59 research outputs found

    The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC

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    High energy collisions at the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produce a large number of particles along the beam collision axis, outside of the acceptance of existing LHC experiments. The proposed Forward Physics Facility (FPF), to be located several hundred meters from the ATLAS interaction point and shielded by concrete and rock, will host a suite of experiments to probe standard model (SM) processes and search for physics beyond the standard model (BSM). In this report, we review the status of the civil engineering plans and the experiments to explore the diverse physics signals that can be uniquely probed in the forward region. FPF experiments will be sensitive to a broad range of BSM physics through searches for new particle scattering or decay signatures and deviations from SM expectations in high statistics analyses with TeV neutrinos in this low-background environment. High statistics neutrino detection will also provide valuable data for fundamental topics in perturbative and non-perturbative QCD and in weak interactions. Experiments at the FPF will enable synergies between forward particle production at the LHC and astroparticle physics to be exploited. We report here on these physics topics, on infrastructure, detector, and simulation studies, and on future directions to realize the FPF's physics potential

    Genome Instability and Bleomicin Sensitivity Test

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    Procjena individualne osjetljivosti na mutagene često je dio istraživanja u epidemiološkim studijama koje prate pojavnost zloćudnih bolesti u populacijama. Posljedica djelovanja mutagena u genomu izloženih osoba jest nastanak određene, manje ili veće, količine oštećenja, uvjetovane individualnim razlikama u osjetljivosti. Viša razina takve genomske nestabilnosti znači opasnost (rizik) od razvoja zloćudnih bolesti. Interindividualne razlike u odgovoru na mutagene obično se povezuju i s promijenjenom (većinom smanjenom) sposobnosti (kapacitetom) za popravak DNA. Citogenetičke studije su pokazale da je genom tumorskih stanica nestabilniji od normalnih, a time i skloniji akumuliranju oštećenja, bilo da je nestabilnost uzrokovana nasljeđem, izloženošću ili kombinacijom tih dvaju učinaka. U oboljelih ispitanika utvrđena je povećana učestalost kromatidnih i kromosomskih aberacija naspram normalne populacije te sklonost razvoju određenih vrsta neoplazija. U praćenju povezanosti promijenjenog odgovora i pojavnosti tumora služe nam različiti biomarkeri. Kao indirektni pokazatelji uspješnosti popravka DNA često se rabe testovi osjetljivosti na mutagene u kulturama limfocita periferne krvi. Jedan od takvih testova je i bleomicinski test. Radiomimetik i citostatik, a po strukturi glikopeptid, bleomicin se u stanici prevodi u aktivni oblik sposoban cijepati molekulu DNA što uzrokuje brojne jednolančane i dvolančane lomove. Kao jednostavna i jeftina metoda, zasniva se na utvrđivanju ukupnog broja jednolančanih lomova u kromosomima limfocita uzgajanih u staničnoj kulturi koji su u uvjetima in vitro tijekom kasne G2-faze staničnog ciklusa bili izloženi bleomicinu. Ovaj revijalni rad daje pregled utjecaja raznih faktora na rezultate samog testa i pokazuje njegovu široku primjenu u proučavanju genomske nestabilnosti koju najčešće uzrokuje kombinacija raznih faktora.Estimation of individual susceptibility to mutagens is often a part of epidemiological studies monitoring the appearance of malignant disease in different populations. Genome exposure to mutagens can lead to DNA damage. The rate of damage depends on individual differences in response, which are usually associated with differences in DNA repair capacity. Cytogenetic studies have shown that the genome of tumour cells is less stable than normal cells and therefore accumulates more damage. Tumour patients show a higher frequency of chromatid and chromosomal aberrations and a predisposition to certain types of tumours. One of the common biomarkers used in monitoring tumour appearance and changed response to DNA damage is the bleomycin test. In its active form, bleomycin (glycopeptid) is a radiomimetic cytostatic that can damage the DNA molecule and cause multiple single and double strands. The bleomycin test is simple and inexpensive, and is based on scoring chromatid breaks in lymphocytes in vitro exposed to bleomycin during the late G2 phase of the cell cycle. This review looks into different factors that may affect test results and discusses its wide implementation in studies of genome instability usually caused by a combination of factors

    Effect of tunneling injection on the modulation response of quantum dot lasers

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    In this paper, modulation bandwidth characteristics of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) laser were theoretically investigated. Simulation was done by using the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. Effect of carrier relaxation life time, temperature and current density on characteristics of tunneling injection QD laser (TIL) and conventional QD laser (CL) were analyzed. Results showed that tunneling injection in QD laser increases the modulation bandwidth indicating that it is very useful for using in the fiber optic communication systems

    An Assessment on the Particulars of the Nation's Best Cooperatives in 2008

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    It has been a promotional policy of the Ministry of Cooperatives to elect a number of cooperative societies annually for the purpose of further motivating cooperators nationwide.  Focusing on the particulars of the Nation's Best Cooperatives in 2008, the study traces them on a comparative basis in these cooperatives through three periods i.e. before 1991, during 1991-2001 and after 2001. To do so, the study has used the data regarding 351 best cooperatives elected in 2008, published by the Ministry of Cooperatives on the occasion of the 3rd Festival of Nation's Best Cooperatives. The Candidate cooperatives contest on six main criteria, with the pairs "employment size", "member satisfaction" and "entrepreneurship", "product quality" valued the highest and the lowest respectively.   Results suggest that the largest number of cooperatives has been registered after the year 1380. Ongoing membership decrease, increasing employment size and the most salient emphasis on education and training-stipulated by the 7th principle of the ICIS-are other significant facts revealed about these cooperatives

    Predictive Power of Family Cohesion and Flexibility on Children’s’ Self - Esteem and Happiness in Female High School Students in Shiraz, Iran

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    Abstract ‌Background & aim: The role of family in shaping affective and cognitive characteristics of children, especially girls, who the future health of community depends on their mental health, is evident. The purpose of this study was to determine the predictive power of family cohesion and flexibility on self-esteem and happiness of children in high school girl students in Shiraz. Methods: In the present correlational study design, 303 cases of Shiraz secondary girl students who lived with their parents were chosen through the multistage random cluster sampling method. They responded to questionnaires for consistency of family, positives flexibility, Cooper Smith Self-esteem and Oxford Happiness scale. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and multiple regressions. Results Family consistency had significant positive power predictive for criterion variables self-esteem and happiness (p <0.05), whereas the flexibility had no such significance. Conclusion: Quality of operation of parents, communication and interaction in family life is one of the best determinants of behavior, health and well-being of children, including their self-esteem and happiness. Key words: Family cohesion, Family flexibility, Self-esteem, Happiness, Chil

    Knowledge and Attitude of Iranian Medical University Students about Organ Donation and Transplantation: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Medical professionals' knowledge of and attitudes toward organ donation and transplantation have positive impact on donation rates. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and attitude of medical university students in Iran about organ donation and transplantation. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out on 1078 undergraduate students in Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran, from January to June 2019. All eligible students were recruited using convenient sampling. Data were gathered using knowledge and attitude toward organ donation and transplantation questionnaire. The higher scores of both subscales, the knowledge subscale (range from 0 to 13) and the attitude subscale (range from 13 to 65), indicate the better knowledge and attitude toward organ donation and transplantation. Results: The mean age of students was 22.24±5.16 years. Finding showed that the mean score of students' knowledge and attitude toward organ donation and organ transplantation were 8.48±1.71 and 48.55±8.11 respectively. Also, the mean score of students' knowledges in females (P<0.001), married (P=0.001) and who had organ donation card (P<0.001) was significantly higher. Nearly all of the students had heard about organ donation (98.3) and organ transplantation (98.4). Majority of them pointed that their source of information about organ donation and transplantation was television (TV) program (47.1). Most of the students (73.8) reported that they agree to donate their organs but most of them (67.5) did not know how to obtain organ donation card and only 9.6 of them had the organ donor card as a volunteer donor. Conclusion: According to finding, despite the awareness and favorable attitude about organ donation and transplantation among medical students, the number of registered donors was low. In addition to promoting college students' awareness about organ donation for increasing registered donors, it is needed to aware and pursue lay people through social media. © 2022 Kolagari Sh., et al

    Evaluation of the effect of hyperthermia and electron radiation on prostate cancer stem cells

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of hyperthermia, 6 MeV electron radiation and combination of these treatments on cancer cell line DU145 in both monolayer culture and spheroids enriched for prostate cancer stem cells (CSCs). Flowcytometric analysis of the expression of molecular markers CD133+/CD44+ was carried out to determine the prostate CSCs in cell line DU145 grown as spheroids in serum-free medium. Following monolayer and spheroid culture, DU145 cells were treated with different doses of hyperthermia, electron beam and combination of them. The survival and self-renewing of the cells were evaluated by colony formation assay (CFA) and spheroid formation assay (SFA). Flowcytometry results indicated that the percentage of CD133+/CD44+ cells in spheroid culture was 13.9-fold higher than in the monolayer culture. The SFA showed significant difference between monolayer and spheroid culture for radiation treatment (6 Gy) and hyperthermia (60 and 90 min). The CFA showed significantly enhanced radiosensitivity in DU145 cells grown as monolayer as compared to spheroids, but no effect of hyperthermia. In contrast, for the combination of radiation and hyperthermia the results of CFA and SFA showed a reduced survival fraction in both cultures, with larger effects in monolayer than in spheroid culture. Thus, hyperthermia may be a promising approach in prostate cancer treatment that enhances the cytotoxic effect of electron radiation. Furthermore, determination and characterization of radioresistance and thermoresistance of CSCs in the prostate tumor is the key to develop more efficient therapeutic strategies. © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature