30 research outputs found

    Venture Capital and Business Angels and the Creation of Innovative Firms in Poland

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    The article also points out that conditions fostering further development of the described types of entrepreneurship and innovation financing and a dynamic environment generating innovative capacity should be created.W artykule zasygnalizowano r贸wnie偶 potrzeb臋 kreowania uwarunkowa艅 sprzyjaj膮cych rozwojowi opisanych form finansowania przedsi臋biorczo艣ci, innowacyjno艣ci i dynamicznego otoczenia generuj膮cego zdolno艣ci innowacyjne

    Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory effects of synthesised tanshinone I and isotanshinone I analogues in zebrafish

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    During inflammation, dysregulated neutrophil behaviour can play a major role in a range of chronic inflammatory diseases, for many of which current treatments are generally ineffective. Recently, specific naturally occurring tanshinones have shown promising anti-inflammatory effects by targeting neutrophils in vivo, yet such tanshinones, and moreover, their isomeric isotanshinone counterparts, are still a largely underexplored class of compounds, both in terms of synthesis and biological effects. To explore the anti-inflammatory effects of isotanshinones, and the tanshinones more generally, a series of substituted tanshinone and isotanshinone analogues was synthesised, alongside other structurally similar molecules. Evaluation of these using a transgenic zebrafish model of neutrophilic inflammation revealed differential anti-inflammatory profiles in vivo, with a number of compounds exhibiting promising effects. Several compounds reduce initial neutrophil recruitment and/or promote resolution of neutrophilic inflammation, of which two also result in increased apoptosis of human neutrophils. In particular, the methoxy-substituted tanshinone 39 specifically accelerates resolution of inflammation without affecting the recruitment of neutrophils to inflammatory sites, making this a particularly attractive candidate for potential pro-resolution therapeutics, as well as a possible lead for future development of functionalised tanshinones as molecular tools and/or chemical probes. The structurally related 尾-lapachones promote neutrophil recruitment but do not affect resolution. We also observed notable differences in toxicity profiles between compound classes. Overall, we provide new insights into the in vivo anti-inflammatory activities of several novel tanshinones, isotanshinones, and structurally related compounds

    Monitoring data in budget calculations for the suspended matter and chromium loads in the Czorsztyn reservoir watershed

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    Przedstawiono problemy zwi膮zane z bilansowaniem 艂adunku zawiesiny i chromu w zlewni zbiornika Czorszty艅skiego w oparciu o dost臋pne dane z monitoringu jako艣ci w贸d p艂yn膮cych. Chrom, b臋d膮cy jedynym zanieczyszczeniem metalicznym w tej zlewni, wyst臋puj膮cym w st臋偶eniach mog膮cych powodowa膰 oddzia艂ywanie na 艣rodowisko wodne, pochodzi z lokalnych garbarni zrzucaj膮cych 艣cieki w spos贸b niekontrolowany do okolicznych odbiornik贸w. Pozyskane z bazy wynik贸w monitoringowych dane, dotycz膮ce wielko艣ci przep艂yw贸w i st臋偶e艅 zawiesiny, uzupe艂niono wynikami bada艅 dotycz膮cych st臋偶e艅 chromu w wodzie i zawiesinie. W efekcie oblicze艅 opartych na modelach regresji ustalono, 偶e poziom akumulacji zawiesiny w zbiorniku wynosi kilkana艣cie tysi臋cy ton w roku o 艣rednich przep艂ywach. Realny poziom akumulacji chromu wynosi dla tej zlewni oko艂o 10 ton/rok. Przytoczony w artykule przyk艂ad potwierdza, 偶e szacowanie wielko艣ci 艂adunk贸w zanieczyszcze艅 na podstawie dost臋pnych danych monitoringowych obarczone jest du偶ym b艂臋dem wynikaj膮cym z niewielkiej cz臋stotliwo艣ci pomiar贸w.The paper presents problems related to the estimation of the suspended matter and chromium loads based on the available monitoring data. The upper Dunajec watershed (West Carpathian Mountains, Poland) is an excellent small system to examine the chromium budget, since it remains the only serious metallic contaminant in this watershed. Chromium is discharged from the local tanneries, where is used as a tanning agent. Due to the improper tannery wastewater management, pre-treated or raw wastewater is discharged into local sewers or directly into the Dunajec River or its tributaries. The existence of an impoundment reservoir in the watershed (Czorsztyn Reservoir), constructed to protect the area against the recurrent flood events, presents its role in the chromium transport within this system. The chromium budget calculations were based mostly on the state monitoring data. The obtained from the monitoring agencies dataset consisted of flows and suspended matter concentrations. These data were supplemented with water and suspended matter chromium concentrations obtained in the research program, carried in the watershed in 2000-2001. The budget calculations, based on the regression equations, estimated the suspended matter load for a dozen or so thousand tons in the year with the average flow. Acting as a sink for chromium introduced mostly with the suspended matter, the reservoir creates a barrier preventing transport of contaminated sediment to the lower part of the river. Chromium accumulation load for this watershed was around 10 tons per year. Recurrent patterns of chromium load delivery can pose an increasing threat for the Czorsztyn Reservoir. The current study proves that estimating the contaminants loads, based on the existing monitoring data, is charged with the big uncertainties due to the low frequency of monitoring data

    The study of the competitive environment in a porter's five forces, case study

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    W artykule dokonano analizy otoczenia konkurencyjnego dla bran偶y lakierniczej na przyk艂adzie technologii odzysku ciep艂a w kabinach lakierniczych. Analizy tej dokonano na podstawie modelu pi臋ciu si艂 Portera. Om贸wiono: substytuty, si艂臋 przetargow膮 odbiorc贸w, gro藕b臋 nowych wej艣膰 na rynek, si艂臋 przetargow膮 dostawc贸w oraz nat臋偶enie rywalizacji konkurencji.The article analyzes the environment for the paint industry, for example heat recovery technology in spray booths. This analysis was done on the basis of Porter's five forces model. Discussed: substitutes, the bargaining power of buyers, threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers and intensity of the rivalry competition

    Spatial changes of zinc concentrations in the Czorsztyn Reservoir sediments

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    Przeprowadzona analiza wykaza艂a, 偶e osady denne Zbiornika Czorszty艅skiego s膮 zanieczyszczone cynkiem w nieznacznym stopniu. Naturalne zanieczyszczenie zbiornika cynkiem jest zwi膮zane z budow膮 geologiczn膮 terenu zlewni i glebami. Przekroczenia naturalnej zawarto艣ci mo偶na si臋 doszuka膰 w dzia艂alno艣ci antropogenicznej, zwi膮zanej ze sp艂ywami z p贸l uprawnych oraz 艣ciekami bytowo-gospodarczymi. Wyra藕ne s膮 przestrzenne zmiany w rozk艂adzie st臋偶e艅 cynku w osadach dennych zbiornika. Najwi臋ksze koncentracje cynku obserwuje si臋 wzd艂u偶 dawnego koryta Dunajca. Wyst臋puje wysoka dodatnia korelacja mi臋dzy st臋偶eniem cynku a substancj膮 organiczn膮 oraz mi臋dzy st臋偶eniem cynku i frakcj膮 ilast膮 w osadach dennych. Obserwuje si臋 tak偶e bardzo wysok膮 korelacj臋 pomi臋dzy zawarto艣ci膮 cynku w osadach dennych a zawarto艣ci膮 miedzi, 偶elaza i niklu. St臋偶enie cynku w osadach nie stanowi potencjalnego zagro偶enia dla organizm贸w bentosowych zgodnie z kryterium ekotoksykologicznym LEL i SEL.The current study shows that the Czorsztyn Reservoir sediments are contaminated with zinc only at an inconsiderable level. Concentrations comparable to the background level are associated with geology and soils of the catchment area. Values exceeding the natural content can be traced back to anthropogenic activities, related to run-off from farmland and domestic wastewater. Distinct spatial variability in the distribution of zinc concentrations has been found in the reservoir sediments. High concentrations of zinc have been observed mostly along the old bed of the Dunajec River. High positive correlations between zinc, organic matter, and clay fraction concentrations have been determined, and also between zinc and other metals (copper, iron and nickel). Zinc concentrations in the sediments do not pose a potential threat to benthic organisms as eco-toxicological criterions, LEL and SEL, are met

    Spatial distribution of manganese and iron in sediments of the Czorsztyn Reservoir

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    Concentrations of iron and manganese were investigated in 26 sediment samples from the Czorsztyn Reservoir (South Poland). Spatial distribution of these metals in the reservoir is generally linked to the grain size distribution of sediments. The presence of manganese and iron in sediments is mainly related to the rock weathering and soil erosion processes. Furthermore, enrichment of waters in manganese and iron follows as a result of the Dunajec River flowing through the Orawsko-Nowotarska Valley, where peat bogs are present. However, anthropogenic influence on manganese and iron concentration levels in sediments cannot be excluded in this area

    Commercialization strategy of technology - case study

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    W artykule zaprezentowano metod臋 budowy strategii komercjalizacji dla rozwi膮zania b臋d膮cego wynikiem bada艅 naukowych. Omawiana technologia jest na wczesnym etapie rozwoju. Opracowana metoda komercjalizacji ma pozwoli膰 na prawid艂owe spozycjonowanie przysz艂ego produktu na globalnym rynku. Proces komercjalizacji ma w przysz艂o艣ci r贸wnie偶 przynie艣膰 odpowiednie dochody tw贸rcom i zabezpieczy膰 ich prawa maj膮tkowe.The paper presents a method of commercialization strategy. The strategy is dedicated for a technology being a result of scientific research. The technology is at an early stage of development. The method of commercialization allow the high position of the final product on the global market. In the future the commercialization process should also bring the authors adequate income and protect their property rights

    Analysis of relations between water quality parameters of Lake Goczalkowickie with regard to phytoplankton blooms

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    Analizie statystycznej poddano zawarto艣膰 azotu amonowego, azotyn贸w, azotan贸w, ortofosforan贸w i fosforu og贸lnego w wodzie Jeziora Gocza艂kowickiego w latach 1994-2009. Wyodr臋bniono grup臋 punkt贸w pomiarowych usytuowanych przy powierzchni lustra wody oraz grup臋 punkt贸w pomiarowych usytuowanych na g艂臋boko艣ciach 2 m i 6 m. Za pomoc膮 testu r贸wno艣ci 艣rednich sprawdzono, 偶e warto艣ci wska藕nik贸w jako艣ci wody na r贸偶nej g艂臋boko艣ci podczas zakwitu okrzemek, sinic lub zielenic r贸偶ni艂y si臋 od warto艣ci tych wska藕nik贸w w czasie braku zakwitu. W przypadku wody pobranej z powierzchni istotne r贸偶nice warto艣ci podczas zakwitu i jego braku wykaza艂y azot amonowy, azotyny i azotany. Stwierdzono, 偶e wi臋kszo艣膰 wska藕nik贸w jako艣ci wody mia艂a istotne sezonowe zr贸偶nicowanie, a jedynie azot amonowy i azotyny nie wykazywa艂y istotnych zmian ze wzgl臋du na por臋 roku. Wykazano r贸wnie偶, 偶e zakwit fitoplanktonu wp艂ywa艂 na zwi膮zki korelacyjne pomi臋dzy badanymi wska藕nikami jako艣ci wody. W wielu przypadkach nieistotne warto艣ci wsp贸艂czynnika korelacji Spearmena przy braku zakwitu by艂y istotne podczas zakwitu.Statistical relations between the water quality parameters were determined based on the analysis of ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, orthophosphate and total phosphorus concentrations observed in Lake Goczalkowickie (impounding reservoir) over the period of 1994-2009. Measuring stations were divided into two groups: those located on the surface of the lake water and those situated at the depth of 2 m and 6 m. The mean value equality test verified that at either of the two depths the values of the water quality parameters measured during blooms of diatoms, cyanobacteria and green algae were different from the values of these parameters measured over the period with-out blooms. When water samples were taken from the surface of the lake, significant differences in the values measured during blooms and the lack thereof were observed with ammonia nitrogen, nitrites and nitrates. The water quality parameters examined exhibited significant differences in their seasonal patterns, except ammonia nitrogen and nitrites, which did not show any significant seasonal variations. The study revealed that phytoplankton bloom affected the correlation between the water quality parameters tested. In many instances, Spearman correlation coefficient values that were insignificant in the absence of blooms became significant when blooms were present