37 research outputs found

    Prosthetic Therapy of a Seven Year Old Patient with Oligodontia

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    A seven year old male patient was referred by his dentist to a specialist in dental prothetics with a diagnosis of oligodontia. Examination of the orthopantomogram showed germs of only eight teeth. No teeth were present in the oral cavity. The first permanent molars had been esctracted because of caries. From the case history and a clinical examination, it was established that the boy had craniofacial dysmorphosis/ dysostosis and hypertelorizm with lower positioned and poorly formed ears. He had diagnosis of thickening of the right ventriculus. Kariotype normal. Also presented adactyly of digits II and III manus et pedis, clinodactyly of digit I, and syndactyly of digits IV and V was surgically treated. By examining the oral cavity, angulus infectiosus oris was diagnosed caused by lowered vertical dimension of occlusion and candidiasis lingue, and consequently the boy was referred to an oral pathologist for appropriate therapy. Special attention is required when fabricating a complete denture in a child\u27s mouth in orded not to comprome any prosthetic principle. Thus, we were faced with several problems including how to find impression trays of adequate size, and how to explain to the patient the procedure of functional movements, achievement of rest position, and the artificial teeth selection. Because of the small and narrow dental arches we decided for the smallest size of artificial teeth (D28) and reduced occlusion. The artificial teeth were modified and reduced. The second molar took the place of the first molar. With color and shape we tried to imitate deciduous teeth. After insertion of the complete dentures and control examination, the patient was given an appointment for making new dentures in six months, because of the growth and development of the maxilla and mandible

    Kineziographic Research of Patients with Cross Bite

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    The paper describes the use of an objective method for the quantitative analysis of the relationship between the posterior cross-bite and the occurrence of occlusive interferences and damages to the mandible muscle elevator. Two groups of subjects were selected for the analysis: 10 patients with unilateral cross-bite and 10 students without any symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). By means of the Robert Jenkelson K5A kinesiograph we measured maximal ā€“ opening velocity of the mandible (mm/s), maximal- closing velocity (mm/s), first tooth contact velocity and displacement in the vertical plane at the maximal intercuspidation (mm). The following values were obtained: maximal-opening velocity in the first group was 349 mm/s and 380 mm/s in the control group. This difference was incidental. The maximal closing velocity in the study group was 204.9 and 345.2 in the control group (p < 0.05). The first tooth contact velocity in the study group was 75.93 and 325 in the control group (p < 0.01). Displacements in the vertical plane at the maximal intercuspidation in the investigated group was 0.240.01 mm, while in control group that value was 0120.012 mm

    Prosthetic Therapy of a Seven Year Old Patient with Oligodontia

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    A seven year old male patient was referred by his dentist to a specialist in dental prothetics with a diagnosis of oligodontia. Examination of the orthopantomogram showed germs of only eight teeth. No teeth were present in the oral cavity. The first permanent molars had been esctracted because of caries. From the case history and a clinical examination, it was established that the boy had craniofacial dysmorphosis/ dysostosis and hypertelorizm with lower positioned and poorly formed ears. He had diagnosis of thickening of the right ventriculus. Kariotype normal. Also presented adactyly of digits II and III manus et pedis, clinodactyly of digit I, and syndactyly of digits IV and V was surgically treated. By examining the oral cavity, angulus infectiosus oris was diagnosed caused by lowered vertical dimension of occlusion and candidiasis lingue, and consequently the boy was referred to an oral pathologist for appropriate therapy. Special attention is required when fabricating a complete denture in a child\u27s mouth in orded not to comprome any prosthetic principle. Thus, we were faced with several problems including how to find impression trays of adequate size, and how to explain to the patient the procedure of functional movements, achievement of rest position, and the artificial teeth selection. Because of the small and narrow dental arches we decided for the smallest size of artificial teeth (D28) and reduced occlusion. The artificial teeth were modified and reduced. The second molar took the place of the first molar. With color and shape we tried to imitate deciduous teeth. After insertion of the complete dentures and control examination, the patient was given an appointment for making new dentures in six months, because of the growth and development of the maxilla and mandible

    Influence of Smoking on the Stomatognathic System in Women With Diabetes

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    Å ećerna je bolest metabolička bolest koja nastaje kao posljedica poremećaja u stvaranju i lučenju inzulina ili njegovu djelovanju. Kod tako oslabljena organizma puÅ”enje duhana vjerojatno viÅ”e oÅ”tećuje stomatognati sustav nego u zdravih osoba. Žene s potvrđenom dijagnozom Å”ećerne bolesti (N = 90) podijeljene su u dvije skupine: žene fertilne dobi (N = 51) te žene u menopauzi i postmenopauzi (N = 39). Sve su žene ispunile anketni list s općim podatcima i pitanjem o puÅ”enju. IzvrÅ”en je klinički pregled s pomoću stomatoloÅ”koga zrcala i parodontne sonde. Vrjednovan je klinički nalaz zubnoga statusa, gingive i parodonta (indeks krvarećeg sulkusa i dubina parodontnih džepova) te stanje oralne sluznice. PuÅ”enje nije statistički znatno utjecalo na zubni status ni u fertilnih žena ni u žena u menopauzi i postmenopauzi. (p > 0,05). Klinički nalaz gingive i parodonta statistički se znatno razlikovao samo u žena u menopauzi i postmenopauzi (*p 0,05). Klinički nalaz oralne sluznice analiziran je samo u dobnoj skupini menopauza i postmenopauza. Razlika je bila statistički znatna (*p < 0,05). U skupini fertilnih žena raŔčlamba nije izvrÅ”ena zbog premalog broja podataka. Oslabljeni imunoloÅ”ki sustav zbog zajedničkoga djelovanja Å”ećerne bolesti, puÅ”enja i nedostatka ženskih spolnih hormona (u menopauzi i postmenopauzi) znatno oÅ”tećuje oralnu sluznicu, gingivu i parodont. Vjerojatni razlog tomu je njihova čvrsta povezanost osobito hematogenim putem s ostalim dijelovima organizma. PuÅ”enje nije znatno utjecalo na tvrda zubna tkiva vjerojatno zbog njihove anorganske naravi i kompaktnosti građe.The aim of the study was to check the influence of smoking on the stomatognathic system in women with diabetes. Diabetes is metabolic disease that occurs as a result of disorders in creation or secretion of insulin, or its effect. On a weakened organism smoking will probably do more harm on the stomatognathic system then on a healthy one. Women with confirmed diagnosis of diabetes (N = 90) were divided into 2 groups: fertile women (N = 51) and women in the menopause and postmenopause (N = 39). All women completed the given paper forms on general data and their smoking habits. A clinical examination was performed using a stomatological mirror and parodontal probe. Clinical findings of the dental status, gingiva, parodontal tissue (bleeding sulcus index and depth of parodontal pockets) and the status of oral muscosa were evalued. Smoking did not show statistically significant influence on the dental status either on fertile women or on women in the menopause and postmenopause (p > 0.05). Clinical findings of the gingiva and parodontal tissue showed statistically significant difference in women in the menopause and postmenopause (*p 0.05). Clinical findings of oral muscosa were only analyzed in the age group of menopausal and postmenopausal women. The difference was statistically significant (*p < 0.05). In the group of fertile women analysis was not performed due to the small number of specimens. Weakened immunological system due to the synergistic influence of diabetes, smoking and the lack of feminine sex hormones (in the menopause and postmenopause) significantly damages oral muscosa, gingiva and parodontal tissue. The probable explanation was their firm correlation especially throughtout the blood circulation with the other parts of the organism. Smoking did not significantly influence the hard dental tissue, probably because of its inorganic origin and compact structure

    Anterior Tooth Relationship in Cuspid Protected and Group Function Occlusion

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    OBJECTIVE OF INVESTIGATION: The aim of the study was to determine anterior tooth relationship (overbite and overjet) according to the type of occlusion (canine guided, group function). METHODS: A total of 111 test subjects (56 men and 55 women, mean 23.9 years of age) were examined, and it was determined that they have occlusional conception. The relationship of the front teeth in the position of maximum intercuspidation was evaluated by a portable meter. RESULTS: By analysing the obtained results of vertical overjet and horizontal overbite of the front teeth, we concluded that there was significant statistic difference in the amount of the vertical overjet with regard to occlusional conception (t=6.669, p=0.00001). Average value of the vertical overjet in examinees with occlusion lead by the canine was 2.22+0.09 mm, while in examinees with group function it was 1.58+0.26 mm. No significant statistical difference was found by analysing vertical overjet with regard to gender. No significant statistical difference between the groups was found by comparing the results of horizontal overbite of frontal teeth with regard to occlusional concepcion and gender. Average value of horizontal overjet was 1.62+0.29 mm. CONCLUSION: Subjects with canine guided occlusion have significantly and statistically bigger overjet of frontal teeth

    Uticaj prve rodne etaže na kvalitativno-kvantitativna svojstva semena soje

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of height of the first fertile floor on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of soybean seeds. For qualitative traits the focus was on the energy of germination and seed germination of the studied genotypes investigated per soybean plant and the first fertile floor of the plant. Results of research indicated that there were significant differences between genotypes observed by morphological characteristics (plant height, height of first fertile floor, number of fertile floors, number of pods and seeds, seed weight, etc.) as well as qualitative properties (energy of germination and seed germination). Cultivar GorÅ”tak, with genetically incorporated height of the first fertile floor (12.38 cm), was superior to other two genotypes. A similar trend was found in other morphological analyses. Based on energy of germination and seed germination of all fertile floors per plant, there were no significant differences between soybean genotypes. However, of paramount importance are the established values of these parameters relevant to the first fertile floor. Cultivar GorÅ”tak had significantly higher energy of germination (90.46%) and total germination (91.00%) compared to the other two genotypes.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje uticaja visine PRVE rodne etaže na kvalitativno-kvantitativna svojstva semena soje. Kod kvalitativnih svojstava akcenat je stavljen na energiju klijanja i ukupnu klijavost semena istraživanih genotipova posebno po biljci i prvoj rodnoj etaži. Sumiranjem rezultata istraživanja, utvrđene su značajne razlike između genotipova, posmatrano po morfoloÅ”kim karakteristikama (visina biljaka, visina prve rodne etaže, broj rodnih etaža, broj mahuna i semena, masa semena i dr) kao i kod kvalitativnih svojstava - energije klijanja i ukupna klijavost semena. Sorta GorÅ”tak sa genetički inkorporiranom visokom prvom rodnom etažom (12,38 cm) bila je dominantna u odnosu na druga dva genotipa. Sličan trend je utvrđen i kod drugih morfoloÅ”kih analiza. Energija klijanja i ukupna klijavost semena svih rodnih etaža, posmatrano po genotipovima, nije pokazala značajne razlike. Međutim, od izuzetnog značaja su utvrđene vrednosti ovih parametara kada je reč o prvoj rodnoj etaži. Sorta GorÅ”tak imala je vrlo značajnu veću vrednost energije klijanja (90,46%) kao i ukupnu klijavost semena (91,00 %) u odnosu na druga dva genotipa

    Prevalence of Self-Reported Symptoms of TMD in a Population of Rijeka, Croatia

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    Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ispitati prevalenciju simptoma TMD u stanovniÅ”tvu Rijeke. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku 408 odraslih osoba starih od 18-84 godine, podijeljenih po dobi i spolu. Postojanje TMD simptoma dobili smo upotrebom kliničko- anamnestičkih upitnika koji se sastojao od 11 pitanja tipičnih za TMD simptomatologiju. Okluzalne parametre dobili smo raŔčlambom RCP, ICP prednjega vođenja i lateralnih kretnji. Kliničke znakove TMD dobili smo palpacijom miÅ”ića žvakača i TMJ. Anamnezom smo doÅ”li do podatka da je 16 % ispitanika izjavilo kako ima noćni bruksizam, a 33 % dnevni. 26 % ispitanika osjetilo je Å”kljocanje u zglobu. 37 % pacijenata ima uz bruksizam i glavobolju, 35 % ima bolan vrat i ramena, a 33 % ima Å”kljocanje u TMZ. U skupini pacijenata bez bruksizma 41 % ima glavobolju, 29 % bolni vrat i 24 % ima Å”kljocanje. Možemo zaključiti da postoji veza između pojave noćnog bruksizma i bolnosti miÅ”ića vrata i ramena te Å”kljocanje TMZ.The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) symptoms in a population of Rijeka, Croatia. The study was performed on a sample of 408 adult subjects, aged 18-84 years divided into three groups by age and gender. The presence and severity of TMD was determined by using a self reported anamnestic questionnaire comprised of 11 questions regarding common TMD symptoms. Occlusal evaluation included analyses of RCP, ICP, anterolateral guidance, and nonworking side contacts during mandibular movements. Palpation of the muscles and TMJ was performed to detect clinical signs of TMD. A total of 16 % of the examinees had self-reported nocturnal bruxism and 33 % had daily bruxism. 26 % of the examinees experienced TMJ clicking. 28 % of the examinees experienced tension type headache, more than once a month. 37 % of the patients with bruxism had headaches, 35 % had painful necks and shoulders, and 33 % experienced TMJ clicking. Of those who did not suffer from bruxism, 41 % had headaches, 29 % had painful neck and sholders and 24% had TMJ clicking. It appears that sleep bruxism is related with the presence of painful neck and sholders and TMJ clicking

    Evaluation of Craniometric Methods for Determination of Vertical Dimension of Occlusion

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    In clinical practice, fully precise method for exact determination of vertical relation of occlusion still does not exist. This study examines the relationship between different craniofacial distances and the distance subnasaleā€“ gnathion (Snā€“Gn), which represents the lower third of the face in vertical relation determination. The highest coefficient of correlation was (r = 0.8678, p < 0.05) between the distance eyeā€“ear (Eā€“E = lateral border of the ocular orbitā€“medial opening of the meatus of the external auditory canal) and Snā€“Gn. The prediction of the distance Snā€“Gn could be determined through the formula: Snā€“Gn = Eā€“E / 1.08 or through the regression analysis: Snā€“Gn = 1.9197 + 0.6449 x Eā€“E. None of the calculated coefficients of correlation was 1, but was < 1, so that the prediction of the distance Snā€“Gn by craniometric distances is not absolutely reliable, although it is considerably helpful. Our results point at the variations of craniofacial distances in the Croatian population. Yet, craniometry could still be recommended in everyday clinical practice for prediction of vertical relation of occlusion, as it is a simple, economic and non-invasive method, however in combination with some other methods, which have proved to be helpful

    The Patientā€™s and the Therapistā€™s Evaluation of Complete Denture Therapy

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    A total of 222 patients were studied. In a questionnaire patients graded their complete dentures of different age and quality, depending on the level of satisfaction, using the modified analogue-visual scale from 1 to 5. The dentist assessed the same dentures, as well as the denture bearing area. The patientsā€™ assessments were surprisingly high, the grades were bigger than the therapistā€™s (p < 0.05), but in disappointed patients the grades were smaller than the therapistā€™s (p < 0.05). It seems that the dentist is more critical in assessments than the patient. No significant difference existed between chewing and denture stability and between stability and the comfort of wearing lower full denture (p > 0.05). Unstable denture aggravates chewing and causes pain and discomfort on the bearing area. It seems that subjective factors in patients, expectations of the denture or the number of previous dentures play a role in satisfaction, not only the quality of denture bearing area and the quality of a denture

    An Evaluation of the Quality of Tooth Preparation with Intraoral Parallometer-Axisgraph - Pilot Study

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    Measuring of the axial angle in practice shows an average angle of 20 degrees. The result of the high taper angles is a nonsatisfactory resistance form in 22.5% cases. The purpose was to examine the efficiency of the Jonjić oral parallelometer, known as the "AXISGRAPH", with respect to basic ergonomic rules, leading to savings in working energy and time and an increase in the quality of the preparation. METHODS: On the basis of clinical cases models were made of the upper and of the lower jaw of acrylic resin. The practitioner, who has 10 years experience, initially prepared each model set in a KAWO-EWL model, conventionally using freehand preparation, and then with an Axisgraph. Both models were in the same condition. Comparison was made between the time required for preparation, working energy used, and the quality of the preparation. The quality of the preparation was determined using the axial angle of the prepared tooth, measured by the method described in Jonjic\u27s dissertation. RESULTS: The freehand preparation took 80 minutes while preparation with the Axisgraph took 50 minutes. The average angle in freehand preparation was 15.03 degrees while, (the average angle of preparation was 10.4 degrees) using Axisgraph, and in 30 minutes less time than the freehand preparation. CONCLUSION: Preparation with the Axisgraph significantly saves time on preparation and allows better quality for the prepared tooth