25,734 research outputs found

    Cross correlations of Frank sequences and Chu Sequences.

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    Sets of Frank sequences and Chu sequences are two classes of polyphase sequence with ideal periodic autocorrelation functions, which at the same time have optimum crosscorrelation functions. The authors consider the crosscorrelations of sets of combined Frank/Chu sequences, which contain a larger number of sequences than either of the two constituent sets. It is shown analytically that the crosscorrelations are similar to those of the original sets with one exception, while the autocorrelations remain perfectly impulsiv

    Grain refinement of DC cast magnesium alloys with intensive melt shearing

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    A new direct chill (DC) casting process, melt conditioned DC (MC-DC) process, has been developed for the production of high quality billets/slabs of light alloys by application of intensive melt shearing through a rotor-stator high shear device during the DC casting process. The rotor-stator high shear device provides intensive melt shearing to disperse the naturally occurring oxide films, and other inclusions, while creating a microscopic flow pattern to homogenize the temperature and composition fields in the sump. In this paper, we report the grain refining effect of intensive melt shearing in the MC-DC casting processing. Experimental results on DC casting of Mg-alloys with and without intensive melt shearing have demonstrated that the MC-DC casting process can produce magnesium alloy billets with significantly refined microstructure. Such grain refinement in the MC-DC casting process can be attributed to enhanced heterogeneous nucleation by dispersed naturally occurring oxide particles, increased nuclei survival rate in uniform temperature and compositional fields in the sump, and potential contribution from dendrite arm fragmentation

    Refining grain structure and porosity of an aluminium alloy with intensive melt shearing

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    The official published version of the article can be obtained at the link below.Intensive melt shearing was achieved using a twin-screw machine to condition an aluminium alloy prior to solidification. The results show that intensive melt shearing has a significant grain-refining effect. In addition, the intensive melt shearing reduces both the volume fraction and the size of porosity. It can reduce the density index from 10.50% to 2.87% and the average size of porosity in the samples solidified under partial vacuum from around 1 mm to 100 ÎŒm.Financial support was obtained from the EPSRC and the Technology Strategy Board

    Hyperaccretion Disks around Neutron Stars

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    (Abridged) We here study the structure of a hyperaccretion disk around a neutron star. We consider a steady-state hyperaccretion disk around a neutron star, and as a reasonable approximation, divide the disk into two regions, which are called inner and outer disks. The outer disk is similar to that of a black hole and the inner disk has a self-similar structure. In order to study physical properties of the entire disk clearly, we first adopt a simple model, in which some microphysical processes in the disk are simplified, following Popham et al. and Narayan et al. Based on these simplifications, we analytically and numerically investigate the size of the inner disk, the efficiency of neutrino cooling, and the radial distributions of the disk density, temperature and pressure. We see that, compared with the black-hole disk, the neutron star disk can cool more efficiently and produce a much higher neutrino luminosity. Finally, we consider an elaborate model with more physical considerations about the thermodynamics and microphysics in the neutron star disk (as recently developed in studying the neutrino-cooled disk of a black hole), and compare this elaborate model with our simple model. We find that most of the results from these two models are basically consistent with each other.Comment: 44 pages, 10 figures, improved version following the referees' comments, main conclusions unchanged, accepted for publication in Ap

    Influence of intensive melt shearing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an Al-Mg alloy with high added impurity content

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    The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2011We have investigated the influence of melt conditioning by intensive shearing on the mechanical behavior and microstructure of Al-Mg-Mn-Fe-Cu-Si alloy sheet produced from a small book mold ingot with high added impurity content. The melt conditioned ingot has fine grains throughout its cross section, whereas a conventionally cast ingot, without melt shearing, has coarser grains and shows a wider variation of grain size. Both needle-shaped and coarse Chinese script iron bearing intermetallic particles are found in the microstructure at the center of the conventionally processed ingot, but for the melt conditioned ingot, only fine Chinese script intermetallic particles are observed. In addition to the iron bearing intermetallics, Mg2Si particles are also observed. The ingots were rolled to thin sheet and solution heat treated (SHT). During rolling, the iron-based intermetallics and Mg2Si particles are broken and aligned along the rolling direction. Yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and elongation of the intensively melt sheared and processed sheet are all improved compared to the conventionally cast and processed sheet. Fractographic analysis of the tensile fracture surfaces shows that the clustered and coarse iron bearing intermetallic particles are responsible for the observed reduction in mechanical properties of the conventionally cast sheet. We have shown that by refining the initial microstructure of the ingot by intensive shear melt conditioning, it is possible to achieve improved mechanical properties at the final sheet gage of an AlMgMn alloy with a high content of impurities.This study is under the Technology Strategy Board funded REALCAR projec

    An energetic blast wave from the December 27 giant flare of the soft gamma-ray repeater 1806-20

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    Recent follow-up observations of the December 27 giant flare of SGR 1806-20 have detected a multiple-frequency radio afterglow from 240 MHz to 8.46 GHz, extending in time from a week to about a month after the flare. The angular size of the source was also measured for the first time. Here we show that this radio afterglow gives the first piece of clear evidence that an energetic blast wave sweeps up its surrounding medium and produces a synchrotron afterglow, the same mechanism as established for gamma-ray burst afterglows. The optical afterglow is expected to be intrinsically as bright as mR≃13m_R\simeq13 at t\la 0.1 days after the flare, but very heavy extinction makes the detection difficult because of the low galactic latitude of the source. Rapid infrared follow-up observations to giant flares are therefore crucial for the low-latitude SGRs, while for high-latitude SGRs (e.g. SGR 0526-66), rapid follow-ups should result in identification of their possible optical afterglows. Rapid multi-wavelength follow-ups will also provide more detailed information of the early evolution of a fireball as well as its composition.Comment: Updated version, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Solidification of Al-Sn-Cu based immiscible alloys under intense shearing

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    The official published version of the Article can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2009 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM InternationalThe growing importance of Al-Sn based alloys as materials for engineering applications necessitates the development of uniform microstructures with improved performance. Guided by the recently thermodynamically assessed Al-Sn-Cu system, two model immiscible alloys, Al-45Sn-10Cu and Al-20Sn-10Cu, were selected to investigate the effects of intensive melt shearing provided by the novel melt conditioning by advanced shear technology (MCAST) unit on the uniform dispersion of the soft Sn phase in a hard Al matrix. Our experimental results have confirmed that intensive melt shearing is an effective way to achieve fine and uniform dispersion of the soft phase without macro-demixing, and that such dispersed microstructure can be further refined in alloys with precipitation of the primary Al phase prior to the demixing reaction. In addition, it was found that melt shearing at 200 rpm and 60 seconds will be adequate to produce fine and uniform dispersion of the Sn phase, and that higher shearing speed and prolonged shearing time can only achieve minor further refinement.This work is funded by the EPSRC and DT

    Effect of intensive melt shearing on the formation of Fe-containing intermetallics in LM24 Al-alloy

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    Fe is one of the inevitable and detrimental impurities in aluminium alloys that degrade the mechanical performance of castings. In the present work, intensive melt shearing has been demonstrated to modify the morphology of Fe-containing intermetallic compounds by promoting the formation of compact α-Al(Fe,Mn)Si at the expense of needle-shaped ÎČ-AlFeSi, leading to an improved mechanical properties of LM24 alloy processed by MC-HPDC process. The promotion of the formation of α -Al(Fe, Mn)Si phase is resulted from the enhanced nucleation on the well dispersed MgAl 2O 4 particles in the melt. The Fe tolerance of LM24 alloy can be effectively improved by combining Mn alloying and intensive melt shearing
