23 research outputs found

    [An analysis of small differences between mice of lines C57BL/10 and 129 with regard to the chief system of tissue compatibility, H-2]

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    The differences in the H-2 system between mice of the C57BL/10 (H-2b) and 129 (H-2bc) were studied in crosses B10.D (H-2d) or recombinant strains R106 (KbSbDda), R107 (KbSbDd) and R101 (KdSdDb) with strains 129 or B10.129 (6M). Most skin grafts from the strain C57BL/10 were rapidly rejected in the F1 hybrids derived from the crosses with strains B10.D2, R106 and R107, thus indicating to the effect of the relatively strong H-locus either in the D region or in the Tla region of H-2b. Chronic responses were observed in the F1 hybrids derived from crosses with the strains R101 and R103, indicating to the weak effect of another locus. However all the skin grafts survived in the F1 hybrids with the strain HTG (KdSdDb). This weak H gene is apparently located to the left of the crossover in the recombinants R101 and R103, but to the right of the crossover in the HTG, i. e. between the loci Slp and H-2D. The new locus is tentatively designated as H-2W

    Violence against Women throught Prism of Media: Application of Content Analysis

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    Nasilje nad ženama je fenomen koji se javlja u svim društvima i kulturama. Interesi i javna djelovanja protiv nasilja nad ženama započinju 70-ih i 80-ih godina prošloga stoljeća, zahvaljujući feminističkim organizacijama. Nasilje nad ženama je čin koji je usmjeren prema drugoj osobi sa svrhom da se osobu emocionalno ili fizički povrijedi. Nasilje je kršenje osnovnih ljudskih prava koje šteti ženi na njenoj individualnoj (tjelesne i psihičke posljedice) i društvenoj razini (ekonomske, socijalne posljedice). Nasilje je dio patrijarhalne strukture društva u kojoj muškarci imaju moć i kontrolu nad ženom. Najčešći oblici nasilja su fizički, obiteljski, seksualni, ekonomski i psihički. Internetski portali imaju ključnu ulogu u informiranju javnosti, oblikovanju svijesti o ovom problemu, žrtvama i počinitelju. Mediji imaju najizrazitiji utjecaj na muškarce i žene, a samo medijsko izvještavanje počiva na rodnoj diskriminaciji i odsustvu empatije prema žrtvama. Ovim radom nastojao se prikazati sadržaj portala koji izvještavaju o nasilju nad ženama. Rezultati analize pokazali su kako mediji objavljuju tekstove jednom tjedno u rubrici crna kronika te se međusobno ne razlikuju u informiranju. Najprisutnije je fizičko nasilje i nasilje u obitelji, a počinitelji i žrtve su bliske osobe dok su posljedice nasilja teže fizičke ozljede. Dob žrtve, motivi napada i kazna uglavnom se nisu navodili u medijskim prilozima.Violence against women is a phenomenon that appears in all societies and cultures. Interest and public actions against violence against women begin in the 70s and 80s of the last century, with the help of feminist organizations. Violence against women is an act directed towards another person with the purpose of emotionally or physically hurting a person. Violence is a violation of fundamental human rights which harms women on its individual (physical and psychological consequences) and social level (economic, social consequences). Violence is part of the patriarchal structure of a society in which men have the power and control over a woman. The most usual forms of violence are physical, domestic, sexual, economic and psychological. Internet portals play a key role in informing the public, shaping awareness of this problem, victims and perpetrators. Media have the most influential influence on men and women, and only media coverage rests on gender discrimination and the absence of empathy towards victims. Through this work, we tried to show the content of the portal reporting on violence against women. The results of analysis have shown that media publish texts once a week in the section black chronicle and they didn't have difference in information. The most frequent is physical and domestic violence, and the perpetrators and victims are close person while the consequences of violence are harder physical injuries. The age of victims, motives of attack and punishment are mostly not mentioned in media submissions