26,018 research outputs found

    Retrieval of canopy component temperatures through Bayesian inversion of directional thermal measurements

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    Evapotranspiration is usually estimated in remote sensing from single temperature value representing both soil and vegetation. This surface temperature is an aggregate over multiple canopy components. The temperature of the individual components can differ significantly, introducing errors in the evapotranspiration estimations. The temperature aggregate has a high level of directionality. An inversion method is presented in this paper to retrieve four canopy component temperatures from directional brightness temperatures. The Bayesian method uses both a priori information and sensor characteristics to solve the ill-posed inversion problem. The method is tested using two case studies: 1) a sensitivity analysis, using a large forward simulated dataset, and 2) in a reality study, using two datasets of two field campaigns. The results of the sensitivity analysis show that the Bayesian approach is able to retrieve the four component temperatures from directional brightness temperatures with good success rates using multi-directional sensors (Srspectra˜0.3, Srgonio˜0.3, and SrAATSR˜0.5), and no improvement using mono-angular sensors (Sr˜1). The results of the experimental study show that the approach gives good results for high LAI values (RMSEgrass=0.50 K, RMSEwheat=0.29 K, RMSEsugar beet=0.75 K, RMSEbarley=0.67 K); but for low LAI values the results were unsatisfactory (RMSEyoung maize=2.85 K). This discrepancy was found to originate from the presence of the metallic construction of the setup. As these disturbances, were only present for two crops and were not present in the sensitivity analysis, which had a low LAI, it is concluded that using masked thermal images will eliminate this discrepanc

    BRDFs acquired by directional radiative measurements during EAGLE and AGRISAR

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    Radiation is the driving force for all processes and interactions between earth surface and atmosphere. The amount of measured radiation reflected by vegetation depends on its structure, the viewing angle and the solar angle. This angular dependence is usually expressed in the Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF). This BRDF is not only different for different types of vegetation, but also different for different stages of the growth. The BRDF therefore has to be measured at ground level before any satellite imagery can be used the calculate surface-atmosphere interaction. The objective of this research is to acquire the BRDFs for agricultural crop types. A goniometric system is used to acquire the BRDFs. This is a mechanical device capable of a complete hemispherical rotation. The radiative directional measurements are performed with different sensors that can be attached to this system. The BRDFs are calculated from the measured radiation. In the periods 10 June - 18 June 2006 and 2 July - 10 July 2006 directional radiative measurements were performed at three sites: Speulderbos site, in the Netherlands, the Cabauw site, in the Netherlands, and an agricultural test site in Goermin, Germany. The measurements were performed over eight different crops: forest, grass, pine tree, corn, wheat, sugar beat and barley. The sensors covered the spectrum from the optical to the thermal domain. The measured radiance is used to calculate the BRDFs or directional thermal signature. This contribution describes the measurements and calculation of the BRDFs of forest, grassland, young corn, mature corn, wheat, sugar beat and barley during the EAGLE2006 and AGRISAR 2006 fieldcampaigns. Optical BRDF have been acquired for all crops except barley. Thermal angular signatures are acquired for all the crop

    Technique for validating remote sensing products of water quality

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    Remote sensing of water quality is initiated as an additional part of the on going activities of the EAGLE2006 project. Within this context intensive in-situ and airborne measurements campaigns were carried out over the Wolderwijd and Veluwemeer natural waters. However, in-situ measurements and image acquisitions were not simultaneous. This poses some constraints on validating air/space-borne remote sensing products of water quality. Nevertheless, the detailed insitu measurements and hydro-optical model simulations provide a bench mark for validating remote sensing products. That is realized through developing a stochastic technique to quantify the uncertainties on the retrieved aquatic inherent optical properties (IOP). The output of the proposed technique is applied to validate remote sensing products of water quality. In this processing phase, simulations of the radiative transfer in the coupled atmosphere-water system are performed to generate spectra at-sensor-level. The upper and the lower boundaries of perturbations, around each recorded spectrum, are then modelled as function of residuals between simulated and measured spectra. The perturbations are parameterized as a function of model approximations/inversion, sensor-noise and atmospheric residual signal. All error sources are treated as being of stochastic nature. Three scenarios are considered: spectrally correlated (i.e. wavelength dependent) perturbations, spectrally uncorrelated perturbations and a mixed scenario of the previous two with equal probability of occurrence. Uncertainties on the retrieved IOP are quantified with the relative contribution of each perturbation component to the total error budget of the IOP. This technique can be used to validate earth observation products of water quality in remote areas where few or no in– situ measurements are available

    Development of ultra-high performance concrete with high fire resistance

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Fire or high temperature is a big challenge to ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC). Strength loss of UHPCs can reach up to 80% after exposure to 800 °C. In this study, a total of six UHPC mixtures were designed and tested after subjected to elevated temperatures up to 1000 °C. The effects of aggregate type, fibre type and heating rate were investigated. Residual compressive strengths and stress-strain relationships were studied. Besides, attention was paid to explosive spalling since UHPCs are usually of compact structure and thus more vulnerable to explosive spalling than other concretes. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis was conducted to help understand the mechanism of variation of internal structure under different temperatures. It was found the mixture containing steel slag and hybrid fibre had excellent fire resistance. After being subjected to 1000 °C, this mixture retained a residual compressive strength of 112.8 MPa or a relative value of 69%

    Nodeless energy gaps of single-crystalline Ba0.68K0.32Fe2As2 as seen via 75As NMR

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    We report 75^{75}As nuclear magnetic resonance studies on a very clean hole-doped single-crystal Ba0.68_{0.68}K0.32_{0.32}Fe2_{2}As2_{2} (Tc=38.5T_{\rm {c}}=38.5 K). The spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_{1} shows an exponential decrease below T0.45TcT \simeq 0.45 T_{\rm c} down to T0.11TcT \simeq 0.11 T_{\rm c}, which indicates a fully opened energy gap. From the ratio (T1)c/(T1)a(T_{1})_{c} / (T_{1})_{a}, where aa and cc denote the crystal directions, we find that the antiferromagnetic spin fluctuation is anisotropic in the spin space above TcT_{\rm c}. The anisotropy decreases below TcT_{\rm c} and disappears at T0T \rightarrow 0. We argue that the anisotropy stems from spin-orbit coupling whose effect vanishes when spin-singlet electron pairs form with a nodeless gap.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum simulation of artificial Abelian gauge field using nitrogen-vacancy center ensembles coupled to superconducting resonators

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    We propose a potentially practical scheme to simulate artificial Abelian gauge field for polaritons using a hybrid quantum system consisting of nitrogen-vacancy center ensembles (NVEs) and superconducting transmission line resonators (TLR). In our case, the collective excitations of NVEs play the role of bosonic particles, and our multiport device tends to circulate polaritons in a behavior like a charged particle in an external magnetic field. We discuss the possibility of identifying signatures of the Hofstadter "butterfly" in the optical spectra of the resonators, and analyze the ground state crossover for different gauge fields. Our work opens new perspectives in quantum simulation of condensed matter and many-body physics using hybrid spin-ensemble circuit quantum electrodynamics system. The experimental feasibility and challenge are justified using currently available technology.Comment: 6 papes+supplementary materia

    Pair creation for bosons in electric and magnetic fields

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    By solving the quantum field theoretical version of the Klein-Gordon equation numerically, we study the creation process for charged boson-antiboson pairs in static electric and magnetic fields. The fields are perpendicular to each other and spatially localized along the same direction, which permits us to study the crucial impact of the magnetic field\u27s spatial extension on dynamics. If its width is comparable to that of the electric field, we find a magnetically induced Lorentz suppression of the pair-creation process. When the width is increased such that the created bosons can revisit the interaction region, we find a region of exponential self-amplification that can be attributed to a spontaneous emissionlike enhancement. If the width is increased further, this trend is reversed and the magnetic field can even shut off the particle production completely