17 research outputs found

    State dependent δ\delta-pairing and spontaneous fission

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    We examine the fission barriers, mass parameters and spontaneous fission half lives of fermium isotopes within the framework of macroscopic-microscopic model with a δ\delta-pairing interaction. Four different macroscopic models are applied and studied. The results are compared to experimental data and to the corresponding monopole pairing ones. The half lives obtained in the δ\delta-pairing model are comparable with experimental data. The state-dependence of pairing has an important effect on the calculated fission half-lives.Comment: Proceedings of 10th Nuclear Physics Workshop, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, September 24-28, 2003; Latex2e; 4 figure

    Effect of differences in proton and neutron density distributions on fission barriers

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    The neutron and proton density distributions obtained in constrained Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov calculations with the Gogny force along the fission paths of 232Th, 236U, 238U and 240Pu are analyzed. Significant differences in the multipole deformations of neutron and proton densities are found. The effect on potential energy surfaces and on barrier heights of an additional constraint imposing similar spatial distributions to neutrons and protons, as assumed in macroscopic-microscopic models, is studied.Comment: 5 pages in Latex, 4 figures in ep

    Ground state properties of the β\beta stable nuclei in various mean field theories

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    The separation energies of neutrons and protons, binding energies, mean square charge radii, electric quadrupole moments and deformation parameters of the proton and neutron distributions are evaluated for β\beta stable even-even nuclei with 16A25616 \leq A \leq 256. We compare the theoretical estimates obtained within the Hartree-Fock plus BCS model with a few sets of Skyrme forces, relativistic mean-field theory and frequently used Saxon-Woods and Nilsson potentials with experimental data.Comment: 15 pages, latex, 3 tables, 14 figures in thr eps format include

    Oszacowanie Qα na podstawie eksperymentalnie wyznaczonych mas i innych własności jąder atomowych

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    The specially interesting experimental value, in the nuclear physic, describing the alpha decay is the decay energy Qα. This energy is a key to understanding the series of nuclei disorders. On the basis of decay energy we may compute sequential masses and energy of unstable nuclides. Because alpha is the helium element, thus from a nucleus with N neutrons and Z protons after the alpha decay we obtain a nucleus with N-2 and Z-2 protons and neutrons, respectively. It is natural to compute Qα as a difference between the mass of nuclei with N neutrons and Z protons and masses obtained after decay i.e. the mass of nuclei with N-2 neutrons and Z-2 protons and the mass of helium element. We tested this known “classical“ formula based on a large collection of the newest experimental data, the so called AME2012 and NUBASE2012 data bases. We computed accurate constants in the “classical” formula. Additionally, we showed inadequacy of the “classical” model. The almost three times better model is the one based on a neutral network (named in paper MSN) but we prefer slightly better (in comparison with MSN) the nonlinear regression model (named MQT). MQT is the development of the “classical” method taking additionally into account the terms with separation energy neutrons and protons multiplied by multinomials of numbers of neutrons N and protons Z, respectively. In the paper we show how the mentioned above methods may be used to prediction of unknown values of Qα. All computations were made in language R.Szczególnie interesującą wielkością w fizyce jądrowej jest energia rozpadu cząstki alfa. Wielkość ta umożliwia odtworzenie mas i energii jąder szybko zmieniających się w przemianach jądrowych pierwiastków. Ponieważ cząstka alfa jest jądrem atomu helu, więc z jądra o N neutronach i Z protonach otrzymujemy po przemianie jądro o N-2 neutronach i Z-2 protonach oraz jądro atomu helu. Dlatego naturalne jest szacowanie energii Qα jako różnicy mas jądra przed przemianą i jądra po przemianie wraz z masą atomu helu. Jest to tzw. “klasyczny” sposób obliczania energii Qα. Na podstawie dużego zbioru nowo uzyskanych eksperymentalnych wyników (bazy danych AME2012 I NUBASE2012) chcielibyśmy w tej pracy zweryfikować “klasyczny” sposób obliczania Qα. Obliczymy dokładniej stałe występujące w “klasycznym” wzorze a potem pokażemy, że niektóre inne metody dają zdecydowanie mniejszy błąd niż wspomniana “klasyczna” metoda. W szczególności opiszemy sieci neuronowe (MSN) oraz przedstawimy preferowaną przez nas metodę MQT opartą na nieliniowej regresji. MQT może być traktowana jako rozwinięcie “klasycznej” metody poprzez uwzględnieni dodatkowo członów z energiami separacji protonów i neutronów pomnożonych przez odpowiednie wielomiany od liczby protonów i neutronów. Dodatkowo pokażemy jak te wszystkie metody służą do prognozowania nieznanych wartości Qα. Wszystkie obliczenia wykonaliśmy w języku R

    Ground-state properties of superheavy elements in macroscopic-microscopic models

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    Masses, α-decay and spontaneous fission half-lives of superheavy elements are studied in macroscopic-microscopic approaches with two different macroscopic models and the delta-pairing interaction. Model mass deviations obtained with different formulae are 0.5-0.8MeV

    Semantic technologies based method of collection, processing and sharing information along food chain

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    In the paper the method of collecting, processing and sharing information along food chain is presented. Innovative features of that method result from advantages of data engineering based on semantic technologies. The source to build ontology are standards and regulations related to food production, and data collected in databases owned by food chain participants. It allows food chain information resources can be represented in semantic languages RDF/RDFS/OWL and form semantic database where data are easily integrated according to various criteria using automatic inference algorithms. Feasibility of proposed method is achievable with Ontorion Knowledge Framework


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