51 research outputs found

    Modern radiology in gastroenterology (Аccording to the 19-th Russian gastroenterological week data)

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    The aim of review. To carry out analysis of reports and publications devoted to radiological methods of investigation in gastroenterology and to present up-todate options of these methods to doctors-gastroenterologists, experts in radiology and doctors of specialties.Key points. Results of scientific studies and practical application of radiological methods in diagnostics of digestive diseases are presented. Application of radiological methods at detection and differential diagnostics of diseases of the liver, gallbladder, the pancreas, the spleen, gastro-intestinal tract, as well as for patients follow-up and at noninvasive interventions is reflected.Conclusion. Expansion of the range of problems solved with application of radiological diagnostic methods of gastroenterological patients is marked

    Potential of radiological methods in gastroenterology

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    The aim of review. To analyze reports and publications devoted to radiological methods at investigation and treatment of gastroenterological patients and to acquaint gastroenterologists, radiologists, doctors of other specialties with potential of these methods.Summary. Modern concepts of radiological methods of investigation and their application at detection and differential diagnostics of gastroenterological diseases are presented. Significant input of radiological methods to assessment of treatment approach at therapeutic and surgical pathology of digestive system, necessity of utilization of radiological methods at noninvasive medical manipulations, classical surgical interventions, long-term monitoring by patients is shown.Conclusion. Expansion of range of issues solved by radiological methods at investigation of patients with digestive diseases is marked. Priority of noninvasive ways of diagnostics is indicated

    The significance of radiological methods in the diagnostics of Gastroenterological diseases (according to the materials of the 18th Russian Gastroenterology Week)

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    Aim of the Review. To analyze the publications and the reports devoted to the radiological methods in the diagnostics of the gastroenterological diseases and present to gastroenterologists and other physicians the state-of-the art possibilities of these methods.Key points. The findings of the research studies and practical use of the radiological methods in the diagnostics of the diseases of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, spleen, etc. were presented. The increase in the demands to the imaging studies and the enlarging of the sphere of the questions to be addressed in this regard were marked.Conclusion. In the recent years the radiological methods are used not only in the detection of the different morbid conditions but in the differential diagnostics of the digestive diseases both in the therapeutic practice as well as during the small invasive interventions. They play the important role in the follow-up of the course of the pathological processes

    The Methods to Improve Quality of Service by Accounting Secure Parameters

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    A solution to the problem of ensuring quality of service, providing a greater number of services with higher efficiency taking into account network security is proposed. In this paper, experiments were conducted to analyze the effect of self-similarity and attacks on the quality of service parameters. Method of buffering and control of channel capacity and calculating of routing cost method in the network, which take into account the parameters of traffic multifractality and the probability of detecting attacks in telecommunications networks were proposed. The both proposed methods accounting the given restrictions on the delay time and the number of lost packets for every type quality of service traffic. During simulation the parameters of transmitted traffic (self-similarity, intensity) and the parameters of network (current channel load, node buffer size) were changed and the maximum allowable load of network was determined. The results of analysis show that occurrence of overload when transmitting traffic over a switched channel associated with multifractal traffic characteristics and presence of attack. It was shown that proposed methods can reduce the lost data and improve the efficiency of network resources.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 1 equation, 1 table. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1904.0520

    Induced pathomorphism and manifestations of residual focal lesions in parenchymatous organs of patients after noninvasive procedures

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    Aim of investigation. To reveal principles of development residual focal lesions various type and location in parenchymatous organs of patients after different noninvasive medical manipulations.Material and methods. Overall 365 patients with focal lesions: metastases and cysts of the liver, residual foci in gallbladder area after endoscopic obliteration of organ cavity, malignant tumors and pseudo-cysts of the pancreas, chronic pancreatitis, abscesses of abdominal cavity of various localization, cysts and tumors of the spleen, cysts and tumors of kidneys, focal goiter, fibrous adenoma of breast gland were studied. Total of 1281 noninvasive medical manipulation at ultrasound guidance and X-ray navigation — installation of drainages/catheters and local treatment by antibiotics, intraportal injection of pharmaceuticals, sclerotherapy of 96% ethyl alcohol of liver and kidney cysts, metastases to the liver, interstitial laser photocoagulation of focal goiter, radio-frequency ablation of metastases in the liver, electrochemical destruction of liver metastases and fibrous adenomas of breast gland etc. was carried out. Ultrasound investigation was the basic diagnostic and control method; while helical x-ray computer tomography, X-ray fistulography, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, scintigraphy, elastography, diagnostic punctures (aspiration biopsy, core needle biopsy, transcutaneous transhepatic cholangiography), laparoscopy, laparotomy, morphological investigation were used as methods of verification and control. Patients were followed up for 5 to 15 and more years.Conclusion. It was revealed, that residual focal lesions of various type and location in parenchymatous organs after noninvasive procedures have similar consecutive stages of development, caused by common (clinical, pathomorphological) features

    Diagnostics and evaluation of biliary deposit at ultrasound investigation

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    National college of gastroenterologists, hepatologist

    Investigation of the IoT Device Lifetime with Secure Data Transmission

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    This paper represents the approach for estimation of the lifetime of the IoT end devices. The novelty of this approach is in the taking into account not only the energy consumption for data transmission, but also for ensuring the security by using the encryption algorithms. The results of the study showed the effect of using data encryption during transmission on the device lifetime depending on the key length and the principles of the algorithm used

    Features of clinical presentation, diagnostics and treatment of idiopathic gastroparesis (<i>Review of literature and case presentation</i>)

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    The aim of review. To analyse publications devoted to idiopathic gastroparesis (IG) issue and present original case of this disease.Key points. IG is a common manifestation of impaired evacuatory function of the stomach. Psychoemotional factors represent one of its principal causes. Ultrasound and roentgenologic investigations, scintigraphy, 13С-octanoic acid breath test play important role in diagnostics of gastroparesis. Prokinetics (in particular, domperidone) occupy the main place in the treatment of IG.Conclusion.  IG is quite common in the practice of gastroenterologist. Treatment of such patients in many cases should be carried out along with psychiatrist


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    The current approaches to the drug pricing commonly used worldwide allow for incorporating the therapeutic value of the drug into its consumer price. The drug pricing system existing in the Russian Federation restricts the availability of highly effective innovative drugs and leads to unnecessary expenses of the national budget. In this article, we propose a novel concept of price control relevant to Russia, which is based on the approaches used elsewhere.В зарубежных странах разработаны и внедрены подходы к ценообразованию на ЛП, позволяющие учитывать терапевтическую ценность препаратов при формировании обоснованной цены на них. Существующая отечественная система использует подходы, ограничивающие доступ пациентов к инновационным высокоэффективным ЛП, а также приводит к нерациональному расходованию бюджетных средств на лекарственное обеспечение. В данной статье предложена концепция оптимизации системы ценового регулирования в РФ на основе внедрения актуальных зарубежных подходов

    Определение терапевтической ценности противоопухолевых лекарственных препаратов

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    Aim. Development of a tool for the evaluation of the therapeutic value of anticancer drugs based on multi-criteria analysis of decision making.Materials and methods. The study included 4 main stages. At the first stage, based on the results of the publications analysis and the EVIDEM system, a list of therapeutic value criteria was formed. At the second stage, for each criterion, a survey of experts was used to develop a scale and to build a value function using the curve-fitting method. At the third stage, the weighing was carried out using the discrete choice experiment method and the statistical package "support.CEs" in R Studio. At the fourth stage, based on the obtained values of the weight coefficients and value functions, a simple linear additive model was constructed.Results. The authors developed a tool that included 5 criteria for the value of anticancer drugs: efficacy, safety, disease severity, ease of administration, and therapeutic need. For each criterion, a linear value function was built, which allowed the authors to obtain the value of the severity of the criterion in the range from 0 to 1 based on the absolute values of the criterion for a particular drug. As a result of the weighing, two sets of weighting coefficients were obtained by using two different methods of survey results processing. The criterion of efficacy has the most significant contribution to the therapeutic value for the Russian health care system, and the least significant is the severity of the disease. The distribution of the criteria in the intermediate contribution ranks was significantly different between the two sets of weights.Conclusions. For practical application and implementation of the proposed tool, it is required to conduct the validation using the example of specific antitumor drugs to select a final set of weighting coefficients, check the stability of the results, and form a scale of therapeutic value levels.Цель. Разработка инструмента оценки терапевтической ценности противоопухолевых лекарственных препаратов на основе многокритериального анализа принятия решений.Материалы и методы. Исследование включало в себя четыре основных этапа. На первом этапе на основе результатов анализа публикаций и системы ≪Доказательства и ценность критериев: влияние на принятие решений≫ (англ. – Evidence and Value: Impact on DEcisionMaking, EVIDEM) был сформирован перечень критериев терапевтической ценности. На втором этапе для каждого критерия с помощью опроса экспертов была разработана шкала и построена функция перевода абсолютных значений в значение ценности с помощью метода подбора кривых. На третьем этапе было проведено взвешивание с помощью экспертных опросов на основе методики эксперимента дискретного выбора и статистического пакета ≪support.CEs≫ в программной среде для статистических расчетов R Studio. На четвертом этапе на основе полученных значений весовых коэффициентов и функций ценности была сформирована простая линейная аддитивная модель.Результаты. Разработан инструмент, включающий в себя пять критериев ценности противоопухолевых препаратов: эффективность, безопасность, тяжесть заболевания, удобство приема и терапевтическая потребность. Для каждого критерия была построена линейная функций ценности, которая позволяет на основании абсолютных значений критерия для конкретного препарата получить значение выраженности критерия в диапазоне от 0 до 1. В результате проведенного взвешивания было получено два набора весовых коэффициентов за счет использования двух разных методов обработки результатов опроса экспертов. Самым значимым вкладом в терапевтическую ценность с точки зрения российских экспертов обладает критерий эффективности, а самым незначимым – тяжесть заболевания. Распределение критериев в промежуточных рангах вклада значительно отличались между двумя наборами весов.Заключение. Для практического применения и внедрения разработанного инструмента потребуется валидация его использования на примере конкретных противоопухолевых ЛП с целью определения конечного набора весовых коэффициентов, проверки устойчивости результатов и формирования шкалы уровней терапевтической ценности