79 research outputs found

    The TAL Effector PthA4 Interacts with Nuclear Factors Involved in RNA-Dependent Processes Including a HMG Protein That Selectively Binds Poly(U) RNA

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    Plant pathogenic bacteria utilize an array of effector proteins to cause disease. Among them, transcriptional activator-like (TAL) effectors are unusual in the sense that they modulate transcription in the host. Although target genes and DNA specificity of TAL effectors have been elucidated, how TAL proteins control host transcription is poorly understood. Previously, we showed that the Xanthomonas citri TAL effectors, PthAs 2 and 3, preferentially targeted a citrus protein complex associated with transcription control and DNA repair. To extend our knowledge on the mode of action of PthAs, we have identified new protein targets of the PthA4 variant, required to elicit canker on citrus. Here we show that all the PthA4-interacting proteins are DNA and/or RNA-binding factors implicated in chromatin remodeling and repair, gene regulation and mRNA stabilization/modification. The majority of these proteins, including a structural maintenance of chromosomes protein (CsSMC), a translin-associated factor X (CsTRAX), a VirE2-interacting protein (CsVIP2), a high mobility group (CsHMG) and two poly(A)-binding proteins (CsPABP1 and 2), interacted with each other, suggesting that they assemble into a multiprotein complex. CsHMG was shown to bind DNA and to interact with the invariable leucine-rich repeat region of PthAs. Surprisingly, both CsHMG and PthA4 interacted with PABP1 and 2 and showed selective binding to poly(U) RNA, a property that is novel among HMGs and TAL effectors. Given that homologs of CsHMG, CsPABP1, CsPABP2, CsSMC and CsTRAX in other organisms assemble into protein complexes to regulate mRNA stability and translation, we suggest a novel role of TAL effectors in mRNA processing and translational control

    Effect of the rhizosphere bacterium Pseudomonas putida, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and substrate composition on the growth of strawberry *

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    Micropropagated and "frigo" plants of strawberry were inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and with the rhizosphere bacterium Pseudomonas putida. An increase in growth and fruit production was observed as well as the species-specific interaction between the symbiotic fungus and the bacterium. Growth substrate composition (optimal content of commercial absorbent Zeolite) was shown to be important for a maximum growth response of inoculated plants.L'effet d'une bactĂ©rie de la rhizosphĂšre, Pseudomonas putida, de champignons mycorhiziens Ă  arbuscules et de la composition du substrat sur la croissance de fraisier. Les plantes micropropagĂ©es et «frigo» de fraisier ont Ă©tĂ© inoculĂ©es par les champignons mycorhiziens Ă  arbuscules et par la bactĂ©rie de la rhizosphĂšre Pseudomonas putida. L'augmentation de la croissance et la production de fruits ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es en mĂȘme temps que l'interaction spĂ©cifique entre le champignon symbiotique et la bactĂ©rie. La composition du substrat de culture (quantitĂ© optimale de l'absorbeur commercial Zeolite) a Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©e comme trĂšs importante pour la croissance pour la plante inoculĂ©e

    Comparison by simulation of different approaches to the urban traffic control

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    As the urban traffic volumes reach their daily peak values, the surface traffic in modern cities suffers from frequent breakdowns and traffic jams. One of possibilities that could mitigate the problem is the deployment of smarter automatic systems of urban traffic control. Our paper demonstrates a development version of such a system. The system is based on adaptive feedback control approach. It makes use of filtering techniques to account for measurement imperfections and implements the rolling horizon method for optimal signal control. We compare the performance of the proposed system with two typical control approaches - pre-timed (or fixed) control, and traffic actuated (or dynamic) control. Different scenarios will be compared, including rapid changes in traffic volumes and reactions to incidents. The comparison is carried out using our demonstrator tool, based on TSS Aimsun micro-simulator. In order to keep the calibrated simulation as close to reality as possible, in the comparison runs we use real dense input volume measurements and simulate also the behavior of intersection controllers

    Do all frogs swim alike? The effect of ecological specialization on swimming kinematics in frogs

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    International audienc

    Can society afford not to follow a chronobiological approach to blood pressure screening, diagnosis and treatment?

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    Stadtarchiv Solingen, Bergische Arbeiterstimme 29. Juli 1916 TreibriemendiebstĂ€hle in Ohligser Firmen.    Ohligs. Treibriemendiebe! Die DiebstĂ€hle von Treibriemen nehmen in der hiesigen Gegend ĂŒberhand. Fabrik- betriebe werden durch ihre Entwendung ganz oder teilweise stillgelegt, so daß auch den Arbeitern ein erheblicher Schaden dadurch erwĂ€chst. Der hiesigen Bahnhofswache ist es heute nacht gelungen, einen Maschinenschlosser aus Köln festzunehmen, der einen Karton mit TreibriemenstĂŒck..
