898 research outputs found

    Erosion and Water Quality as Modeled by Creams: A Case Study of the Sedlicky Catchment

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    In the process of verifying and validating the models of agricultural nonpoint source pollution at IIASA, a study was made of the Sedlicky brook (Bohemia, Czechoslovakia) case. The CREAMS model, verified at the Samsin research area (Czechoslovakia) has been used as the mathematical instrument. The validation results of the CREAMS model for the boundary conditions between the field level and the watershed level seem to show that under certain conditions, it can be applied to small watersheds. For large watersheds, modification of the hydrology submodel is necessary in order to describe the comprehensive hydrologic phenomena, particularly, the interflow and some of the subsurface flow

    Stochastic Water Requirements for Supplementary Irrigation in Water Resource Systems

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    In the semi-humid and humid climate of the temperate zone, supplementary irrigation water requirements depend on meteorological conditions. A mathematical model is developed for the assessment of monthly time series of irrigation water requirements, based on Penman's equation and calibrated on the basis of the data obtained from irrigation systems in Czechoslovakia. In the model, monthly time series of temperature, relative humidity, sunshine, wind velocity, and precipitation are used as input data. On account of the persistence phenomena often noted in irrigation policies, the correlation between the current irrigation water requirements and those of the previous month was taken into account. The statistical properties of irrigation water requirements have been analyzed as the basis for the generation of a synthetic water requirement time series. The model can be used for long-term planning of water resources systems incorporating supplementary irrigation water use, as is shown in the case of the Labe catchment area in Czechoslovakia

    Hardness of Potable Water in Southwestern Skane

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    This paper is concerned with water hardness in the municipal water supply systems. After a general overview of the health aspects of water hardness, this issue is discussed in the specific context of Southwestern Skane, Sweden

    Atypical presentations of malignant otitis externa

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    Abstract Introduction: Malignant otitis externa is a life-threatening infection of the skull base. Its presentation is not always typical. Case reports: We report three cases of malignant otitis externa which illustrate the diversity of its clinical manifestations and the difficulties in its diagnosis. Discussion: The perception of malignant otitis externa as an infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in diabetic patients is not always correct. The adoption of diagnostic criteria could be helpful in identifying atypical case

    Stochastic Programming in Water Resources System Planning: A Case Study and a Comparison of Solution Techniques

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    To analyze the influence of increasing needs upon a given water resources system in Eastern Slovakia and to get a decision on the system development and extension, several stochastic programming models can be used. The two selected models are based on individual probabilistic constraints for the minimum storage and for the freeboard volume supplemented by one joint probabilistic constraint on releases or by a nonseparable penalty term in the objective function. Suitable numerical techniques for their solution are applied to alternative design parameter values. As a result, the paper gives an answer to the case study which is based on multi modeling within the framework of stochastic programming and, at the same time, it gives a comparison of various solution techniques partly included in the SDS/ADO collection of stochastic programming codes

    Status of BetaCage: an Ultra-sensitive Screener for Surface Contamination

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    BetaCage, a gaseous neon time-projection chamber, has been proposed as a viable screener for emitters of low-energy alphas and electrons to which commercial radioactivity counting techniques are insensitive. Using radiopure materials for construction, active and passive shielding from extrinsic backgrounds, large counting area and minimal detector mass, BetaCage will be able to achieve sensitivities of 10^(−5) counts keV^(−1) kg^(−1) day^(−1) in a few days of running time. We report on progress in prototype development work since the last meeting of this workshop

    Procedures, Numerical Parameters and Coefficients of the Creams Model: Application and Verification in Czechoslovakia

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    Problems of agricultural nonpoint source pollution have been investigated by the Resources and Environment Area (Task 2) at IIASA. The CREAMS model has been used as a mathematical aid to arrive at an in-depth understanding of erosion and to predict its influence on agriculture. The CREAMS model was created using data from North America. Investigations of its general use and verification under various conditions were useful. This paper summarizes the results of the verification of this model in a research area in Czechoslovakia and focuses attention on certain points which must be carefully considered during application of this model

    CSTB (cystatin B (stefin B))

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    Review on CSTB (cystatin B (stefin B)), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    CTSH (cathepsin H)

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    Review on CTSH (cathepsin H), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    CSTA (cystatin A (stefin A))

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    Review on CSTA (cystatin A (stefin A)), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated