46 research outputs found

    Stability of CFL cores in Hybrid Stars

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    We study the equation state of strongly interacting quark matter within a NJL-like model in which the chiral condensates and the color superconducting gaps are computed self-consistently as a function of the baryon density. A vector interaction term is added to the Lagrangian in order to render the quark matter equation of state stiffer. For the low density hadronic phase we use a relativistic mean field model. The phase transition to quark matter is computed by a Maxwell construction. We show that stable CFL cores in hybrid stars are possible if the superconducting gap is sufficiently large. Moreover we find stable stellar configurations in which two phase transitions occur, a first transition from hadronic matter to 2SC quark matter and a second transition from 2SC quark matter to CFL quark matter.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamical chaos in the problem of magnetic jet collimation

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    We investigate dynamics of a jet collimated by magneto-torsional oscillations. The problem is reduced to an ordinary differential equation containing a singularity and depending on a parameter. We find a parameter range for which this system has stable periodic solutions and study bifurcations of these solutions. We use Poincar\'e sections to demonstrate existence of domains of regular and chaotic motions. We investigate transition from periodic to chaotic solutions through a sequence of period doublings.Comment: 11 pages, 29 figures, 1 table, MNRAS (published online

    Vibrational properties and magnetic specific heat of the covalent chain antiferromagnet RbFeS e2

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    © 2018 American Physical Society. The magnetic specific heat of RbFeSe2 and the spin state of Fe3+ ions in the compound have been studied. Phonon dispersion and phonon density of states (PDOS), element specific and total, were evaluated from first-principles calculations. It is shown that iron atoms in quasi-one-dimensional chains have dramatically different vibrational properties against Rb and Se atoms: the Fe PDOS is mostly concentrated within two Einstein-like optical phonon peaks at high frequencies. Analysis of our Mössbauer data for RbFeSe2, utilizing the calculated Fe PDOS as well as our optical absorption measurements, have shown full agreement with the location of the high-frequency optical-type lattice vibrations within the FeSe4 tetrahedra. The calculated PDOS was utilized to evaluate the lattice contribution to the specific heat. The phonon heat capacity has been used to evaluate the magnetic specific heat of the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetically correlated Fe3+ ion chains in RbFeSe2. An intermediate spin state S=3/2 has been found most closely relevant to our magnetic entropy analysis for Fe3+ ions in RbFeSe2

    Trapped and excited w modes of stars with a phase transition and R>=5M

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    The trapped ww-modes of stars with a first order phase transition (a density discontinuity) are computed and the excitation of some of the modes of these stars by a perturbing shell is investigated. Attention is restricted to odd parity (``axial'') ww-modes. With RR the radius of the star, MM its mass, RiR_{i} the radius of the inner core and MiM_{i} the mass of such core, it is shown that stars with R/M5R/M\geq 5 can have several trapped ww-modes, as long as Ri/Mi<2.6R_{i}/M_{i}<2.6. Excitation of the least damped ww-mode is confirmed for a few models. All of these stars can only exist however, for values of the ratio between the densities of the two phases, greater than 46\sim 46. We also show that stars with a phase transition and a given value of R/MR/M can have far more trapped modes than a homogeneous single density star with the same value of R/MR/M, provided both R/MR/M and Ri/MiR_{i}/M_{i} are smaller than 3. If the phase transition is very fast, most of the stars with trapped modes are unstable to radial oscillations. We compute the time of instability, and find it to be comparable to the damping of the ww-mode excited in most cases where ww-mode excitation is likely. If on the other hand the phase transition is slow, all the stars are stable to radial oscillations.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    Magnetic properties of the covalent chain antiferromagnet RbFeSe2

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    © 2016 American Physical Society.Single crystals of the ternary iron selenide RbFeSe2 have been investigated by means of x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, and specific-heat measurements as well as by Mössbauer spectroscopy. Built up from linear chains of edge-sharing FeSe4 tetrahedra, RbFeSe2 represents a quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet. Below TN=248 K three-dimensional antiferromagnetic collinear magnetic order sets in, with the magnetic moments oriented perpendicularly to the chain direction. The hyperfine fields determined from our Mössbauer studies reveal strongly reduced magnetic moments. The high-temperature susceptibility data of RbFeSe2 suggest a one-dimensional metallic character along the chains

    Magnetic properties of chain antiferromagnets RbFeSe<inf>2</inf>, TlFeSe<inf>2</inf>, and TlFeS<inf>2</inf>

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    © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc. Single crystals of ternary ion chalcogenides RbFeSe 2 , TlFeSe 2 , and TlFeS 2 are studied by X-ray diffraction, SQUID magnetometry, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Common structural units of these chalcogenides are tetrahedra of FeCh 4 (chalcogen Ch = Se, S), arranged in chains by sharing an edge. It is found that RbFeSe 2 , TlFeSe 2 , and TlFeS 2 undergo transition to a collinear antiferromagnetic state below temperatures T N = 248, 290, and 196 K, respectively. Their magnetic moments are oriented perpendicular to the axes of the chains of FeCh 4 tetrahedra

    Phase Transitions in Neutron Stars and Gravitational Wave Emission

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    We review the detectability of gravitational waves generated by oscillations excited during a phase transition from hadronic matter to deconfined quark-gluon matter in the core of a neutron star. Neutron star properties were computed using a Boguta and Bodmer's based model and the MIT bag model. The maximum energy available to excite mechanical oscillations into the star is estimated by energy difference between the configurations with and without a quark-gluon matter core. On basis of the planned sensitivity of present laser interferometers (VIRGO or LIGO I) and those of the next generation (LIGO II), the maximum volume to be proped by these experiments is determined. These results are used as an indication of the potential detectability of neutron stars as sources of gravitational waves. Our results indicate that the maximum distance probed by the detectors of the first generation is well beyond M31, whereas the second generation detectors will probably see phase transitions events at distances two times longer, but certanly not yet attaining the Virgo cluster.Comment: revtex4, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Energy Release During Disk Accretion onto a Rapidly Rotating Neutron Star

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    The energy release L_s on the surface of a neutron star (NS) with a weak magnetic field and the energy release L_d in the surrounding accretion disk depend on two independent parameters that determine its state (for example, mass M and cyclic rotation frequency f) and is proportional to the accretion rate. We derive simple approximation formulas illustrating the dependence of the efficiency of energy release in an extended disk and in a boundary layer near the NS surface on the frequency and sense of rotation for various NS equations of state. Such formulas are obtained for the quadrupole moment of a NS, for a gap between its surface and a marginally stable orbit, for the rotation frequency in an equatorial Keplerian orbit and in the marginally stable circular orbit, and for the rate of NS spinup via disk accretion. In the case of NS and disk counterrotation, the energy release during accretion can reach 0.67M˙c20.67\dot{M}c^2. The sense of NS rotation is a factor that strongly affects the observed ratio of nuclear energy release during bursts to gravitational energy release between bursts in X-ray bursters. The possible existence of binary systems with NS and disk counterrotation in the Galaxy is discussed. Based on the static criterion for stability, we present a method of constructing the dependence of gravitational mass M on Kerr rotation parameter j and on total baryon mass (rest mass) m for a rigidly rotating neutron star. We show that all global NS characteristics can be expressed in terms of the function M(j, m) and its derivatives.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Astronomy Letters, 2000, v.26, p.69

    Nuclear matter at high density: Phase transitions, multiquark states, and supernova outbursts

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    Phase transition from hadronic matter to quark-gluon matter is discussed for various regimes of temperature and baryon number density. For small and medium densities, the phase transition is accurately described in the framework of the Field Correlation Method, whereas at high density predictions are less certain and leave room for the phenomenological models. We study formation of multiquark states (MQS) at zero temperature and high density. Relevant MQS components of the nuclear matter can be described using a previously developed formalism of the quark compound bags (QCB). Partial-wave analysis of nucleon-nucleon scattering indicates the existence of 6QS which manifest themselves as poles of PP-matrix. In the framework of the QCB model, we formulate a self-consistent system of coupled equations for the nucleon and 6QS propagators in nuclear matter and the G-matrix. The approach provides a link between high-density nuclear matter with the MQS components and the cumulative effect observed in reactions on the nuclei, which requires the admixture of MQS in the wave functions of nuclei kinematically. 6QS determine the natural scale of the density for a possible phase transition into the MQS phase of nuclear matter. Such a phase transition can lead to dynamic instability of newly born protoneutron stars and dramatically affect the dynamics of supernovae. Numerical simulations show that the phase transition may be a good remedy for the triggering supernova explosions in the spherically symmetric supernova models. A specific signature of the phase transition is an additional neutrino peak in the neutrino light curve. For a Galactic core-collapse supernova, such a peak could be resolved by the present neutrino detectors. The possibility of extracting the parameters of the phase of transition from observation of the neutrino signal is discussed also.Comment: 57 pages, 22 figures, 7 tables; RevTeX 4; submitted to Phys. Atom. Nuc