4,174 research outputs found

    Coupled valence and spin state transition in (Pr0.7Sm0.3)0.7Ca0.3CoO3

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    The coupled valence and spin state transition (VSST) taking place in (Pr0.7Sm0.3)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 was investigated by soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) experiments carried out at the Pr-M4,5, Co-L2,3, and O-1s edges. This VSST is found to be composed of a sharp Pr/Co valence and Co spin state transition centered at T*=89.3 K, followed by a smoother Co spin-state evolution at higher temperatures. At T < T*, we found that the praseodymium displays a mixed valence Pr3+/Pr4+ with about 0.13 Pr4+/f.u., while all the Co3+ is in the low-spin (LS) state. At T around T*, the sharp valence transition converts all the Pr4+ to Pr3+ with a corresponding Co3+ to Co4+ compensation. This is accompanied by an equally sharp spin state transition of the Co3+ from the low to an incoherent mixture of low and high spin (HS) states. An involvement of the intermediate spin (IS) state can be discarded for the Co3+. While above T* and at high temperatures the system shares rather similar properties as Sr-doped LaCoO3, at low temperatures it behaves much more like EuCoO3 with its highly stable LS configuration for the Co3+. Apparently, the mechanism responsible for the formation of Pr4+ at low temperatures also helps to stabilize the Co3+ in the LS configuration despite the presence of Co4+ ions. We also found out that that the Co4+ is in an IS state over the entire temperature range investigated in this study (10-290 K). The presence of Co3+ HS and Co4+ IS at elevated temperatures facilitates the conductivity of the material.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, Accepted in PR

    Surface Morphology And Formation Of Nanostructured Porous GaN By UV-Assisted Electrochemical Etching.

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    This article reports on the studies of porous GaN .prepared by ultra-violet (UV) assisted electrochemical etching in a solution of 4:1:1 HF: CH30H:H202 under illumination of an UV lamp with 500 W power for 10, 25 and 35 minutes

    Exploring quantum phase transitions by the cross derivative of the ground state energy

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    In this work, the cross derivative of the Gibbs free energy, initially proposed for phase transitions in classical spin models [Phys. Rev. B 101, 165123 (2020)], is extended for quantum systems. We take the spin-1 XXZ chain with anisotropies as an example to demonstrate its effectiveness and convenience for the Gaussian-type quantum phase transitions therein. These higher-order transitions are very challenging to determine by conventional methods. From the cross derivative with respect to the two anisotropic strengths, a single valley structure is observed clearly in each system size. The finite-size extrapolation of the valley depth shows a perfect logarithmic divergence, signaling the onset of a phase transition. Meanwhile, the critical point and the critical exponent for the correlation length are obtained by a power-law fitting of the valley location in each size. The results are well consistent with the best estimations in the literature. Its application to other quantum systems with continuous phase transitions is also discussed briefly.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamic Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction Analyses of Large Caissons

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    Large cellular reinforced concrete caissons exist as foundations of major long-span bridges across waterways in many parts of the country. This study was conducted to evaluate the important factors affecting the seismic response of large caissons. The paper presents the results of equivalent linear and non-linear analyses performed for a typical caisson idealized based on the cellular caisson at Pier W3 of the West San Francisco Bay Bridge subject to ground motion with a peak rock acceleration of 0.6 g. This caisson is 38.7 m (127 fi) long by 22.9 m (75 ft) wide submerged in about 32.6 m (107 ft) of water. It is embedded in 33.5 m (110 fi) of soil deposits and is founded on rock. Equivalent linear 3-D and 2-D analyses conducted in the direction of the short axis (longitudinal) were performed using a modified version of computer program SASSI. The results of these 3-D and 2-D analyses are similar. Non-linear analyses were performed for 2-D models using computer program FLAC. The results indicate that side gapping, base lifting, interface sliding, and soil yielding reduce the earth pressure, base bearing stress, caisson shear and bending moment, and caisson motions. However, the frequency characteristics of the responses appear to be relatively unaffected

    Orbital occupation and magnetic moments of tetrahedrally coordinated iron in CaBaFe4O7

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    CaBaFe4O7 is a mixed-valent transition metal oxide having both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in tetrahedral coordination. Here we characterize its magnetic properties by magnetization measurements and investigate its local electronic structure using soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Fe L2,3 edges, in combination with multiplet cluster and spin-resolved band structure calculations. We found that the Fe2+ ion in the unusual tetrahedral coordination is Jahn-Teller active with the high-spin e^2 (up) t2^3 (up) e^1 (down) configuration having a x^2-y^2-like electron for the minority spin. We deduce that there is an appreciable orbital moment of about L_z=0.36 caused by multiplet interactions, thereby explaining the observed magnetic anisotropy. CaBaFe4O7, a member of the '114' oxide family, offers new opportunities to explore charge, orbital and spin physics in transition metal oxides

    Effect of using agro-fertilizers and N-fixing Azotobacter enhanced biofertilizers on the growth and yield of corn

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    Corn is an important crop and is grown widely around the world. Corn is a food source for human as well as animal and processed into industrial product such as ethanol. Corn is one of the important productions of Malaysia as the climate is suitable for corn growth. In this study, organic fertilizers such as biofertilizer, N-fixing Azotobacter enhanced biofertilizers and compost were added to the soil to determine best practice in using organic fertilizers for higher corn yield and growth. The study was conducted in plot experiment with five replications based on randomized block design in the summer of 2012. All plots were manually harvested and yield was adjusted to 15% moisture. Grain yield (total corn harvested) at maturity was determined by harvesting the two central rows of each plot. Statistical analysis was performed on the effect of fertilizer treatments on plant growth, corn yield and nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium contents of plant materials. The means were compared according to Duncan multiple range test. The results showed that organic fertilizers in the form of N-fixing Azotobacter enhanced biofertilizer increased yield with positive effects on measured plant height, weight and leaf index. Given the significant enhancement in growth and yield of corn taking place mainly with N-fixing Azotobacter fertilizers under organic condition, the mechanism for this beneficial effect could be due to the more balanced nutrition and improved absorption of nitrogen and other mineral nutrients by the corn

    Interlayer pair tunneling and gap anisotropy in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta}

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    Recent ARPES measurement observed a large abab-axis gap anisotropy, Δ(0,π)/Δ(π,0)=1.5\Delta(0,\pi)/\Delta(\pi,0)=1.5, in clean YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta}. This indicates that some sub-dominant component may exist in the dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave dominant gap. We propose that the interlayer pairing tunneling contribution can be determined through the investigation of the order parameter anisotropy. Their potentially observable features in transport and spin dynamics are also studied.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Excitonic nonlinear absorption in CdS nanocrystals studied using Z-scan technique

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    Irradiance dependence of excitonic nonlinear absorption in Cadmium Sulfide (CdS) nanocrystals has been studied by using Z-scan method with nanosecond laser pulses. The wavelength dependence of nonlinear absorption has also been measured near the excitonic transition of 1S(e)-1S3/2(h). We observe the saturable absorption, which can be described by a third-order and a fifth-order nonlinear process for both 3.0-nm-sized and 2.3-nm-sized CdS nanocrystals. The experimental results show that the excitonic nonlinear absorption of CdS nanocrystals is greatly enhanced with decreasing particle size. A two-level model is utilized to explain both irradiance and wavelength dependence of the excitonic nonlinearity.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Towards experimental entanglement connection with atomic ensembles in the single excitation regime

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    We present a protocol for performing entanglement connection between pairs of atomic ensembles in the single excitation regime. Two pairs are prepared in an asynchronous fashion and then connected via a Bell measurement. The resulting state of the two remaining ensembles is mapped to photonic modes and a reduced density matrix is then reconstructed. Our observations confirm for the first time the creation of coherence between atomic systems that never interacted, a first step towards entanglement connection, a critical requirement for quantum networking and long distance quantum communications