1,352 research outputs found

    State of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Series

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    Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, or AAPIs, are a significant factor in the changing demographics in the United States. But the lack of centralized and accessible data has created a large knowledge gap about this fast-growing and influential group. Data about this group have often not been available or presented in a way that is accessible to policymakers, journalists, and community-based organizations.The Center for American Progress in conjunction with AAPI Data, a project at the University of California, Riverside, have launched a series of reports on the state of the Asian American and Pacific Islanders communities, featuring the most comprehensive research and analysis of its kind for the AAPI population in the United States. The report series will provide an unprecedented look at this community and provide new insight and analysis along various issue areas including: demographics, public opinion, immigration, education, language access and use, civic and political participation, income and poverty, labor market, consumer market and entrepreneurship, civil rights, health care, and health outcomes

    The impact of improved irrigation systems on water scarcity and sustainable development

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    Water plays a crucial role in the economic development of countries worldwide. Egypt is a developing country facing serious challenges for achieving sustainable development because of water scarcity problems especially, within the agricultural sector. Water scarcity is limiting the agricultural development, threatening sustainability of land and water resources and increasing water management problems. Therefore, water scarcity is imposing constraints on the country’s economic growth, food security and economic development of the country. To meet the increasing demand on food and water, the government has been adopting strategies for improving water use and water management especially in the agricultural sector. This study evaluated the impact of water scarcity on economic growth and sustainable development in Egypt by empirically analyzing the economic productivity, sustainability and management of land and water resources. The study identified and analyzed the impact of water scarcity within the agricultural sector, where the majority of water resources are allocated. The study found that during the winter season the economic productivity of land and water resources is within average. However, the land productivity is not achieving sufficient growth therefore, could be imposing threats on food security. Based on evaluating water quality indicators the study found that the irrigation water does not meet the sustainability measurements and could affect the long run productivity and sustainability of land and water resources. Based on evaluating water stress and undertaking location comparative analysis the study found that there is inequity between the different locations due to inefficient use and management of water resources. However, during the winter season and due to the reuse of drainage water the plants do not suffer from water stress. Furthermore, this study evaluated the impact of the irrigation improvement projects on water scarcity and sustainable development based on testing the economic productivity, sustainability and management of land and water resources. Based on the results obtained in this research the study concluded that the irrigation improvement projects still did not achieve its main goals of increasing agricultural production, improving the long run sustainability of irrigation and improve water use and management in the agricultural sector

    Inflammatory myopathy occurring shortly after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccination: two case reports

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    Background: Vaccination remains the cornerstone approach to exiting the current global coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. The novel messenger ribonucleic acid vaccines offer a high level of protection and are widely used throughout the world. With more people receiving the vaccines, better understanding of their relative safety can be reached. In this report, we describe two patients who developed inflammatory myopathy within 48 hours of receiving the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine. Case presentation: Patient A, a 55-year-old South East Asian woman, presented with a 6-week history of pruritic facial and torso rash and a 1-week history of worsening proximal myopathy. Her rash first developed 2 days after receiving the first dose of BNT162b2 vaccine. Patient B, a 72-year-old Caucasian woman, presented with a 2-week history of proximal myopathy a day after receiving the second dose of BNT162b2 vaccine. Both patients had elevated creatine kinase on admission. Patient A tested positive for anti-Mi-2a antibody and anti-Ro-52 antibody, while Patient B was positive for anti-fibrillarin antibody. Magnetic resonance imaging subsequently confirmed generalized acute muscle inflammation and subcutaneous inflammation consistent with inflammatory myositis. Both patients did not have a previous history or family history of autoimmune disease. Patients A and B were diagnosed with dermatomyositis and inflammatory myositis, respectively. They were initially treated with pulsed intravenous methylprednisolone followed by oral prednisolone. However, as their conditions were resistant to corticosteroids, both eventually received and responded well to intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. Conclusion: There are previously reported cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2-induced and other vaccine-related inflammatory myopathies. However, the precise mechanisms are not elucidated. Without more evidence and convincing pathophysiology, it is not possible to conclude that our patients developed inflammatory myopathy because of the vaccine. However, the timing of the disease onset and the lack of previous history raise an important question of this novel messenger ribonucleic acid therapy

    Pengembangan Materi Pembelajaran Bilangan Berdasarkan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Untuk Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan materi pembelajaran matematika pada materi bilangan yang berdasarkan PMR dalam bentuk buku siswa yang valid, praktis, dan mempunyai potensial efek untuk siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian pengembangan yang terdiri dari analisis, desain, evaluasi dan revisi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara analisis dokumen, wawancara dan tes. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 5C SD Negeri 117 Palembang yang berjumlah 41 orang. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa sangat antusias dan senang dalam belajar, siswa juga memberikan sikap positif terhadap pembelajaran matematika yang dilihat dari komentar mereka, serta tes kemampuan mereka yang menunjukkan hasil baik dengan rata-rata 79,79 dimana 34 orang siswa (82,93%) memperoleh nilai ³ 66. Oleh karena itu, prototipe ketiga buku siswa yang peneliti disain menghasilkan materi pembelajaran bilangan yang valid, praktis, dan mempunyai potensial efek untuk siswa kelas V SD Negeri 117 Palembang dan dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif dalam pembelajaran bilangan

    Design of second order sliding mode observer based equivalent Back-EMF for rotor position estimation of PMSM

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    This study introduces a scheme to estimate rotor position by the use of an Equal electromotive force (EMF) model of a synchronous machine. This use could be substituted by a sliding-mode observer (SMO) according to an equal EMF for superior reference speed tracking. There is an algorithm of the second order sliding-mode-control (SO-SMC) in controlling speed of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). This is by the use of the proportional plus-integral PI control sliding plane. The current work discusses the PMSM, which follows field-oriented appears. In addition, there are SO-SMC laws and PI sliding plans. This paper shows that the proposed high-speed PMSM sensorless speed control is valid by MATLAB simulations

    Design And Optimization Of Multi-Quantum Wells For GaAs Based Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers

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    Simulasi peranti bagi ciri-ciri elektrik dan optik laser pancaran permukaan rongga tegak (VCSEL) berasaskan GaAs telah diselidiki. Dalam laser sedemikian, kebocoran arus dan pemisahan lateral arus adalah beberapa masalah utama dalam rekabentuk VCSEL. Jadi dalam kajian ini, rekabentuk struktur VCSEL te1masuk struktur kawasan aktif telaga kuantum berbilang (MQWs) diperihalkan dan diselidiki dengan simulasi peranti Integrated System Engineering Technology Computer Aided Design (ISETCAD). Parameter struktur VCSEL divariasikan dan dioptimumkan untuk prestasi tinggi. Kajian pengoptimuman ini melibatkan aspek seperti bilangan pasangan pemantul teragih Bragg (DBRs), ketebalan telaga kuantum, jumlah telaga, pendopan kecekapan pasangan DBR, ciri haba dan beberapa pendekatan untuk meningkatkan dan mencapai kecekapan tinggi, arus ambang yang rendah dan kuasa output yang tinggi. Device simulations for the electrical and optical characteristics of GaAs based vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) have been investigated. In such lasers, carrier's leakage and lateral current separation are some of the major problems in VCSEL design. Thus, in this work the design of VCSEL structures including multi quantum wells (MQWs) active region are described and investigated by Integrated System Engineering Technology Computer Aided Design (ISETCAD) device simulator. The parameters of VCSEL structures are varied and optimized for high performance. This optimization study involves aspects such as the number of distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) pairs, thickness of quantum wells, wells number, doping of the DBR pairs, thermal characteristics and several approaches to improve and achieve high efficiency, low threshold current and high output power

    Number of Quantum Well(s) Effects on GaN-Based VCSELs

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    Advanced numerical simulation program was used to analyze the performance of GaN based vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) with single, double and triple quantum well(s) as active region. It was found that numbers of quantum well (QW) variation inside the active region is the most critical factor on the VCSEL performance. The lowest threshold current and highest in both the slope efficiency and differential quantum efficiency were observed when the well number is double (DQWs) at 415 nm VCSEL. This is ascribed to that for single quantum well (SQW), some of the gain begin to escape before lasing is achieved while for triple quantum wells (TQWs) while are separated by many thick barriers, then transport carriers between wells will be inefficient. As a result, a non-uniform carrier distribution may result

    Pengendalian Jamur Penyebab Busuk Benih Tusam (Pinus Merkusii Jungh Et De Vriese) dengan Asap Cair Kayu Laban (Vitex Pubescens Vahl)

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of liquid smoke from Laban wood for controlling fungi that cause damping off on pine seeds and to determine the optimal concentration and temperature of pyrolysis of liquid smoke from Laban wood. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Wood Technology, Faculty of Forestry, University of Tanjungpura Pontianak. Mucor sp is the species of fungi which used to in vitro test to determine the inhibition value. Research using RAL Factorial methods with two treatment factors, first treatment factor is the concentration of liquid smoke from Laban wood with 5 levels i.e. 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10%. The second treatment factor is the temperature of the pyrolysis liquid smoke of Laban wood with 3 levels i.e. 350ºC, 400ºC and 450ºC. Five replicates are conducted for all treatments. Tests carried out using a PDA medium mixed with liquid smoke from Laban wood with each concentration. Results of research showed that the concentration of liquid smoke from Laban wood is very significant effect on the inhibition of the growth of the fungus Mucor sp. Meanwhile the pyrolysis temperature and the interaction of liquid smoke from Laban wood had no significant effect. Liquid smoke from Laban wood at a concentration of 10% with a pyrolysis temperature of 400°C is the best treatment because it can inhibited the growth of fungal Mucor sp. with the highest value (96.33%). This antifungal activity rate fulfills the very strong category inhibition. Liquid smoke from Laban wood can be used as biopesticide to overcome damping off fungi on Pine seed. Keywords : Laban wood, Mucor sp., liquid smoke, damping off, Pinus merkusi

    Tributyltin stimulates synthesis of interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor alpha in human lymphocytes

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    Tributyltin (TBT) is found in human blood and other tissues and thus is of considerable concern as to its effects on human health. Previous studies have demonstrated that TBT has detrimental effects on immune function. Recently, we found that exposures to TBT caused increased secretion of two important proinflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and interferon gamma (IFNγ). Elevation of either of these cytokines has the potential to cause chronic inflammation, which is an important factor in a number of diseases including cancer. The current study examined the mechanism of TBT-induced elevations of TNFα and IFNγ secretion and found that the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway was essential to the ability of TBT to stimulate secretion. Additionally, this study demonstrated that increased secretion of these cytokines was due to TBT-induced increases in their overall synthesis, rather than simply being due to an increase in the release of already formed proteins. The TBT-induced increases in synthesis were evident within 6 hours of exposure. The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is also necessary for the TBT-induced increases in both TNFα and IFNγ synthesis. The role of increased transcription of TNFα and IFNγ mRNA in response to TBT exposures as a possible explanation for the increased synthesis of these cytokines was also examined. It was found that increased mRNA levels did not appear to explain fully the increases in either TNFα or IFNγ synthesis. Thus, TBT is able to increase secretion of two important proinflammatory cytokines by increasing their synthesis

    Serum Macromineral Levels in Estrual, Fertile, Subfertile and Pregnant Mares Kept Under Two Different Managemental Conditions

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    This study was conducted on 300 mares kept under one of the two managemental conditions: field (individual management) and farm (organizational management). Mares were categorized as estrual, fertile, subfertile or pregnant. Any possible relationship between fertility and serum levels of sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium was investigated. The serum sodium level differed significantly (P<0.05) among all groups of mares at both conditions, with pregnant mares having the highest and subfertile the lowest levels. Also, independent of the condition, the pregnant mares had significantly higher (P<0.05) serum potassium levels compared with subfertile ones. Serum calcium levels were significantly higher in estrual mares when compared with those of pregnant mares under farm management or subfertile mares under field conditions. In each group, mares kept under farm management had significantly higher serum magnesium levels but significantly lower serum calcium levels than those of mares kept under field. In estrual group, mares raised under field condition had significantly higher serum phosphorus levels. These results sufficiently provide the foundation for more rigorous and controlled studies to establish a firm basis for fertility versus serum-mineral-profile relationship. Moreover, due to marginally adequate serum mineral levels in mares kept under both managements, supplementation with mineral mixture was recommended for optimum fertility