379 research outputs found

    Lithium distribution across the membrane of motoneurons in the isolated frog spinal cord

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    Lithium sensitive microelectrodes were used to investigate the transmembrane distribution of lithium ions (Li+) in motoneurons of the isolated frog spinal cord. After addition of 5 mmol·l–1 LiCl to the bathing solution the extracellular diffusion of Li+ was measured. At a depth of 500 m, about 60 min elapsed before the extracellular Li+ concentration approached that of the bathing solution. Intracellular measurements revealed that Li+ started to enter the cells soon after reaching the motoneuron pool and after up to 120 min superfusion, an intra — to extracellular concentration ratio of about 0.7 was obtained. The resting membrane potential and height of antidromically evoked action potentials were not altered by 5 mmol·l–1 Li+

    Supernova explosions and the birth of neutron stars

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    We report here on recent progress in understanding the birth conditions of neutron stars and the way how supernovae explode. More sophisticated numerical models have led to the discovery of new phenomena in the supernova core, for example a generic hydrodynamic instability of the stagnant supernova shock against low-mode nonradial deformation and the excitation of gravity-wave activity in the surface and core of the nascent neutron star. Both can have supportive or decisive influence on the inauguration of the explosion, the former by improving the conditions for energy deposition by neutrino heating in the postshock gas, the latter by supplying the developing blast with a flux of acoustic power that adds to the energy transfer by neutrinos. While recent two-dimensional models suggest that the neutrino-driven mechanism may be viable for stars from about 8 solar masses to at least 15 solar masses, acoustic energy input has been advocated as an alternative if neutrino heating fails. Magnetohydrodynamic effects constitute another way to trigger explosions in connection with the collapse of sufficiently rapidly rotating stellar cores, perhaps linked to the birth of magnetars. The global explosion asymmetries seen in the recent simulations offer an explanation of even the highest measured kick velocities of young neutron stars.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 19 ps files; to be published in Proc. of Conf. "40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars, and More", August 12-17, 2007, McGill Univ., Montreal, Canada; high-resolution images can be obtained upon request; incorrect panel in fig.8 replace

    Intense beam of metastable Muonium

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    Precision spectroscopy of the Muonium Lamb shift and fine structure requires a robust source of 2S Muonium. To date, the beam-foil technique is the only demonstrated method for creating such a beam in vacuum. Previous experiments using this technique were statistics limited, and new measurements would benefit tremendously from the efficient 2S production at a low energy muon (<20<20 keV) facility. Such a source of abundant low energy ÎŒ+\mathrm{\mu^+} has only become available in recent years, e.g. at the Low-Energy Muon beamline at the Paul Scherrer Institute. Using this source, we report on the successful creation of an intense, directed beam of metastable Muonium. We find that even though the theoretical Muonium fraction is maximal in the low energy range of 2−52-5 keV, scattering by the foil and transport characteristics of the beamline favor slightly higher ÎŒ+\mathrm{\mu^+} energies of 7−107-10 keV. We estimate that an event detection rate of a few events per second for a future Lamb shift measurement is feasible, enabling an increase in precision by two orders of magnitude over previous determinations

    Neutrino fluence after r-process freeze-out and abundances of Te isotopes in presolar diamonds

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    Using the data of Richter et al. (1998) on Te isotopes in diamond grains from a meteorite, we derive bounds on the neutrino fluence and the decay timescale of the neutrino flux relevant for the supernova r-process. Our new bound on the neutrino fluence F after freeze-out of the r-process peak at mass number A = 130 is more stringent than the previous bound F < 0.045 (in units of 10**37 erg/cm**2) of Qian et al. (1997) and Haxton et al. (1997) if the neutrino flux decays on a timescale tau > 0.65 s. In particular, it requires that a fluence of F = 0.031 be provided by a neutrino flux with tau < 0.84 s. Such a fluence may be responsible for the production of the solar r-process abundances at A = 124-126 (Qian et al. 1997; Haxton et al. 1997). Our results are based on the assumption that only the stable nuclei implanted into the diamonds are retained while the radioactive ones are lost from the diamonds upon decay after implantation (Ott 1996). We consider that the nanodiamonds are condensed in an environment with C/O > 1 in the expanding supernova debris or from the exterior H envelope. The implantation of nuclei would have occurred 10**4-10**6 s after r-process freeze-out. This time interval may be marginally sufficient to permit adequate cooling upon expansion for the formation of diamond grains. The mechanisms of preferential retention/loss of the implanted nuclei are not well understood.Comment: AASTeX, 11 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    Asymmetric neutrino emission due to neutrino-nucleon scatterings in supernova magnetic fields

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    We derive the cross section of neutrino-nucleon scatterings in supernova magnetic fields, including weak-magnetism and recoil corrections. Since the weak interaction violates the parity, the scattering cross section asymmetrically depends on the directions of the neutrino momenta to the magnetic field; the origin of pulsar kicks may be explained by the mechanism. An asymmetric neutrino emission (a drift flux) due to neutrino-nucleon scatterings is absent at the leading level of O(ÎŒBB/T)\mathcal O(\mu_BB/T), where ÎŒB\mu_B is the nucleon magneton, BB is the magnetic field strength, and TT is the matter temperature at a neutrinosphere. This is because at this level the drift flux of the neutrinos are exactly canceled by that of the antineutrinos. Hence, the relevant asymmetry in the neutrino emission is suppressed by much smaller coefficient of O(ÎŒBB/m)\mathcal O(\mu_BB/m), where mm is the nucleon mass; detailed form of the relevant drift flux is also derived from the scattering cross section, using a simple diffusion approximation. It appears that the asymmetric neutrino emission is too small to induce the observed pulsar kicks. However, we note the fact that the drift flux is proportional to the deviation of the neutrino distribution function from the value of thermal equilibrium at neutrinosphere. Since the deviation can be large for non-electron neutrinos, it is expected that there occurs cancellation between the deviation and the small suppression factor of O(ÎŒBB/m)\mathcal O(\mu_BB/m). Using a simple parameterization, we show that the drift flux due to neutrino-nucleon scatterings may be comparable to the leading term due to beta processes with nucleons, which has been estimated to give a relevant kick velocity when the magnetic field is sufficiently strong as 101510^{15}--101610^{16} G.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure. Accepted by Physical Review

    Neutrino capture by r-process waiting-point nuclei

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    We use the Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation to include the effects of low-lying Gamow-Teller and first forbidden strength in neutrino capture by very neutron-rich nuclei with N = 50, 82, or 126. For electron neutrinos in what is currently considered the most likely r-process site the capture cross sections are two or more times previous estimates. We briefly discuss the reliability of our calculations and their implications for nucleosynthesis.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Ligand hydrogenation during hydroformylation catalysis detected by in-situ high-pressure infra-red spectroscopic analysis of a rhodium/phospholene-phosphite catalyst

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    Phospholane-phosphites are known to give highly unusual selectivity’s towards branched aldehydes in the hydroformylation of terminal alkenes. This paper describes the synthesis of hitherto unknown unsaturated phospholene-borane precursors and their conversion to the corresponding phospholene-phosphites. The relative stereochemistry of one of these ligands, and it’s Pd complex was assigned with the aid of X-ray crystal structure determinations. These ligands were able to approach the level of selectivity observed for phospholane-phosphites in the rhodium catalysed hydroformylation of propene. High-Pressure-Infra-Red (HPIR) spectroscopic monitoring of the catalyst formation revealed that whilst the catalysts show good thermal stability with respect to fragmentation, the C=C bond in the phospholene is slowly hydrogenated in the presence of rhodium and syngas. The ability of this spectroscopic tool to detect even subtle changes in structure, remote from the carbonyl ligands underlines the usefulness of HPIR spectroscopy in hydroformylation catalyst development.Peer reviewe

    Effect of ligand backbone on the selectivity and stability of rhodium hydroformylation catalysts derived from phospholane-phosphites

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    We thank the Eastman Chemical Company for funding and permission to publish. M.B. thanks the School of Chemistry and EaStCHEM for support.A study on how ligand backbone structure has an impact on selectivity, rate, and catalyst stability of hydroformylation catalysts was prompted by some longer-term stability issues being discovered for a phospholane-phosphite with a [−CH2O−] backbone. A series of phospholane-phosphite ligands were synthesized. Catalysts made in situ from these ligands and [Rh(acac)(CO)2] were found to give iso-butanal selectivities up to 75% at temperatures between 75 and 105 °C: the latter being a benchmark for iso-selectivity in reactions conducted at industrially meaningful temperatures. A racemic rhodium complex of a bidentate phospholane-phosphite from a tropos-biphenol with an extended backbone showed unusually high stability at high temperatures, combined with even better iso-selectivity in propene hydroformylation relative to the original complex. A related ligand with an electron-withdrawing group maintained the unusually high stability and improved activity. Characterization of the precatalysts of type [RhH(CO)2(L)] was accomplished using in situ HPIR spectroscopy and backed up by density functional theory calculations (B3PW91-D3 level) and by NMR studies; the latter showed that the variation of the backbone also had a pronounced impact on the precatalyst structure. A key finding is that it is now possible to prepare phospholane-phosphite ligands that deliver high iso-butanal selectivity and that show no signs of degradation after several days even above typical reaction temperatures. In one stability test, several kilograms of aldehydes were produced with TOF and selectivity being consistent over several days.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Neutrino-induced neutron spallation and supernova r-process nucleosynthesis

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    In order to explore the consequences of the neutrino irradiation for the supernova r-process nucleosynthesis, we calculate the rates of charged-current and neutral-current neutrino reactions on neutron-rich heavy nuclei, and estimate the average number of neutrons emitted in the resulting spallation. Our results suggest that charged-current Îœe\nu_e captures can be important in breaking through the waiting-point nuclei at N=50 and 82, while still allowing the formation of abundance peaks. Furthermore, after the r-process freezes out, there appear to be distinctive neutral-current and charged-current postprocessing effects. A subtraction of the neutrino postprocessing effects from the observed solar r-process abundance distribution shows that two mass regions, A=124-126 and 183-187, are inordinately sensitive to neutrino postprocessing effects. This imposes very stringent bounds on the freeze-out radii and dynamic timescales governing the r-process. Moreover, we find that the abundance patterns within these mass windows are entirely consistent with synthesis by neutrino interactions. This provides a strong argument that the r-process must occur in the intense neutrino flux provided by a core-collapse supernova.Comment: 34 pages, 4 PostScript figures, RevTe

    Signal for supernova ΜΌ\nu_\mu and Μτ\nu_\tau neutrinos in water \v{C}erenkov detectors

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    We suggest that photons with energies between 5 and 10 MeV, generated by the (Îœ,Îœâ€ČpÎł\nu,\nu'p\gamma) and (Îœ,Îœâ€ČnÎł\nu,\nu'n\gamma) reactions on 16^{16}O, constitute a signal which allows a unique identification of supernova ΜΌ\nu_\mu and Μτ\nu_\tau neutrinos in water \v{C}erenkov detectors. We calculate the yield of such Îł\gamma events and estimate that a few hundred of them would be detected in Superkamiokande for a supernova at 10 kpc distance.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex 3.0, figures and text available at http://www.krl.caltech.edu/preprints/MAP.htm
