with increasing salinity water. According to these results, it could be concluded that 6-months-old transplants of Thuja orientalis could be irrigated with saline water up to 5000 ppm, especially if it was sprayed with algae extract at 1.0 ml/l which greatly improved growth and chemical constituents under salinity stress

    Comments on Non-Commutative Phenomenology

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    It is natural to ask whether non-commutative geometry plays a role in four dimensional physics. By performing explicit computations in various toy models, we show that quantum effects lead to violations of Lorentz invariance at the level of operators of dimension three or four. The resulting constraints are very stringent.Comment: Correction of an error in the U(1) and U(N) calculation leads to stronger limits than those given previously Clarifying comments and reference adde

    Optimised synthesis and characterisation of 1-adamantyltrimethylphosphonium iodide

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    This work was financially supported by the EPSRC (grant numbers EP/L505079/1 and EP/M506631/1) and COST action SM1302 SIPs. The authors thank the University of St Andrews NMR Service and the EPSRC UK National Mass Spectrometry Facility at Swansea University (NMSF).A synthetic route to multigram quantities of 1-adamantyltrimethylphosphonium iodide is reported. The synthesis starts from the commercially available precursor 1-adamantyl bromide and was optimised with respect to yield and ease of purification. The title compound is of interest to zeolite chemists as a potent organic structure-directing agent. Full spectroscopic characterisation data of all isolated intermediates and single crystal X-ray diffraction data of AdP(O)Cl2, [AdPMe2H]I and [AdPMe3]I (Ad = 1-adamantyl) are reported.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Effects of intermediate scales on renormalization group running of fermion observables in an SO(10) model

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    In the context of non-supersymmetric SO(10) models, we analyze the renormalization group equations for the fermions (including neutrinos) from the GUT energy scale down to the electroweak energy scale, explicitly taking into account the effects of an intermediate energy scale induced by a Pati--Salam gauge group. To determine the renormalization group running, we use a numerical minimization procedure based on a nested sampling algorithm that randomly generates the values of 19 model parameters at the GUT scale, evolves them, and finally constructs the values of the physical observables and compares them to the existing experimental data at the electroweak scale. We show that the evolved fermion masses and mixings present sizable deviations from the values obtained without including the effects of the intermediate scale.Comment: Comments: 20 pages, 3 figures. Final version published in JHE

    Correlation between factors controlling preparation of porous copper via sintering technique using experimental design

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    There are many factors which control the porosity of the final object during preparation of porouscopper compact using PM (powder metallurgy) technique.The amount of filler material, its type, sintering temperature, sintering time and the pressureof compaction were recognized as the most important parameters. In this investigation, naphthalene wasused as filler material during porous copper preparation. Also, the correlation between these parametersand the porosity degree of the final object was developed with the aid of 2N factorial design experiments.It was found that the amount of naphthalene represents the most important parameter controllingthe porosity degree in the final object

    Amplitudes With Different Helicity Configurations Of Noncommutative QED

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    The amplitudes of purely photonic and photon{2-fermion processes of non- commutative QED (NCQED) are derived for different helicity configurations of photons. The basic ingredient is the NCQED counterpart of Yang-Mills recursion relations by means of Berends and Giele. The explicit solutions of recursion relations for NCQED photonic processes with special helicity configurations are presented.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    CP violation from noncommutative geometry

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    If the geometry of space-time is \nc, i.e. [xμ,xν]=iθμν[x_{\mu},x_{\nu}]=i \theta_{\mu \nu}, then \nc \cpviolng effects may be manifest at low energies. For a \nc scale Λθ1/22TeV\Lambda \equiv \theta^{-1/2} \leq 2 TeV, \cpviol from \ncg is comparable to that from the Standard Model (SM) alone: the \nc contributions to ϵ\epsilon and ϵ/ϵ\epsilon'/\epsilon in the KK-system, may actually dominate over the Standard Model contributions. Present data permit \ncg to be the only source of \cpviol. Furthermore the most recent findings for g-2 of the muon are consistent with predictions from \ncg. If the geometry of space-time is \nc, i.e.i.e. [xμ,xν]=iθμν[x_{\mu},x_{\nu}]=i \theta_{\mu \nu}, then \nc \cpviolng effects may be manifest at low energies. For a \nc scale Λθ1/22TeV\Lambda \equiv \theta^{-1/2} \leq 2 TeV, \cpviol from \ncg is comparable to that from the Standard Model (SM) alone: the \nc contributions to ϵ\epsilon and ϵ/ϵ\epsilon'/\epsilon in the K-system, may actually dominate over the Standard Model contributions. Present data permit \ncg to be the only source of \cpviol. Furthermore the most recent findings for g-2 of the muon are consistent with predictions from \ncg.Comment: fixed notation, corrected some typo

    tbWt \to b W in NonCommutative Standard Model

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    We study the top quark decay to b quark and W boson in the NonCommutative Standard Model (NCSM). The lowest contribution to the decay comes from the terms quadratic in the matrix describing the noncommutative (NC) effects while the linear term is seen to identically vanish because of symmetry. The NC effects are found to be significant only for low values of the NC characteristic scale.Comment: 11 page Latex file containing 2 eps figures (redrawn). More discussion included. To appear in PR

    Temperature- and thickness-dependent elastic moduli of polymer thin films

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    The mechanical properties of polymer ultrathin films are usually different from those of their counterparts in bulk. Understanding the effect of thickness on the mechanical properties of these films is crucial for their applications. However, it is a great challenge to measure their elastic modulus experimentally with in situ heating. In this study, a thermodynamic model for temperature- (T) and thickness (h)-dependent elastic moduli of polymer thin films Ef(T,h) is developed with verification by the reported experimental data on polystyrene (PS) thin films. For the PS thin films on a passivated substrate, Ef(T,h) decreases with the decreasing film thickness, when h is less than 60 nm at ambient temperature. However, the onset thickness (h*), at which thickness Ef(T,h) deviates from the bulk value, can be modulated by T. h* becomes larger at higher T because of the depression of the quenching depth, which determines the thickness of the surface layer δ

    Genome-Wide Linkage Analysis of Hemodynamic Parameters Under Mental and Physical Stress in Extended Omani Arab Pedigrees:The Oman Family Study

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    Background: We performed a genome-wide scan in a homogeneous Arab population to identify genomic regions linked to blood pressure (BP) and its intermediate phenotypes during mental and physical stress tests. Methods: The Oman Family Study subjects (N = 1277) were recruited from five extended families of similar to 10 generations. Hemodynamic phenotypes were computed from beat-to-beat BP, electrocardiography and impedance cardiography. Multi-point linkage was performed for resting, mental (word conflict test, WCT) and cold pressor (CPT) stress and their reactivity scores (Delta), using variance components decomposition-based methods implemented in SOLAR. Results: Genome-wide scans for BP phenotypes identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with significant evidence of linkage on chromosomes 1 and 12 for WCT-linked cardiac output (LOD = 3.1) and systolic BP (LOD = 3.5). Evidence for suggestive linkage for WCT was found on chromosomes 3, 17 and 1 for heart rate (LOD = 2.3), DBP (LOD = 2.4) and left ventricular ejection time (LVET), respectively. For Delta WCT, suggestive QTLs were detected for CO on chr11 (LOD = 2.5), LVET on chr3 (LOD = 2.0) and EDI on chr9 (LOD = 2.1). For CPT, suggestive QTLs for HR and LVET shared the same region on chr22 (LOD 2.3 and 2.8, respectively) and on chr9 (LOD = 2.3) for SBP, chr7 (LOD = 2.4) for SV and chr19 (LOD = 2.6) for CO. For Delta CPT, CO and TPR top signals were detected on chr15 and 10 (LOD; 2.40, 2.08) respectively. Conclusion: Mental stress revealed the largest number of significant and suggestive loci for normal BP reported to date. The study of BP and its intermediate phenotypes under mental and physical stress may help reveal the genes involved in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension